They called it a summer job, but you didn't think of it that way. It was more like three months of high adventure with six or eight hundred of your closest friends. You'd try to explain it, and they thought is was a summer camp. But it was more than that. When it rained, you got wet. And when it was hot, you broiled. You'd carry a thirst that made a Nalgene bottle tainted with iodine tablets or halizone taste sweeter than anything you've tasted since. Your residence was a green, canvas tent, and you commuted to work on foot. Your office was anything from a backpack to a dining hall to a burro pen, but you never called it "going to work". You usually needed a shower, but your friends never mentioned it -- they needed one too. Standard work clothes were Staff Shirts, miners clothes, buckskins, and cowboy garb. Hiking less than a dozen miles with under fifty pounds was regarded as little more than an evening stroll. And then on your days'd want to go climb Wheeler Peak. Yeah...some summer job. NO WONDER they didn't get it!

From an E mail to Philmont Staff Association members, fall 1999.

The mountains are calling, and I must go.

--John Muir

So far I have been a part of two philmont treks, in '95 as a scout, and '98 as an advisor. I have also spebt two summers on staff: In '99 I worked at the tranning center and in 2000 I was a mountian trek ranger. (Quite possible one of the best jobs on the ranch!) I can't wait to go back HOmE! So what is Philmont? Well, to describe it properley, would take more time then I have to offer. Located in the Sangre De Cristo mountains near Cimarron, New mexico, Philmont Scout Ranch is a working cattle ranch that was donated to the Boy Scouts of America about 60 years ago. The 215 square mile ranch hosts nearly 20,000 scouts and explorers every year for its high adventure backpacking programs. As far as I am concerned, Philmont is simpley the greatest place on earth.

The "Tooth of Time", Philmonts most famous landmark. (Mike Lampkin photo)

Some of the guys in my first crew, (that's me on the right) with Baldy mountain (philmont's highest peak) in the background.
[Good picture, bad scan]

One of the nicer thrones at philmont.


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