District Training/Events Calendar

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Kings River District Training / Events Calendar Scout Year 2002

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Fall Camporee

Squaw Leap

Scouts and Webelos0

3 Webelos Outdoor Training TBA Webelos Leaders
7 Re-Charter Turn in Lemoore LDS Church 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. All Unit Leaders
14 Unit Commissioners Meeting Hanford LDS Church KRD Unit Commissioners
14 District Committee Meeting Hanford LDS Church All Interested KRD Scouters are Invited
15 KRD Roundtable and Re-Charter Turn In First Christian Church All  Scouters 
29 Order of the Arrow Chapter Meeting Central Community Church, Hanford 7:00 p.m. Kings River District Arrowmen
30  Charter Renewal Turn In Deadline Visalia Service Center Unit Leaders
30 Outdoor Leader Skills Camp David Wortman Scoutleaders
12 Unit Commissioners Meeting LDS Church Hanford KRD Unit Commissioners
12 District Committee Meeting LDS Church Hanford All interested KRD Scouters
20 KRD Roundtable  First Christian Church All Scouters
15 New Leader Essentials Central Community Church All Scouters
9 District Committee Meeting LDS Church Hanford All interested KRD Scouters
9 Unit Commissioners Meeting LDS Church Hanford KRD Unit Commissioners
11 First Summer Camp Payment Due! To Council Office Troops Attending Summer Camp at Chawanakee
17 KRD Roundtable  First Christian Church All Scouters
19 Annual Management Seminar TBA District Committee Members
26 Cub Scout Pow Wow TBA Cub Scouters
2 Scouting for Food Bag Distribution TBA All Participating Units
3 Scout Sunday    
3-9 Scout Anniversary Week    
9 Scouting For Food Bag Pickup    
13 District Committee Meeting LDS Church Hanford All interested KRD Scouters
15-17 Klondike Derby Camp Chawanakee Scouts and Scouters
21 KRD Roundtable  First Christian Church All Scouters
21 Youth Protection First Christian Church All Scouters
23 Den Chief Training TBA Den Chiefs