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Hike: Waimano Pool
Date: Saturday, February 14, 1998
Party: Wayne Shibata, Chiu Yeung, & Alex Okihara
Weather: Overcast, some rain

Time Started: 3:31 PM
Time Finished: 6:40 PM
Round trip duration: ~ 3 hours

Grant Tokumi has called this Heart-Attack Hill. On the way back, try running at full speed up the mountain. Your legs will feel like dead weights and your muscles will be on fire. It is a very good feeling!

At the bottom of Heart-Attack Hill is a clearing where you can see Waimano Valley.

Here is Wayne and Chiu at the pool. Due to El Nino, the stream wasn't flowing at all, and the pool was filled with very stagnant water. There is a lot of litter here, so be prepared for some unsightly trash. In the background, you can see the rope which people use to swing on into the pool.

I decided to hang around on the rope for fun.