TNTU Hiking Club

    Technical Information

    The following pages have information about equipment and clothing for both the seasoned walker and the novice. These pages should provide the necessary information required to make informed purchases. At the bottom of this page is a copy of our list of recommended equipment that club members should take with them on hikes.

    Pages containing information on:


    Clothing - The Layering System



    Sleeping Bags



    Equipment Care

    Equipment required for club activities:

    Club can provide

    Member Must Provide

    Sleeping BagsSleeping mat
    StovesFood+drink (breakfast+for during hikes)
    MethsWarm clothing
    CompassesMore Warm Clothes
    MapsComfortable Boots+thick Socks
    Cheesy musicWaterproofs
    Entertaining DrivingHat+Gloves
    Early morning wake up calls   Torch
    Emergency SheltersSurvival Bags
    Occassional Good WeatherSun Tan Lotion
    Several Visits to the PubDrinks Container

    Obviously the club has limited resources and so members that have there own equipment are welcome to use it, but to help us out they may occassionally be asked if they mind sharing.

    The Club usually visits the local publicans on the Sat. evening but members are welcome to cook a meal with the stoves instead, if they so wish.