Lovingly called "the last frontier" of the Philippines, Palawan has a lot to offer climbers. Some of the areas are described here, but it is important to state that there is a lot of unexplored rock still around.

El Nido

Acclaimed to have the one of the best beaches in Asia, the towering limestone cliffs majestically complement the white sand beaches. This area has also not yet been developed for rock climbing.

Recently, two climbers from Japan have visited and seen a lot of potential for routes here. Check out the details.

Coron Island

Marvin Llanan bouldering at Banol beach, Coron Island.

Photo: Tan-Torres

Black Island

The Yosemite of the Philippines (aside from Cabayugan )- without a single bolt. Only two climbing expeditions are known to have gone here. Check out Jonas cranking and the deep blue sea.

Jonas on virgin limestone, Black Island, Palawan.
Jonas on virgin limestone, Black Island, Palawan. A ship wreck is visible just off the lovely beach.

Photo: Tan-Torres

Erwin working a 5.12 sequence.

Photos: Tan-Torres

Erwin's sequence aboce in static format. Photos: Tan-Torres
R&R for the boys on the beach in Black Island

Photos: Tan-Torres.

Main Climbing Areas | Rock Climbing in the Philippines Main Page
Last Modified : 28 January 1999