Recent Developments

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Upcoming Bouldering Guidebook

Dennis Diaz shall soon be releasing a bouldering guidebook to Manalmon, Guimaras, Montalban and La Trinidad Valley.  In the meantime, here is a link to the current list of boulder problems.  Photos from the last trip to Manalmon are found at courtesy of Cali.  Login as pinoyclimbers and password is climbing.

The notes Dennis has released are here.

Thailand 2002

Mackie, Iva, Angel, Gidget, Gilson, Simon, Lissa, Jeff, Nana and Shane where climbing in Krabi this Chirstmas.  Pictures can be found at Login as : password: simon.

New Routes

New climbing area in Ilo-Ilo

Art has found and secured permission to climb in a new area near Ilo-Ilo.  Mackie has already made a topo map which shall be posted soon on this site.




A electronic newsgroup has been set-up to discuss anything about Philippine rock climbing (comps, scapi, new routes, training, etc.) You can sign up by filling-in the form here or by sending an email to

Main Climbing Areas | Rock Climbing in the Philippines Main Page
Last Modified :10 January 2003.