Troop 38 Randolph AFB, Texas
Merit Badge Counselors Name Home Phone Work Phone District
AviationBarbee, Philip210 566-1765210 652-4005Sioux
Citizenship in the CommunityTucker, Allan210 654-6795N/A Sioux
Citizenship in the NationBarbee, Philip 210 566-1765210 652-4005Sioux
CommunicationsTucker, Allan210 654-6795 N/ASioux
ComputersArcher, Branch210 945-9702N/ASioux
Environmental ScienceTucker, Allan210 654-6795N/ASioux
GenealogyArcher, Anita210 945-9702N/ASioux
Personal FitnessTucker, Allan 210 654-6795N/ASioux
ScholarshipGoodridge, Gerald 210 659-2493210 652-5910Sioux
SportsTucker, Allan210 654-6795N/ASioux

If you are a Merit Badge Counselor in the Sioux District and want to be added to this list please contact us.
Please send the E-Mail to Troop 38

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