Troop 38 Randolph AFB, Texas

The Scout Slogan

Do a Good Turn Daily

This is the solgan of the Boy Scouts. Some Good Turns are big - saving a human life . . . rescue work in floods . . . service in hurricane-stricken areas . . . recycling community trash . . . working with your patrol on a backcountry conservation project.

But Good Turns are more oftern small, thoughtful acts - helping a child cross the street . . . doing the shopping for an elderly neighbor . . . cutting back brush blocking a street sign . . . making a new student feel at ease in your school.

A Good Turn is more than simple good manners. It is an extra act of kindness. Answering the question of a driver about reaching an address is not really a Good Turn. That is common courtesy. But if you take time to draw a map for him or to lead him to his destination, that extra effort makes it a Good Turn.

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