Assaults on Federal officers in agencies employing 1,000 or more officers with arrest and firarms authority, 1991-95

Agency                                            Annual Average   Per 1,000 officers
National Park Service                    112            51.9
Bureau of Alcohol, Tabacco & Firearms          58                29.6
Drug Enforcement Administration                   72                25.5
Immigration and Naturalization Service           237                25.0
U.S. Secret Service                                        43                14.5
U.S. Marshals Service                                    24                11.1
U.S. Capital Police                                           9                 8.3
U.S. Postal Inspection Service                         29                 8.1
U.S. Customs Service                                     81                 8.0
Federal Bureau of Investigation                        35                 3.5
Internal Revenue Service                                  9                  2.6

*Source: FBI Uniform Crime Reports

Assaults on Law Enforcement Park Rangers 1981-95

1981          7
1982          3
1983          4
1984         27
1985         24
1986           3
1987          24
1988          26
1989          25
1990          33
1991          96
1992          57
1993          95
1994         207
1995         105



Environmental Law