Home! Retour! Vuelta!
Where in the world is YOUR favorite young author?
United States:
Amelia Atwater-Rhodes
(Concord, Massachusetts)

Marty Beckerman
Washington, D.C.)

Kyle Bladow
Marysville, Michigan)

Aimée Carter
Canton, Michigan)

Ravyn Crescent
Gilbert, Arizon)

S.E. Hinton
Tulsa, Oklahoma)

Amanda Marquit
Manhattan, NY)

Christopher Paolini
Paridise Valley, Montana)

Jo Whittemore
Austin, TX)

Rosemary Esehagu
Washington, D.C.)

Danielle Deneault
(Las Vegas, NV)
United States con't:
Zoe Trope

Ned Vizzini
Brooklyn, NY)

Robyn Schneider
New York City, NY)

Sarah Mlynowski
(New York City, NY)

Brian James
(Phoenicia, NY)

Jenny Han
(Brooklyn, NY)

Flavia Bujor
Paris, France)

Claire Hennessy
Dublin, Ireland)

Helen Oyeyemi
Kent, England)

Rebecca Eversole
United States?)
European Map coming soon!

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