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So you want to be listed on YAW? Great! Below are the requirements!
There are many kinds of young writers that can be listed on YAW. To see if you can be one, look over the following check list!

* Do you have a book published with a publisher or with a self-publisher that can be purchased online through Amazon.com or Amazon.uk?

* Are you currently 25 years old or younger, or were you 25 years old or younger when you wrote that book?

* If your book isn't out yet but it will be, is it currently listed at Amazon?

* Do you have an author photo you'd like used on YAW and/or a small image of your book's cover that can be used on YAW?

* Is there information online about you, either at your own website, a publisher's hosted website, in a personal blog, or via several interviews? (The more info there is out there about you, the easier it will be to get your page up and running soon!)

IF YOU ANSWERED 'YES' TO ALL OF THESE, YOU ARE A YAW-THOR! Please contact me, B., at youngadultwriters@yahoo.com with your name, your book's name, and a link to your website. If you have a small image of your book cover and a favorite picture of you that you'd like to be your YAW-thor photo, feel free to send them along too!

Because it's just me running this site and because more YAW-thors are contacting me every day, it might take several weeks before your YAW page is up. When it is up, I will contact you and send you the link! You will have your own YAW page, be listed in the birthdays, have contact info up for fans, have your books listed in the appropriate genre on the Bookshelf, and have your own forum on the message board! If I get around to reediting the Author Map, you may also be listed a star on the "Where In the World Are They?" map.

Also, YAW may contact you in the future for an exclusive YAW interview. YAW also has contests for fan fiction and fan art, and any author willing to donate and mail a signed or unsigned copy of their book to contest winners should contact me to work out the details before the contests are voted on. Any other prizes authors might be willing to donate should also be talked about with me.

Thanks for visiting YAW!

            Much love,


Are you a young author? Want to see a page of your own here?
Contact B. at