Executive Privilege
A story of lies, lust, and betrayal in the White House
*Open on Oval Office. President W. sits at his desk. An aide is holding a pack of files*
Aide: Mr. President, Congress has expressed concern over your possible involvement with…terrorists, sir.
W: Terrorists, son?
Aide: Yes, sir…Libyan terrorists…Libyan Crack Whore terrorists. They believe you may have had… inappropriate relations with some of them.
W: Why haven’t I been informed of this?
Aide: It’s been kept secret until just today, sir. They weren’t sure until now. When they heard about the tapes, sir.
W: Oh no. What do they know about the tapes?
Aide: Only that they contain footage of your meetings with the Libyan Crack Whore terrorists.
W: …
Aide: Are you all right, sir?
W: …They can’t do this to me. I’m the President of the United States.  Mark my words, son.  Every last one of those bastards is going to pay.  I’ll see to it personally.
Aide: Yes, sir.
Voice Over: When a leader is called into question…
*W. before Congress, Senator Joseph Leiberman addresses him*
JL: Mr. President, the Senate of the United States feels you may have had an inappropriate affair with some Libyan Crack Whore terrorists. We feel that any such affair is of grave national concern….Mr. President, did you have an inappropriate affair with Libyan Crack Whore terrorists?
*W. stands silent, hands at his side; his face is an unreadable mask*
JL: Mr. President, we have no choice but to request the tapes you made of your meetings in the Lincoln Bedroom with the Libyan Crack Whore Terrorists…
*W. remains motionless, his face shows no emotion, he seems in complete control of all his facilities. His calm and collected, but deep within his eyes there is the glimmer of animal rage, completely unnoticed by Congress*
JL: Mr. President, we don’t want to have to subpoena you…Please sir, comply with the Senate’s requests.
*Still nothing from W. he is determined and steadfast to reveal nothing and give no ground to his mortal enemies. He will not back down one inch; he is grim with determination to defy the Senate. He says nothing*
*disappointed, sighs, he knew this hearing would be futile, but had determined to try it regardless, now that he has been met with cold stoic resistance from W. he resolves himself to the task ahead* Mr. President, since you refuse to disclose any information, the Senate has assigned Special Prosecutor, Lynn Ewing III to investigate.  That is all.
Meet the Cast:
Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle (D-SD):
“My character plays the role of the villain who means well, but has gotten confused along the way.  He is a martyr to misplaced faith.”
Senator Joseph Lieberman (D-CT):
“I always hoped my time in office would take me places - like a vice-presidential candidacy, but I never imagined it would take me all the way to Hollywood.”
The last I heard filming for Executive Privilege is finished and it's in post.  Warner Brothers claims the check's in the mail.
*Read On*