The purpose YWAM Kochi is to transformthe lives of peopel to love God and to prepared for the works of servise.
Location: India
Area: 38,863 sq km
Population: 40,000,000
Capital: Thiruvanthapuram
Language: Malayalam, English is widely spoken
Religion: Hindu 47%, Christian 30%, Islam 23%
Time: GMT = 5:30
Climate: Tropical
Kerala is a narrow strip, extremely fertile and is almost impossibly green throughout. The slender green sliver of land that clings to the southwestern flanks of the Indian peninsula, as it lies between the high Western Ghats towering 500-2700 m in the east and the vast Arabian Sea in the west and networked by forty four rivers, Kerala enjoys unique geographical features that have made it one of the most sought after tourist destinations in Asia. The small, emerald crescent of land contains jungles, beaches, mountains, lake and some of the most romantic natural resources in the world. Lush hill stations and exotic wildlife. Waterfalls. Sprawling plantations and paddy fields. Ayurvedic health holidays. Enchanting art forms. Magical festivals. Historic and cultural monuments. An exotic cuisine... All of which offer you a unique experience. And what's more, every one of these charming destinations is only a two hour drive from the other. A singular advantage no other destination offers. Kerala is India’s most literate, prosperous and densely populated state. When you visit Kerala, you feel as if you are entering another country. For administrative purpose, the state of Kerala is divided into fourteen districts. Most of these districts offer all the tourism products typical of the State
The People:
Kerala also has considerable ethnic diversity. The Malayali majority belong to the Dravidian group (local race) of early Indian peoples.

There is a small population of descendants of Indo-European migrants from the north. Certain hill tribes exhibit affinities with the Negrito peoples of Southeast Asia. Most Keralites are Hindus, but there are also large Christian and Islamic, and lesser Jain and Jewish, minorities.

The official language is Malayalam. A long contact with the outside world has led to an intriguing blend of cultures and given Keralites a cosmopolitan
Kerala, India's most advanced society
A hundred percent literate people. World-class health care systems. India's lowest infant mortality and highest life expectancy rates. The highest physical quality of life in India. Peaceful and pristine, Kerala is also India's cleanest State
History of Kerala:
Original inhabitants were animists, followed by the Dravidians. After Alexander's triumphant sweep over Asia Minor, the ports of Kerala became a link between the Middle East, the Mediterranean and China.

In 1498, Vasco da Gama made his historic landing on the Malabar Coast. In 1723, the East India Company signed a strategic treaty with King Marthanda Varma. For a few decades, Hyder Ali and his son -Tipu sultan proved to be a thorn in the flesh of the British, sweeping down several times into Kerala. In 1947, it was the turn of the British to pack their bags
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