Much potention of row material availability abundant in country and necessity of kind of product spices on domistic market and international.
As a professional highly competent on spices Mr. M. Sanggam and family cought in a gold vision to develop on that business as good challenge.
By managerial capability that their have, and informatical technology support, they were developing communicate networking with domestic and international companies.
Making inter sinergy by the companies to give and prepare for spices , fishery , and tempered needed.


  • Our vison “ Market leader in spices product “
  • Efforts to realize the Vision & Mission (as known “key to success”)
  • Take care of and plait networking with buyers :
    * Domestic’s companies ;
    * Japan’s companies and other.
  • Maximalized our production facilities anywhere to fulfill, comply with a buyer ‘s request in quality.
  • Used modern technology (hard ware & soft ware)
  • Build effective communicate to buyer and networking company


  • Full financing by bank of :
    o Central Asia Bank ( BCA )
    o Indonesia International Bank ( BII )
    o China Trust Bank ( CTB )
  • Range business support by bank, US$ 8 Million
  • Sales Revenue ( 2007 target ) , US$ 3 Million
    o Spices ( Chilli ) dried and powder 40 % - US$ 4.8 Million
    o Cupsicum 10 % - US$ 1.2 Million
    o Other spices 20 % - US$ 2.4 Million
    o Other export ( Fishery & Tempered Glass ) 30 % - US$ 3.6 Million


As a form of social care to siciety, we also did alot of social activities such as :
Adoption any childs by support :
o Their education
o Healthy
o Personal development

· Give free private less some lessons
· Sport : Football , Futsal
· So care the poor

Furthermore, we also paid attention to nature dissasters in Indonesia, gave support to the victim of floods in Jakarta and sorround, earthquake in Jogya and Solo.
Our effort in education world showed that we did not merely concern on business, but also to education world which certainly important for the next generation.