Our Pakistan

Pakistan is a land of diverse cultures and tradtitions, and they blend together to create a unique experience. Below are some facts and figures about our country :

Official Name     Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Capital               Islamabad
Currency            Pak Rupee

Head Of State     Muhammad Rafiq Tarar, President
Head Of Govt.     Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister

Population         135 million
Religion             95% Muslim, 5% others
Languages         Urdu (national language), English (official)
Literacy Rate      38.90 %

North West Frontier Province (NWFP)

National Anthem
Verses composed by Abul-Hafeez Jullundri
Tune composed by Ahmed G. Chagla
Duration : 80 seconds
Approved in June 1954
Listen to the national anthem.

Major Cities
Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar, Quetta, Rawalpindi, Hyderabad, Multan, Sialkot and Faisalabad.

Hospitals : 830
Beds : 86,921
Registered doctors : 74,229
Registered dentists : 2,938
Registered nurses : 22,810

Primary schools: 150,963
Middle schools: 14,595
High schools: 9,808
Arts & science colleges: 798
Professional colleges: 161
Universities : 10

Total Labour Force : 37.15 million
Agriculture : 47 %
Manufacturing & Mining : 10.5 %
Other : 42.5 %

Electronic Media
Registered TV sets : 2,823,800
Viewership : 115 million
Pakistan Television covers 87 % area

Print Media
Dailies : 424
Weeklies : 718
Fortnightlies : 107
Monthlies : 553

Central Bank : State Bank Of Pakistan
Other Banks : National Bank of Pakistan, Habib Bank Ltd., Muslim Commercial Bank Ltd., Allied Bank of Pakistan Ltd., Mehran Bank, Bank of Punjab, Gulf Commercial Bank, Emirates, CitiBank, Banker's Equity, Agricultural Development Bank of Pakistan, National Development Finance Corporation.

Masherbrum Range
Masherbrum Range

Famous Mountain Peaks
K-2 (Mt. Godwin Austin) : 8611 metres (2nd in world)
Nanga Parbat : 8126 metres (8th in world)
Masherbrum I : 8068 metres (11th in world)

Chenab : 1242 km
Indus : 2896 km
Jehlum : 825 km
Ravi : 901 km
Sutlej : 1551 km

Cholistan : Punjab
Thal : Punjab
Thar : Sindh

Major Dams
Mangla Dam : Punjab
Rawal Dam : Punjab
Tarbela Dam : NWFP
Warsak Dam : NWFP

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