You Bring Me Joy

(Like a Best Friend Should)


by Zaen

Chapter Eight

12. Email re Thursday night dinner

From: Chavez, J.

To: Timberlake, J.

Security: Private

Time: 4:33 PM

So, what are we doing tonight?



From: Timberlake, J.

To: Chavez, J.

Security: Private

Time: 4:34 PM

We?  What makes you think I want to hang out with YOU again?  How much intelligent conversation, good food, and great company can a man take? You think I want to waste yet another night debating everything from world politics to pop music to manicures with you?  Why would I want to eat in public with you again, and risk laughing so hard I nearly pee my pants—again?  No, I’ve had enough male bonding with you, thank you very much.  Frankly, I can’t stand you, what with your good manners and intelligence and charm and smile.  Who needs that?



From: Chavez, J.

To: Timberlake, J.

Security: Private

Time: 4:40 PM

What about you and your annoyingly infectious laugh, or your infuriating sparkling personality, or the way everyone notices when you walk into a room, or the way you mumble under your breath at your monitor when you work?  Please.  I was only humoring you before.  I don’t even like you.  What’s to like?  It’s not like I enjoy spending time with you or anything.  It’s not like you’re easy to talk to or anything.  It’s not like you’re fun and smart and cool.  Nope.

Can’t stand you.



From: Timberlake, J.

To: Chavez, J.

Security: Private

Time: 4:47 PM

Good.  The hypocrisy was bothering me, too.  I’ve been trying to get rid of you since you first got here.  You, your bouncin’ and behavin’ hair, and your girly manpurse!

Besides…it’s Must See TV tonight.  I’m not missing that because of you.



From: Chavez, J.

To: Timberlake, J.

Security: Private

Time: 4:50 PM

Well I don’t want to miss it either, so bite me, sh*tty!



From: Timberlake, J.

To: Chavez, J.

Security: Private

Time: 4:51 PM


So be at my place before 8.  And don’t talk to me during Will and Grace.  Got it, hairboy?

Sh*tty?  As a noun??  Ha!  Did you just make that up?  What’s with you and your corny vulgarity?  Is that all the rage in Maryland?



From: Chavez, J.

To: Timberlake, J.

Security: Private

Time: 4:52 PM

Hey, man, like, my swear words are all the rage everywhere!  I rock, man!

Ok, tonight at 8.  I’ll be there.

Um…you don’t really hate me…do you?



From: Timberlake, J.

To: Chavez, J.

Security: Private

Time: 4:52 PM

Not humanly possible.

Chinese?  We can order from that place you like.  I’ll even spring for extra spring rolls! :-)



From: Chavez, J.

To: Timberlake, J.

Security: Private

Time: 4:53 PM

No, I think I deserve a home cooked meal after you insulted me, my vocabulary, my carryall and my hair!



From: Timberlake, J.

To: Chavez, J.

Security: Private

Time: 4:53 PM

Fine!  How does Cambell’s soup and grilled cheese sound?



From: Chavez, J.

To: Timberlake, J.

Security: Private

Time: 4:54 PM

Sorry, I’m an adult.

I guess I’ll have to make dinner!

What do you have in your freezer?



From: Timberlake, J.

To: Chavez, J.

Security: Private

Time: 4:55 PM

Popsicles and vodka?

I guess we’ll have to do some grocery shopping.  Just as well, I’ll need food for when Trace gets here tomorrow.  You wouldn’t mind making a week’s worth of southern Californian, gourmet meals, would you?



From: Chavez, J.

To: Timberlake, J.

Security: Private

Time: 4:56 PM

Oh, I see!  This whole invitation was just a clever ruse to get me to cook for your best friend?

Thanks a lot, J.



From: Timberlake, J.

To: Chavez, J.

Security: Private

Time: 4:56 PM

You don’t really think that, do you?

You don’t have to cook for me.  Just come over tonight.  I don’t care what we do.

Two weeks is a long time.



From: Chavez, J.

To: Timberlake, J.

Security: Private

Time: 4:57 PM

I want to cook for you.

Yeah, two weeks is a long time.

Damn, I haven’t gotten anything done today.  I’m gonna get fired.



From: Timberlake, J.

To: Chavez, J.

Security: Private

Time: 4:57 PM

If you do, it’ll be my fault.  So you’ll have to move in with me and cook and clean and make music all day, and then when you become a big famous musician you can make me your road manager or something and keep me in Jags and Air Jordans for the rest of my life!



From: Chavez, J.

To: Timberlake, J.

Security: Private

Time: 4:58 PM

I rather like the idea of being a kept man.  You’re on, Justin!

But, um, does that mean I have to, um, you know, service you?



From: Timberlake, J.

To: Chavez, J.

Security: Private

Time: 4:59 PM

You make it sound like it’s a bad thing!  Ha!

Oh, thank God this day is over.  I’ll meet you in the parking lot.



13. Thursday dinner before Trace

            They spend over an hour in the grocery store, play-fighting over sugary vs. adult cereal and brown vs. white rice.  Back at Justin’s apartment, Josh cooks while Justin cleans.  They yell at each other over the vacuum cleaner like an old married couple.  When Josh makes that observation, Justin rolls his eyes and goes back to vacuuming.  He smiles when Josh isn’t looking.


            They set the table together, and Justin can’t get over how comfortable it feels…natural.  He watches Josh pour wine and plate the pasta like this is something they’ve done many times before.  A chill runs through him when re realizes just how much he’s going to hate the next two weeks.


            Over the past two months they’ve eaten out together several times, always chatting and laughing throughout the meals.  This is different.  This is at home, at Justin’s table, with Justin’s dishes and glasses, eating food Josh made with his own two hands.  This is much more intimate than fajitas and fried chicken salad at Houlihan’s.  They don’t talk much once they start eating.  Justin is too nervous, and he figures Josh might be, too.  Silly, Justin thinks, because the food is wonderful.  The wine Josh picked out is wonderful.  Everything is wonderful.  Justin eats in silence and smiles at the table and wishes he’d lit candles.

            Mmmm…that was soooooooooo good,” Justin says as he stretches and pats his stomach.  “Marvelous.  Thank you so much, man, really.”

            “You’re welcome,” replies Josh with a small nod.

            “This is really good, too,” Justin says before sipping down the last of his red wine.  Josh motions to get up to retrieve the bottle from the kitchen, but Justin catches his forearm to keep him from moving.  “I’m good, thanks.”

            “Ok.”  Josh sits back in his chair and stretches a little, a full, contented groan rumbling in his throat.  Justin pulls his hand back and averts his eyes from the sight of Josh’s shirt pulling tight across his chest.

            “You’ll have to write down the recipe for me,” Justin says, half serious, as he wipes his mouth with the napkin from his lap.  Josh looks at him with a hint of a question, then he chuckles.

            “There’s nothing to write down: boil water, brown meat, sauté mushrooms, roast the garlic.  It’s pretty straightforward, J.”

            “Yeah, but, I can’t sauté anything,” Justin laughs.  He picks up the last piece of sun-dried tomato flavored penne and slips it into his mouth.  He licks his fingertips of pasta sauce and sighs contentedly.  “This is a real treat for me, you have no idea.”  He gives his finger one last long, not too obvious suck.  He looks up quickly to find Josh smiling and a little pink in the cheeks, but his eyes are focused on the bottom of his wineglass.  Justin wants to kick himself.

            “I’m glad you enjoyed it,” Josh says bashfully, “but it’s not that big a deal, really.”

            “Oh, yes it is.  I haven’t had a home-cooked meal in a long time.”  Justin looks down at his hands.  After a few seconds of silence, he mumbles quickly, without thinking, “This is nice.  I could really get used to this.”

            “I could, too,” Josh mutters, his cheeks flushing as he nods his head.  Justin doesn’t know how to take that response.

            “You’re a renaissance man!”  Justin squeaks enthusiastically.  “You work, you’re a wonderful musician, you cook—what can’t you do?”  Josh smiles shyly down at his hands.  Justin has to bite his lip to keep from saying God, you’re cute out loud.  Instead he lets the wine loosen his tongue and he says, “Your ex must have been crazy to let you go.”  The mood changes quickly, and where there were seconds ago comfortableness and even flirtation, now there’s a sharp tension.  Josh’s brow furrows.  He clears his throat.

            “Yeah, um, right.” 

            “Hey, I’m sorry,” Justin whispers.  He grabs Josh’s hand and squeezes it.  “Josh—”

            “Let’s get these dishes done before Friends starts,” Josh mumbles and pulls out of Justin’s grip.  He takes his and Justin’s plates to the kitchen and starts rinsing them.  Justin is on his feet immediately, anxious to clear this up right away.

            “Hey,” Justin says as he lays a warm hand on Josh’s shoulder.  “I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings.”  Josh sighs and leans into the touch.

            “Don’t worry about it.”  Josh bites his bottom lip as he rinses his plate under the water.  Without thinking Justin rests his chin on Josh’s shoulder.  He’s warm inside from the wine, and now, with his hands on Josh’s arms and his chest against Josh’s back, he’s even warmer.  Josh doesn’t say anything, but Justin can feel him breathing faster.

            “You’re my guest, you shouldn’t be doing dishes,” Justin says as he reaches around Josh’s slim body to force him to release the plate.  Josh giggles a little and lets Justin free his hands.

            “Whatever you say.  You’re the boss!”

            “Remember that!”  Justin laughs and suddenly his arms are around Josh’s waist, and he’s hugging him from behind.  It takes a few seconds for it to register in Justin’s brain just what he’s doing, but by then it’s too late.  He holds his breath.

            “J, are you drunk?”  It’s hard to tell if Josh is making fun or if he’s genuinely curious.

            “Just a little bit,” Justin mumbles into Josh’s neck, and it takes all his restraint not to lick the soft skin under his lips.

            “Even on a full stomach?”  Justin can feel the words vibrating in Josh’s chest.  He’s holding him that close.

            “Red wine always goes right to my head.”

            “I’ll definitely have to remember that,” Josh laughs, and turns to look at Justin over his shoulder.  They smile at each other, but it’s a new smile.  Something lurks underneath it.  Justin’s palms start to sweat.

            “You gonna plow me with red wine so you can take advantage of me?” Justin teases, and nudges Josh in the ribs gently.  Josh starts to say something, then stops himself.  He nudges Justin in the stomach just as gently.

            “You wish!”

            “Oh, yeah?”  Justin starts tickling Josh on his sides, and soon they’re both laughing hysterically, Josh at the tickling, Justin at Josh’s strangled, high-pitched squeal of a laugh.  Justin traps Josh against the sink as his fingers skirt along his tummy and his waist.  As much as Josh squirms and begs for mercy, he doesn’t move away from Justin’s touch.  When they’ve both laughed so hard that they can barely breathe, Justin drops his hands away.  He watches Josh wipe tears from his eye and straighten his shirt.

            “Like, I’m pretty ticklish,” Josh says as he flips his hair out of his face and starts rinsing the dishes again. 

            “I noticed—and hey!  I told you to leave those alone!” Justin tries to push Josh aside, but his friend won’t be deterred.

            “Stop it!”  Josh laughs.  “And don’t tickle me again, or I’ll pee my pants!”  Justin sighs happily and leans against Josh’s back again.  He stays there, inhaling Josh’s scent of hair and food and, now, Justin’s apartment.  He likes the combination.  He also likes that Josh doesn’t push him away.  A whole minute of this goes by, Josh working on a tomato sauce-scorched pot, Justin hugging him from behind, neither of them saying anything.

            “Thanks for dinner,” Justin says, then hiccups.  He thanks God he has sloppy tipsiness as an excuse for the affection.  Before Josh can reply Justin adds, “And I’m sorry about that comment from before.  I didn’t mean to upset you.”

            “You didn’t.  I’m over—that’s in the past.  I’ve moved on, Justin,” Josh says softly.

            “Good.”  Justin’s face burns, but he doesn’t let go.  “I just want you to be happy, Josh.”

            “I am happy,” Josh says.  “I’m very happy…now.”

            “Good.  Excellent.  Great.”  Justin doesn’t know what else to say, so he gives Josh one more squeeze, kisses him on the temple, ruffles his hair, and says, “It’s time for Must See TV!”  He rushes to the living room and turns the TV on very loud.


            Josh joins him in the living room by the time Chandler has told his first joke.  He doesn’t say anything, but he sits very close to Justin on the couch.  And he sets down, on coasters, two fresh glasses of red wine.


            It soon becomes apparent that working all day, shopping, cooking, cleaning, and tickling have worn them out.  Justin yawns as Josh stretches, then vice versa.  By the time Scrubs comes on Josh is leaning on Justin’s shoulder, barely able to keep his eyes open.

            “I can’t believe how tired I am,” Josh yawns and rubs his cheek against Justin’s arm.  “Don’t let me fall asleep.”  Justin nods but thinks that he’d like to see what Josh looks like sleeping.  He watches Josh get comfortable against him, sinking down further into the couch, his eyelashes flickering on his cheek.  Justin thinks his inebriated pawing of Josh earlier in the kitchen has opened up their friendship to a higher level of physical closeness.  Either that or Josh is just dead tired.  Either way, Justin is happy.

            “Rerun,” Josh says when Will and Grace comes on.  He yawns but doesn’t move from Justin’s side.  “I’m so fucking tired.”

            “Me, too.”

            “I don’t think I can move,” groans Josh.  Justin gulps, unable to resist.

            “You, um, can stay here—if you want.”

            “Yeah?” Josh whispers.  He doesn’t look up, just strokes Justin’s arm slowly.  Justin wonders if Josh is thinking about it, the proposition.  Justin swallows hard.  Proposition.  “I am kinda tired.”  Justin bites his lip as he watches Josh grin sleepily at him.  Then Josh comes a little closer and just stares at him, studying Justin’s expression.  Justin holds his breath.

            “You know what—I should get going,” Josh says quickly.  He stands, stretches and slowly walks to the door.  Justin takes a deep breath and follows him.  He’s both relieved and disappointed.

            “Well, drive safely.”  Justin forces a smile.  Josh smiles back as he jiggles his keys in his hand.  They both stare at the door like it’s going to open on its own.

            “Thanks for having me over,” Josh says suddenly.

            “Thanks for making dinner.  And for helping out.  And for shopping with me.  And for the wine…and…everything,” Justin says, suddenly embarrassed that his friend has done so much for him.  “You really helped me out tonight.  You’ve gotta let me do something for you.”

            “Actually, there is something,” Josh says with a sly grin.  Justin’s heart starts to race.  “Would it be possible for you to, um, only if it’s convenient for you—I don’t want to put you out or anything—”

            “Just ask already!” Justin laughs.

            “Ok.  Could you feed my cat while I’m gone?”

            “Oh.  Yeah.  Sure.”  Justin wills away the sinking feeling in his stomach.  Josh smiles happily and starts telling him how it won’t be too much bother, and that he’ll make it up to him.  But Justin only listens half-heartedly.  He nods like he’s paying attention, and makes a vow to himself to stop this—whatever this is—that he’s doing/thinking/feeling in regards to his purely platonic friend.

            “Hey, are you in there?” Josh kids, waving a hand in front of Justin’s blank face.  “More effects of the red wine?”

            “Yeah, I suppose.”  Justin shrugs himself out of his stupor.  “Look, I’m sorry about…all that…you know.  For being all touchy-feely earlier.”

            “Don’t worry about it.”  Josh’s eyes sparkle, Justin notices.

            “I’m not usually like that, I’m sure you know.  It was just the wine and…whatever.  God, have I really turned into a girl?” Justin moans.

            “If you have, then so have I!”

            “At least we’re pretty girls!”

            “You know it!” Josh chirps with a wink.  They laugh for a bit, but when they stop they go back to the awkward staring at the door.

            “Well, goodnight, Josh.” 

            “See you tomorrow.”  Josh starts for the door, then he quickly turns and pulls Justin into a tight hug.  “Don’t worry about…you know.  I kinda like it,” Josh whispers into Justin’s ear.

            “Me, too.”

            “See ya,” Josh says, then quickly kisses Justin on the cheek.  He leaves, and Justin’s resolve is completely out the window.








Copyright © KTA December 2, 2002 – June 2, 2004