You Bring Me Joy

(Like a Best Friend Should)


by Zaen

Chapter Nine

14. Friday meeting cat

            Justin usually looks forward to Fridays, but not this time.  Joey and Josh plan all the fun they’re going to have for their two weeks out of town, Chris and Lance complain about how lucky the other two are to get a free trip—even if it is only Buffalo—and Justin just pushes a paper clip around his desk.

            Once news is out that Justin’s childhood best friend is coming, the guys insist upon spending much time and much money at Pearl’s Necklace.  Justin doesn’t even put up a fight; he knows Trace will appreciate it, and he thinks he may even spring for a lapdance tonight.  He could use the attention.


            Josh invites Justin over to his apartment after work to meet the cat.

            “C’mon in, J.  Can I get you anything?” Josh asks cordially as he takes Justin’s jacket off his shoulders, like Justin is staying for a long time instead of the 5 minutes they’d discussed.  Justin lets Josh do it…lets Josh’s fingers tickle his back as they slide the leather jacket down. 

            “No, I’m fine.”  He looks around Josh’s apartment.  It’s sparse, but very clean.  Tasteful furniture, a sound system to rival Justin’s, piles of books, and still unopened boxes. 

            “Yeah, it’s pretty empty.  Not very inviting to visitors,” Josh carps as he makes a face at his apartment.  “I’ve been here 6 months and still not a picture on the wall.”

            “I guess I don’t get an invite to your house until you need me for something!” Justin jokes, but it comes out with more bite than he’d intended.  Josh looks at him like Justin just spoke in some unknown foreign language.

            “What?  Do you really think that?”  Justin is surprised at how surprised—and maybe even hurt—Josh looks.

            “Well, you’ve been to my house several times—”

            “Twice, J, twice!” Josh says, holding up 2 fingers and shaking them for emphasis.

            “Whatever.”  Justin rolls his eyes.

            “Shut up, you!” Josh teases, and playfully slaps Justin’s ass. 

            “Dick,” Justin grunts, and turns to hide the blush on his face.  He almost touches the warm spot Josh’s hand left on his behind, wonders how long it will be before he loses the sensation.

            “I’ve almost invited you over before.  Several times.  But…well…your place is more interesting than mine anyway,” Josh explains as he looks in the hallway closet for the cat.

            “Why do you say that?”

            “Well, um.”  Josh stares down at his fingernails and muses, “I guess because…you’re there.”

            Justin’s stomach flutters.

            “Oh.  Um.  So, where’s your piano?”

            “Huh?  Oh.  Well, when I left L.A., I had to leave my—the—piano behind.  It really belonged to…someone else.”  Josh looks a little sad, which makes Justin feel guilty.

            “I’m sorry, man.”

            “It’s ok.  I’m saving up.  I’ll get a new one someday.”

            “Do you miss it?” Justin asks.  Josh looks up and smiles sadly.

            “I miss playing everyday, yeah.”

            “Do you miss Los Angeles?”

            “Yeah, sometimes.”


            “But I like Orlando, too,” Josh says with a warm smile.  He walks by Justin and lays a hand on his arm.  “Can’t beat the weather.  And the people are great, too.” 

            “Oh.”  Justin thinks if he keeps blushing like this, his face will turn red permanently.

            “Here she is!”  Josh scoops a fluffy cat into his arms and lifts her up to Justin’s eye level.  Shere Khan, this is my good friend Justin, who is nice enough to take care of you while I’m gone.  Justin, this is Shere Khan the Tiger.”  Justin smiles at the golden mackerel tabby cat and reaches out a hand to pet her.

            “Hello, kittie.”  The cat looks at Justin and hisses.  Justin recoils and Josh tries to calm her, but she defiantly wriggles out of his arms and hisses at Justin’s feet.  “Nice!  And you want me to take care of that for you?”

            Josh sighs apologetically.  “Please, J?”

            “I think I’m allergic to her!”

            “I’ll be your best friend?”

            “I already have a best friend, thank you very much,” Justin states proudly.

            “Yes,” Josh says curtly, “I know.”

            “What’s that supposed to mean?”

            Josh coughs and walks toward the kitchen.  “Um, you know what?  Let me show you where the cat food is.”


            Josh gives Justin the grand tour through the rest of the apartment.  Finally they end up in the bedroom.  There he tells Justin about how he “inherited” Shere Khan from his ex, and that the cat has resented him ever since.  Then Josh tells him what to do when the cat won’t eat, how often to feed her, when to change the water, how to hide her medicine in her food, and where the vet’s number is in his desk.  Justin struggles to pay attention because he’s too busy watching Josh walk around his bedroom, babbling as he removes his shirt.  Justin gulps, then relaxes when Josh emerges from his closet with another, more casual shirt.  Very casual.  Justin thinks there might even be pink flowers in the shirt, but he loses concentration when Josh stands before him bare-chested.

            “I really do appreciate this, Justin,” Josh says, then lifts his arms up to let the somewhat floral shirt slip onto his hard, wiry frame.  Justin doesn’t watch for too long, or else he might accidentally memorize the exact shape of Josh’s pectorals, or the texture of his skin, or the precise color and size of his nipples.  “You’re doing me a huge favor, man.  If it weren’t for you I’d have to kennel her, and that would not be a good thing, believe me!” Josh chuckles as he buttons up his shirt.

            “Bad previous experience?” Justin asks, looking at the bedspread and not at Josh’s exposed chest.

            “Let’s just say that most of the greater Los Angeles area kennels were quite happy to see this cat move to Florida,” Josh says with a wide grin.  Justin grins too, even when the evil cat stalks into the room and plants herself at Justin’s feet.

            “You’re lucky I like your human so much, or else I’d be outta here,” Justin grumbles down at the cat.  Josh sits on the bed next to Justin and giggles.

            “She’s kind of wary around new people,” Josh explains.  “She’s old and set in her ways, and she can be, um, temperamental.  But like I told her last night, she’ll just have to get used to you.”

            “You talked to your cat?  About me?” Justin asks, half amused, half amazed.

            “Well…I mean, I had to, because…and…she needed to…um…like…get to know you and all.”  Josh touches Justin’s arm, and the cat growls.  “Really, thanks, man.  I owe you.”

            “I don’t have to pet her, do I?” Justin asks as he watches Shere Khan lick her paw and purr menacingly at him.

            “Not unless you want to.  But I’m sure it’ll be fine.”

            Hmph.”  Justin looks up at Josh’s sweet, pleading face.  “Don’t worry, man.  I won’t lose your cat.”

            “I wasn’t worried about her.  I just want you two to be friends.”

            “It’s that important to you?”

            “Well, yeah.  She’s my cat, and you’re my—I mean, she needs to get used to you, if we’re…um…since we…I mean…I’m babbling and I need to pack for tomorrow!”

            “Ok!  Ok!” Justin smiles and nudges Josh gently in the side.  He directs his toothy grin down to Shere Khan, eager to attempt reconciliation, for Josh’s sake.  “Alright, Miss Thang.  Let’s start again.  Hello, Shere Khan!”

            Rrrrraaarrhhg!!” the cat screeches, leaps into Justin’s lap, bears her claws, and takes a fast swipe at Justin’s face.  Justin leans back quickly to avoid the cat’s ire, and in a flash she leaps off his lap and plops on the floor.

            “Shit!” Justin yelps.

            “Bad cat!  Bad, bad cat!” Josh shouts, clapping his hands loudly at Shere Khan, who only hisses and crawls under the bed.

            “She tried to kill me!  Your cat tried to kill me, man!” Justin laughs.

            “Man, I’m so sorry.”  Josh reaches for Justin’s chin.  “Here, let me see if she scratched you.”  He leans in to inspect Justin’s face.  Justin closes his eyes and reluctantly sighs when he feels Josh’s warm breath against his neck.

            “Did she get me?”

            “I don’t think so.”  Justin can’t believe how soft Josh’s touch is on his face.  “I think your goatee saved you, man,” Josh giggles as he looks up into Justin’s eyes.  Justin leans down a little bit, and the movement presses Josh’s thumb against his quivering lips.

            “I knew there was a reason I haven’t shaved for three days,” Justin stammers.

            “Yeah,” Josh whispers, his eyes and his fingers on Justin’s lips.  When Josh licks his own lips, Justin’s stomach flutters.



            “Why does your cat hate me so much?” Justin whispers, and suddenly his hand is on Josh’s thigh.  “It’s like she’s…jealous.”

            “She is,” Josh says plainly, still looking at Justin’s mouth.

            “So she’s mean to all your…friends.”

            “No.”  Josh looks up, and suddenly their faces are very close.  “Just you.”  Justin’s throat goes dry as they gaze at each other.  His hand stays warm on Josh’s leg while Josh’s hand just barely caresses his cheek.  All Justin’s instincts tell him to just close the four inches between them, but his brain won’t let him.  He’s not sure.  He’s still not sure.  Josh’s face is so intense, and his fingertips so warm, and his eyes so welcoming.  It’s a textbook, bad TV, silly novel, romantic comedy, awkward first kiss moment, and Justin wants it so badly that his hand on Josh’s thigh starts to tremble.  Josh’s eyes are so big and blue, but Justin can’t see what’s behind them.  As close as they’ve become in a short time, Justin still doesn’t know, really know what Josh’s reaction would be if…if.  And moments like these don’t help.  Justin would accuse Josh of sending mixed signals, but he knows Josh better than that.  He figures he’ll drive himself crazy if he doesn’t ask Josh if he’s—

            “What are you thinking?” Josh asks suddenly, wrecking Justin’s train of thought.

            “I, um.”  Justin looks down at their knees pressing together.  “I was just thinking about how things change.  One day you’re living your life…then you meet someone new…and all of a sudden you’re taking care of a homicidal cat.”  Josh laughs and leans his forehead against Justin’s.  He slips his hand around Justin’s neck and strokes the fine, curly hairs at the base of his skull.  Justin sighs, contented and frustrated at the same time.

            “You’re a great friend, Justin, you know that?” Josh whispers.

            “Yes, I do.”  They’re silent for a few seconds, until Justin sees that his hand has slipped to Josh’s inner thigh.  His heart pounds when he realizes that Josh doesn’t seem to mind.  “Josh, what are you thinking?”

            “I’m thinking that…” Josh moves away a little, and they have each other’s eyes again.  “I hope…that I’m, um…as good a friend to you…as you are to me.”


            “Your friendship means a lot to me,” Josh says carefully, like he’s imparting something important in those few words—especially the word friendship.  Justin pulls his hand back to his own leg and looks away.

            “OK,” Justin laments.

            “OK?  What do you mean?” asks Josh as he tries to get Justin to look at him again.  “Hey, Just.  What…why did you—”

            “It’s getting late.  I better go pick up Trace soon,” Justin says suddenly.  Josh nods his head, but he looks a little sad.  The cat slithers out from under the bed, and Josh stares her down.

            “You be nice to Justin while I’m gone,” Josh growls as he shakes his finger at her.  “If you give him a chance you’ll see that he isn’t half bad.”  He picks her up and pets her, and Justin scowls at her little cat face.  “Be a good kitty for Justin,” Josh whispers into her fur.  “He’s important to me.”  Justin bites his lip to keep from gasping.  “I know you’re old and stubborn, but frankly, you have no choice.  He’s not going anywhere.”  He looks up hopefully at Justin, his eyes sparkling.  “Right?”

            “Right,” Justin croaks.  Josh smiles at him and places the now surly cat back on the floor.  She hisses at Justin’s ankles before stalking out of the room.  Justin smiles after her, imagining what it would be like if he were being usurped in Josh’s life.  He almost feels sorry for her.

            “It’s like having a fucking girlfriend,” Josh sighs.  They both laugh, and the tension from a minute ago dissipates.  “Really, J.  Thanks for doing this.”

            “You’re welcome.”

            “You’re the best, man.”  Josh squeezes Justin’s knee, gives him a quick kiss on the cheek, then stands and walks toward his bedroom closet.  Justin watches Josh’s ass as he walks, and hopes to God that the next two weeks fly by.


            Trace is already at the apartment when Justin gets home.  They share a long bear hug, and within minutes Trace is going through the refrigerator and making a mess of Justin’s spotless apartment.  They talk briefly about Trace’s plans for his last spring break of college.  Then Justin tells him that they’re both expected at Pearl’s Necklace in an hour.

            “Oh, I don’t wanna go out tonight.  I just wanna drink and watch TV and chill,” Trace whines as he flops down on Justin’s couch and belches.

            “Yeah, but.”  Justin looks at his watch and thinks about the tight pants Josh changed into right before Justin left his place.  “I already told the guys we’d come.  They want to meet you and stuff.”

            “But I’m tired!  It’s a long drive here from school.  I’m beat.”

            “I know, man.”  Justin sits next to his best friend since childhood.  “We won’t stay too long.  And we can watch porn and get drunk all weekend.”

            “You know me so well.”


            “Can’t we just go out with them tomorrow night?” Trace asks with a yawn.


            “Why not?”

            “Because.”  Justin blushes a little and rubs his nose to hide it.  He smiles at the thought of his oldest, dearest friend meeting his newest, dearest—he gulps.  “Because some of them are going out of town tomorrow, that’s why.”  Trace gives him a questioning look.

            “Why does that matter to me?”

            “Because I want you to meet him.”

            “Him?  Who’s him?”

            “Them, I meant them, doofus,” Justin sneers nervously.  He clears his throat.  “C’mon, it’ll be fun.”  He quickly jumps off the couch.  “I’ll treat my poor college student best friend to a lap dance.”



15. Pearl’s Necklace with Trace

            Justin feels on edge the entire night.  His work friends take to his best friend right away, as he knew they would, buying him drinks and prodding him for embarrassing stories about Justin as a teenager.  Once Trace starts in on Justin’s grade school “appreciation” for New Kids on the Block, Justin decides he really needs to get drunk.  Chris, Lance, and Joey laugh and gag accordingly, but Josh listens intently.  He doesn’t say much of anything.  Justin wonders if he’s really that interested in hearing about bad haircuts and worse fashion disasters of high school, or if maybe he just doesn’t like his best friend.  After a few drinks Justin plops down next to Josh and tries to quietly ask him what’s up, but the music is too loud.  He leans into Josh, speaking in a low voice.

            “Why so quiet?”

            “I’m just trying to hear all these great stories about you,” Josh says into Justin’s ear.  Justin looks at him for a few seconds, then leans in close, so only Josh can hear.

            “I want you two to like each other.” 

            “I do, too,” Josh mouths, but after two months of staring, Justin can read his lips perfectly.

            Whadda you two whisperin’ about?” Chris shouts suddenly as he points at Josh and Justin.  Josh just smiles and sips his beer.

            “We were just trying to figure how much money we’ve spent in this place since I started at Zeeks,” Justin says convincingly.  “We could have rented a house in the Keys for all the cash we’ve sunk here.”

            “Yeah, but think of all the ass we’d have missed,” Joey grunts as he ogles the half-naked ladies swarming around them.

            “You guys come every Friday?” Trace asks.

            We do,” Lance says, indicating himself, Chris, and Joey.  “But lately your buttbuddy and Josh have been dissing us.  What’s up with that, guys?”

            “Yeah, what’s going on with you two?” Chris asks suspiciously.  “You guys haven’t gone all girly on us, have you?”

            Josh sighs exaggeratedly, “Of course not!”  Then he and Justin start giggling.

            “Figures,” Trace says.  “Justin’s always been kinda girly.”

            “Fuck you,” Justin snorts, and then he can’t stop laughing as he and Josh become a ball of silly, giggling arms, legs, and beer bottles.

            “They’re like a couple of 16 year old teenyboppers,” Joey adds, which only makes the laughter worse.

            “Interesting,” Chris hums as he watches his friends with a mischievous eye.  “That’d be kinda hot!”

            “I’d rent that porn!” Lance proclaims.

            “Drunk, barely legal teenybopper lesbians,” Joey muses, visualizing it in his head.  “Yeah, they’d make a shitload of money.”

            “Well they sure are pretty enough!” Lance says.

            “You guys,” Josh says as he wipes tears from his eyes.  “You guys suck.”

            “Yeah,” Justin utters.  “You guys are high on White Out again!”

            “Really, though,” Chris says, sounding serious, “where’ve you two been the last couple of Friday nights?”

            “Do you guys hang out together?” Lance asks.

            “When did you two become so…chummy?” Chris inquires.

            “What’s with all the freaking questions?” Justin barks, then stands up suddenly, leaving the warmth of Josh’s body next to his.

            “Chill out, man,” chuckles Joey.  “We’re just wondering, that’s all.”

            “Whatever, you guys.  I’m going to the john.”  Justin walks off in a huff, pissed off and confused.  And afraid that everyone around him can read his mind except Josh.

            Justin stays in the bathroom for a while, thinking.  Then he goes to the bar for another beer.  When he returns to their booth, he finds Josh trying to carry on a conversation with Trace, whose face is firmly implanted between the ample breasts of a G-stringed dancer.  Justin stands back and tries not to laugh too hard.  He can’t hear what Josh is saying, but he figures Josh is asking Trace questions about him.  Justin shakes his head.  Josh is pretty clueless sometimes.  But he’s so damn sweet.  When Josh looks too exasperated to try any more, Justin rescues Trace, slipping him money for a private dance, his treat.  Josh pouts for a second, then shrugs and asks Justin if he wants another beer.  Justin declines.  He watches Josh walk away, to the bar, away from him.  The realization that he won’t see that ass for 14 days in a row washes over Justin, and it hits hard.  He turns down the first dancer to approach him, but the next—a beautiful brunette with a firm, athletic build, an amazing mouth and electrifying blue eyes—Justin follows into a back room.  She gets him good and hot, and he tips her well, despite the fact that he keeps his eyes closed the whole time, picturing someone else’s hard body pressed against his.


            A few hours later the six of them are in the parking lot, laughing and yawning and sending well wishes.  Justin forces a smile as he watches the others wish Joey and Josh a safe trip.  He hadn’t counted on a public goodbye.  Before he knows it Joey is slapping him on the back and shaking his hand.

            “I’ll see you in two weeks, man,” Joey says happily.  “Have fun without us.”

            “Yeah, I’ll do that,” Justin grunts, looking at Josh out of the corner of his eye.

            “I can’t believe they’re giving you guys 2 weeks vacation,” Chris says.  “Training my ass.  You guys will be partying every night, hooking up with the fast women of Buffalo.  You won’t get a shred of ‘training’ done.”

            “It sure will be quiet in the office with ya’ll gone,” Lance adds.  “We’ll be so bored.”

            “Well, Justin will still be there,” Trace offers.

            “Oh, yeah,” Chris muses, looking at Justin with a drunken eye.  “Like he said; we’ll be bored!”

            “Fuck you!” Justin laughs, and punches Chris’ arm.  The two of them play wrestle for a minute until Trace sighs and says his goodbyes to the others, grabs Justin’s keys, and heads off to the car.

            “Nice to meet you!  Any friend of the kid is a friend…hey…somebody give me a ride home,” Chris yells, leaving Justin for Josh and nearly toppling the lean man over.  “I’m just a little drunk.”

            “Ok,” Josh says, trying to hold Chris up.  “Wait…I…haven’t said goodbye to Justin yet!”

            “Go ahead,” Joey huffs as he lifts Chris’ arm over his shoulder.  “We gotta get Chris home before he starts singing!”  Justin watches Josh and Joey try to handle a drunk and ornery Chris, and tries to not fret.

            “See you, Joey, have a safe trip,” Justin says, forcing a smile and a wave.  Joey waves back and tries to hurry Josh, who’s looking sorrowfully at Justin.  “Have a good time, Josh.  Be good,” Justin says softly as he backs away slowly, his eyes locked with Josh’s. 

            “See you in two weeks,” Josh murmurs.  He looks almost as disappointed as Justin feels.  Justin smiles sadly at him and goes to his car.  He tries to listen to Trace blathering drunkenly about the lapdance he bought him, but he’s too distracted to really pay attention.  He caresses the steering wheel, missing the goodbye hug he’d been anticipating all night.


16. Goodbye before Buffalo

            Around midnight, Justin finds himself pacing around his kitchen.  With Trace hugging porcelain in the bathroom, Justin finally has a minute alone.  Several times he has to stop himself from picking up the phone and calling Josh.  It’s so late, and he knows Josh needs his sleep, but…he just wants to hear his voice.  Not a minute after Justin replaces the receiver one last time and flips the kitchen light off, he hears a soft knock on his door.  Justin looks through the peephole, then whispers “thank you” to the ceiling.

            “Hey,” Josh says softly as he runs his fingers through his hair.  Justin is too astounded to reply.  He opens the door and pulls Josh inside without question.  “I’m sorry it’s so late, but…I had to see you.”

            “I’m glad you came,” Justin whispers.

            “Did I wake you, or Trace?”

            “No, I was still up.  I think Trace might have passed out in the bathroom, though,” Justin chuckles, rubbing his hands over the goose bumps on his arms.

            “Good.”  Josh smiles shyly as he takes Justin’s hand.  “I forgot to give you something earlier.”

            “What?” whispers Justin.  He hopes his palms aren’t sweating too much.

            “This.”  Josh opens Justin’s hand and places a set of keys in it.  “I forgot to give you keys to my apartment.  You can’t very well feed the cat if you can’t get in, right?”

            “Oh.  Right.”  Justin clears his throat and lays Josh’s keys on the coffee table, right next to his.  “Is that all?”

            “Yeah, I guess so.”  Josh yawns and grabs the doorknob.  “Unless…you had anything else to say…before I leave.”

            “No,” Justin lies.  “Have a safe trip, Josh.  I’ll take good care of your cat,” he says plainly, like someone behind a cash register telling a customer to have a nice day.

            “Ok.  Bye.”  Josh goes to open the door, and Justin panics, and Josh turns, and suddenly they’re in each other’s arms.

            “I knew it!” Justin laughs as they hug tightly.  “Keys, my ass!”

            “Shut up!” Josh laughs against Justin’s neck.  “I really did forget!”

            “Sure you did,” Justin mumbles as he rubs Josh’s back.  They’re silent for a bit, just holding each other.  “I’m glad you forgot.”

            “Me, too.”

            “Are you sure you didn’t plan it this way?” Justin asks playfully as he runs his fingers through Josh’s curls.

            “Maybe,” Josh admits.  “Maybe.”  They pull back and smile at each other.

            “I don’t think we’ve gone more than a day without seeing or calling each other—”

            “I know,” Josh whispers.  “Two weeks, man.  It’ll be so weird.”  Justin pulls Josh into another long, sweet hug. 

            “You better call me,” Justin says after a while.  “And email me, if you get a chance.”

            “I will,” Josh says as he fingers Justin’s short curls.

            “At work and at home.  And don’t forget your cellphone.  And…and…leave me the number of your hotel—in case of emergencies.”

            “Justin,” Josh says with a teasing smile.  He pulls out of the hug, but his hands stay around Justin’s waist.  “Are you…worried about me?”

            “No!  Well, I don’t know.”  Justin blushes and drops his gaze from Josh’s face to a pink flower in his shirt.  “I mean, with the way the world is nowadays, you never know when something horrible might happen.”

            “Yeah, you’re right, Justin.”  Josh lifts Justin’s chin and smiles sadly at him.  “I didn’t mean to make fun of you.  I wasn’t thinking.  I’d be worried about you if you were flying, or if you were leaving me—leaving here, I mean.”  Josh bites his bottom lip nervously.  Justin wants to bite it, too.

            “Just come back safe, ok?” Justin whispers.


            “Ok.”  Justin pulls Josh into another tight hug.  He can’t seem to stop.  “I don’t know what I’d do if anything happened to you.”

            “Justin,” Josh squeaks, his hands moving quickly up Justin’s body to cradle his face.  He looks serious.  “Justin…there’s something…I want to say something to you.”

            “What is it?”  Justin can feel his heart thumping in his chest.  “You can tell me anything, Josh.  I’m your friend.”

            “Yeah, you are,” Josh sighs.  He stares deep into Justin’s eyes, like he’s looking for something, then he shakes his head.  “It’ll wait ‘til I get back.”

            “Are you sure?” asks Justin, his hands around Josh’s waist starting to tremble.  Josh nods sadly.  “Ok.”  Justin sighs and gives Josh one last squeeze.  When he pulls back Josh’s lips press firmly to his cheek, and they stay there.  It’s their longest cheek kiss yet.  Then he tilts his head to kiss Justin’s other cheek.

            “Be good, man,” whispers Josh before rubbing his nose against Justin’s.

            “I will.”  Justin can barely get the words out.  He stares at Josh, who looks both sad and anxious.  Justin kisses Josh’s forehead, then his cheeks, then hovers only a few inches away from Josh’s parted lips.  He holds his breath when Josh leans closer.

            “Hey, Justin!” yells Trace from the hallway suddenly, jolting the two friends out of each other’s arms.  “Am I sleeping on the couch or with you—oh, hey, Josh!” Trace snorts as he trudges into the living room. 

            “Wherever you want,” Justin says tersely.  He curses silently when Trace starts pulling the cushions off the couch.

            “Well, I better get going,” Josh says quickly, his face starting to turn a little pink.  “It was really great to meet you,” he says to Trace, who waves before flopping down face first into the unmade couch bed.  Josh opens the door and takes a step outside before turning back to Justin.  “Have fun with Trace.  Enjoy your time together.”

            “Josh,” Justin says as he grabs his friend’s hand.  There’s so much he wants to say, but he’ll only allow himself to murmur, “Have a safe trip.”  He watches Josh go to his car.  Then he closes the door, looks out the living room window, and watches Josh drive away.


            A noise startles Justin out of his sleep.  He turns over to find Josh standing in the middle of his bedroom.

            “You left the door unlocked,” Josh states plainly.  Justin intuitively gets out of bed, walks over to Josh, and kisses him on the lips.  They kiss deeply, passionately, for several moments.

            “Let me stay here tonight,” Josh pleads against Justin’s lips.

            “But Trace will hear us,” Justin whispers.  “Can you be quiet?”  Josh stares at him as he slides a hand down Justin’s bare chest.

            “No, not with you, not our first time together.”  Justin whimpers as Josh touches his throbbing nipples.

            “I don’t think I can be quiet, either.”  Justin pulls Josh to the bed, kissing him the entire way.  They fall on the mattress, kissing frantically and trying to remove clothes.  Josh rolls on top of Justin and kisses him as his hand slides inside Justin’s boxers.

            “Justin…I have to tell you something,” Josh whispers, his eyes bright.

            “What, baby?”

            “I’m,” Josh says adoringly, as he strokes Justin’s cock faster and faster, “Justin, sweetie, I’m falling in—” 

            The stereo blasting from the living room shakes Justin out of his dream.  He groans as he comes awake to find one hand clutching the heavy pillow on top of him, the other wrapped around his sticky, spent penis.  He rolls over on his stomach and hopelessly tries to get back to sleep.








Copyright © KTA December 2, 2002 – June 2, 2004