Ai No Corrida

By Zaen



            The next time Justin called you to invite you to some far off country you couldn’t even spell, you hesitated.  You had an album to finish recording.  You had professional commitments to fulfill.  And you had a sometimes girlfriend who sometimes needed constant attention.  Justin listened to you quietly.

            “Those are all very good points, JC,” Justin said calmly.  “I, too, have many professional and personal commitments to attend to—as well as a rewarding, loving relationship to nourish.”  You frowned into the phone.  “I am, however, willing to take time out of my busy schedule for a small mini-break in a beautiful villa, on beautiful grounds, in a remote part of the world, on beachfront property—”

            “Justin, that’s great, but I really—”

            “No paparazzi, no reporters, no fans—”

            “I’ve got deadlines, J.”

            “A staff of people who’ll wait on us, serve us, and best of all, who have no idea who the hell we are—”

            “That does sound good, but—”

            “No bodyguards.  And no girlfriends.”

            “I’ve got to—no girlfriends?  No…Cameron?” you whispered.

            “Just you, me, and several days of bliss, man.  Only a few people there, they speak barely any English, and all of them have signed every confidentiality agreement on earth.  The place is gorgeous, C.  You’ll love it.  We’ll love it.”

            “I want to, J, but—”

            “We’ll be alone.  Really alone.  No one to disturb us, baby.  We’ve never really had that, have we?”

            You thought about that.  You two have always been interrupted by people or phones, or pressing business.  Even when you were holed up in your houses, there was always the threat of friends, housekeepers, or girlfriends finding you out.  This would be completely new territory.

            “When do you want me?” you mumbled as you scrambled for your day planner.

            “I want you all the time,” Justin said softly, and then his voice took on his usual aloofness when he said, “but for now, how’s the first week of next month sound?”





            Wealth and privilege were no strangers to you, not for years.  But you were awestruck when you arrived, by boat, at the extra special secret hideaway.  It had been so many hours since you left LA, so many plane changes, so many sleeping pills to get through it all, that you were a little confused—was this northern Micronesia or South East Asia?  Was there a difference?  All you knew for sure was that you weren’t in the West anymore, and that the small island you were arriving at must have cost more than you could even imagine.


            You were greeted by several young, attractive, shirtless men.  They took your bags, smiled, and led you toward the estate.  Justin was standing in the grass overlooking a private waterfall.  As much as you willed it away, you couldn’t keep your jaw from dropping.

            “Is this place great, or what?” Justin said nonchalantly, his arms spread wide to indicate the entire surroundings—the elaborate house, the gorgeous beachfront property, the natural beauty.

            “Dude, this is, like, one of those private islands you hear about on those stupid VH-1 shows!” you gasped as you took in the tropical colors and bluer-than-blue water.

            “Yeah, man.  We’ve arrived.”  As he watched you approach him, his cocksure smile melted away, leaving something resembling the teenager who had jumped and hooted when he found out he was going to Europe for the first time.  “Hello, JC.”


            “You made it.”

            “Yes, I did.”  He walked to you, his eyes searching your face.  It made you a little nervous.  It’d been weeks since you’d seen him.  “Um…how are y—”

            “Baby.”  He pulled you into a kiss, startling you nearly off your feet.

            “J, man…mmm…what if someone sees us?”

            “JC, I told you, man.  We’re on a secluded private island, in a teeny tiny country or principality or something, that caters to rich Westerners who need a place to, uh, get away.”  He kissed your neck.  Over his shoulder you could see a few boy-men here and there, tending to the grounds or the boat.  They either saw you and smiled good-naturedly, or paid you no mind whatsoever.  “No journalists.  No cameras.  Nobody who knows who we are.  You pay enough money and you can find paradise right here on earth, baby.”

            “Um, how much did this cost you?”

            “Nothing.”  Justin snickered as he sucked on your ear.  “Not in money anyway.”

            You gulped.  “What did you and Wilmer do?”

            “Don’t worry, JC.  I didn’t enjoy it.  Only came twice,” Justin chuckled.  You pushed him away a little, surprised yourself at your sudden anger.

            “You fucked him?”

            Justin smiled and stretched in the sunlight.  “You jealous, JC?”

            “No,” you lied sheepishly.  “No.  But…but…you said I was the only—”

            “I said you were the first guy.”  Justin smiled at you and looked around at the surroundings like he was still amazed.  “Feel privileged, C?”

            “Fuck you, Justin!”

            He laughed and walked toward you.  “You are jealous.  Good.  It’s about time.”  Justin turned his back to you and headed into the manse.  Bewildered, you advanced slowly, not sure if he wanted you to follow.  He wanted you to, you soon realized, when you saw him pulling his thin gauzy shirt over his head.

            “Look at this place, man,” he said, perhaps to himself as much as you.  He showed you around the villa—the grand living room, the gourmet kitchen, upstairs to the four large bedrooms, the bathrooms, the Jacuzzi, and back down to a beautiful room right off a garden full of fruit trees and ornamental shrubs.  The light was soft, the windows open to let in cool breeze.  The room was relatively bare save a large white four poster bed, covered with rose petals.  Justin kicked off his shoes and sat on the bed.  He rubbed his stomach as he watched you come to him.

            “This place is amazing,” you said softly.

            “I know.”

            “Did you bring Cameron here?”  You couldn’t help it; it had to be asked, even if it was a mood-killer.  Luckily, it took a lot to kill Justin’s mood.

            “She heard a bit about it, saw some photos, but…no.  I didn’t bring her here.  She thinks I’m skiing with Trace in Tahoe.”

            “Oh.  What if she tries to call you there?”

            “JC, don’t worry about it.”

            “How did he—Wilmer—afford this?  I mean, I know there’s a lot of money in TV, but—”

            “God, you’re hot when you’re jealous,” Justin grunted, stood up, and unbuttoned his pants.  You were taken aback by his brazenness.  It was midday, the curtains and doors to the room were completely open, and somewhere out in the distance were many pairs of eyes.

            “Justin…shouldn’t you close the doors first?”

            “How many times do I have to tell you?  We’re free here, baby.”  He stepped out of his pants—he wasn’t wearing anything underneath.  “No worries, JC.”  Justin walked a bit in front of the open doors, calmly inhaling the fragrant air and letting his hands travel all over his chest and stomach.  “It’s heaven here.”

            “And he gave it to you,” you mumbled against your own will.  Justin turned to you, smirked, and slipped his hand between his legs.  He smiled wickedly at your astonishment.

            “What if someone takes pictures?” you warned, even though the sight of him was making you forget your misgivings already.

            “You’re jealous.  Admit it,” he sighed as he squeezed himself.  He kneeled on the bed, looking down at you with ravenous eyes.  “I love it.  You’re jealous.  I’m so fucking glad.”

            “I’m not jealous.  I couldn’t be.  I have no right to be,” you grunted.

            “JC…come here.  Come to me now.”  He continued stroking himself with one hand while the other reached out for you.  “I love that you’re jealous…because I know you want me.”

            “Why would you doubt that?”

            “C’mere.”  You obeyed, kneeling in front of him on the bed.  He pulled you to him and kissed you roughly.  “Admit it, C.”

            “No…not jeal—oh…oh…”  It’d been too long since you’d had your hands on him.  “Not…maybe…maybe.”

            “Yes.”  He kissed you softly as he started undressing you.  When he had your cock out for the sunshine and the tropical plants and the servants to see if they were looking, Justin mumbled into your mouth, “Don’t worry.  I didn’t let him fuck me, Jace.”

            Your breath caught in your throat.  “Really?”

            “Really,” he sighed against your cheek.  “Can’t say the same for him, though.”

            “Oh.”  You smiled to try to show him how fine you were with it, but he could see right through you.

            “Hey, man.  Don’t be like that.  It’s ok, baby,” Justin laughed as he removed the rest of your clothes and had you stand tall and naked in front of the open double doors.  Your instinct was to cover up, to shield yourself from the outside, from prying eyes, from the world.  You could even hear voices coming from the house and the grounds.  “No, don’t cover up, JC.”  He pulled your hands down to your sides and stood back to gaze at you.  His eyes traveled down your body slowly, methodically.  “My goodness, JC.  Is it possible?  Could you be more beautiful than the last time I set my eyes on you?”  Before you could react, Justin came to you, swept you up in his arms and carried you back to the flower-covered bed.  You were swooning for the first time in your life.


            Justin kissed you tenderly on your lips, your face, your chest.  The sun on your skin and Justin’s body covering you mitigated your anxiety about being caught.  Justin touched you all over, slowly, like you were new lovers.  You were overwhelmed.

            “I can’t believe I’m here,” you admitted.

            “Me, either.”  Justin placed a kiss over your heart.

            “Thank you…for getting this for us,” you squeaked.  “I love it here…even if I don’t love how you got—I mean, it’s none of my business how you—”

            “JC, there’s nothing between me and Wilmer.  Believe me.  I did it for you, baby,” he groaned as he rocked against you.


            “Mmm…jealous.  I love it.”  He kissed your ear and whispered, “Don’t be jealous.  He means nothing to me.  I swear on my sweet little ass—which is yours, baby.  Only yours.”

            “Oh,” came out of you like a shudder.  “Make love to me, Justin.”

            “Yes,” he whispered.  “Right here.”


            “Let go,” Justin growled to you, when you were squealing and trying to hold it in.  “Baby, we’re in our own world here.  It’s alright.  Let me hear you.  Let me know you want me!”

            “But…but…” you panted desperately as he stroked your prostate with his cock.

            “C’mon, honey.  Let go, JC.  Let go.”

            You never screamed louder or longer than when you came.  Afterwards, as you sobbed as he came inside you, you swore you could still hear the echoes of your outburst in the air. 

            “I told you this would be the best booty call ever,” Justin sighed sleepily into your hair. 

            “Yeah,” you sobbed.  You were already crying from the force of the orgasm.  No need to hide the tears now.


            You woke up wrapped up in Justin.  You pulled away and walked outside, over the patio, down to the water, leaving the covers for him.  It was a bit chilly to walk around naked, but when would you ever have a chance to do this again?  You stared into the water and tried to forget what Justin said to you as he drifted off.

            “Hey.”  Justin came up behind you, opened his arms and wrapped you both in the quilt you’d made love on.  He kissed your neck and held you tightly.  You turned to look at him.  His eyes were full of desire…and maybe something else.  He smiled shyly at you.  “What, C?”

            “Justin, do you lo—I mean, do you?”

            “Do I what, C?” Justin asked with a yawn.  You couldn’t utter it again.  Not now.


            “C, man.  Relax.  I’ll take care of you.”  Justin brought his hand up to cup your face, and that’s when you saw it—a new, shiny ring on his left hand.

            “Justin, what is that?  Is that an enga—”

            “It’s nothing.”  Justin quickly brought his hand down.  You watched the finger and the very serious-looking ring disappear behind your back.  How you missed it earlier you weren’t sure.  “It’s just a promise ring thing.  Me and Cam—it’s not what you think.”

            “She has one, too?”

            “Yeah, but don’t think on it.”  Justin pulled you to him and kissed you.  “Don’t even worry about that.  Please.  JC.  Kiss me.  C’mon.  Don’t think about that here.  Look at this place.  Look at where we are.  This is, like, the most beautiful place on earth.  It’s almost as beautiful as you.”

            “Oh.”  What else could you say?

            “Let’s enjoy ourselves, baby,” Justin murmured into your skin.  “While we can.”

            That’s when you knew that this was the start of Justin saying goodbye to you.  You sniffed hard and lied about allergies to all the beautiful flowers.


            You spent most of the next 24 hours either on your back or on your knees.  When you weren’t eating gourmet-quality meals, swimming in clear blue water, or sleeping on cashmere and silk layered beds, you and Justin were tangled up in each other in every room in the house.  All the time you were being waited on hand and foot by the beautiful men inhabiting the house.

            “Who are these guys?” you asked Justin while you ate lunch outside, next to a small waterfall.

            “They work here, of course.”  Justin rubbed his foot up your leg, and then smiled when it rested in your lap.  “Couldn’t exactly do this at Chi, huh?”  You grinned and stuffed your mouth.  A houseboy—houseman?—approached and refilled your glasses with champagne.  “He’s gorgeous, isn’t he?” Justin asked, and placed his hand on the man’s chiseled bicep.


            “Would messieurs need thing more?” the young stud asked in choppy English.  When you both shook your heads, he nodded, winked, and walked away with a swish in his hips.

            “Um, Justin, isn’t that, like, sexual harassment or something?”

            “They come with the house, man.”  Justin leaned back in his chair to let the sun warm his face.  Then he eyed you wickedly.  “I saw you checkin’ him out.  I bet you’d like to fool around with him, wouldn’t you?”

            “Fuck, Justin.  Way to kill a mood.”

            “Really.  He was hot.  All the guys here are hot.  Just let me know, and we can work something out.”

            “No, thanks,” you grumbled, but you smiled as you watched one of the nameless studs working on the gardens.  As if he suddenly felt your eyes on him, he turned and smiled at you before bending over and returning to his work.  You watched his legs and arms flexing in the sun.  He was the hottest thing you’d seen in a long time, not counting the man across from you.

            “JC, you horny dog.”  Justin downed the rest of his champagne and slid his foot firmly between your legs.  “Let’s go out tonight.”


            “Out” meant a short boat trip to another, larger island.  You two walked around holding hands and watching what seemed to be one giant party.  It was dark and loud and teeming with people—none of whom recognized you or paid you any attention.  You did, however, spot a few familiar faces on the outskirts of the crowd.

            “Dude, look over there,” you whispered in Justin’s ear as you nodded toward 2 white men walking through the crowd.  “Is that—”

            “Shh!”  He smiled and kissed your ear.  “Yes, baby.  He’s probably staying at a villa just like ours, on another little island paradise just like ours.”


            “I know.”

            “So…nobody here knows who we are.”

            “Why do you think rich closeted celebrities come here?” he laughed, but you didn’t.  Neither of you had ever said it before—closeted.  It wasn’t something you ever wanted to admit to, even though it was really obvious.  Justin sensed your unease, and quickly pulled you along by the waist to watch men eat fire and women dance to the fastest music you’d ever heard.

            Later, drunk on something unpronounceable but sweet, Justin whispered in your ear, “Look over there.  It’s the hot gardener.”  Sure enough, the man you’d been ogling earlier that day was standing in the crowd, watching the festivities.  When he finally noticed you two staring at him, he smiled and walked away, into the seclusion of some trees.  “Let’s follow him.”  You gulped, but you went along.  Justin was hard against your back.


            The hot gardener stood beneath a large palm-type tree, smoking a cigarette and smiling crookedly.  When you and Justin stopped about 10 feet away from him, he shook his head knowingly and walked toward you.


            “Relax, baby,” Justin whispered in your ear.  The hot gardener took your hand and led you back to another, larger tree.  He pressed you against it and ran a hand up your stomach.

            “Uh, Jus—”

            “It’s ok, C.  Wilmer says he’s discreet.”  At the mention of Wilmer’s name, the hot gardener’s eyes lit up.

            “Like Wilmer,” he laughed.  You and Justin shrugged—was that a question or a statement?  It didn’t matter, because soon the hot gardener was kissing you.  He tasted like foreign cigarettes and pineapple juice and liquor and the ocean and you enjoyed it in your tipsiness, but you stopped him.

            “Justin…what’s going on?”

            “I want to watch you.”  Justin smiled and walked backwards, not too far.  “I want to see what you look like with another man.”

            “Justin, I never asked for that.”

            “I know.  I just…thought you’d like to.  I mean, he’s hot, and he won’t tell, and we’re here and…I thought maybe you’d like to…and…I don’t know.”  Justin turned pink and then shook his head quickly.  “C’mon, man.  Make me jealous.”

            You weren’t sure if that was a challenge or a gift.  Either way, Justin leaned against another tree, crossed his arms, and waved you on, like it was nothing, like you weren’t about to fool around with another man—a stranger—right in front of him.

            “Ok,” hot gardener decided for you, and kissed you again.  You let him—this was an adventure after all.  In all your years and sexual exploits, you’d never done anything with a man outdoors, with so many people around.  It thrilled you a little to have this muscular stranger’s hands all over you, but what thrilled you more was Justin watching you.  At first he looked amused.  The hot gardener was adept to say the least; he had your shirt and your pants completely unbuttoned in only a few seconds.  You watched Justin watching you, and then you closed your eyes and enjoyed a hot mouth on your chest and strong hands on your hips.

            “You like that?” Justin hissed.

            “Mmm.”  You licked your lips, and Justin hissed again.  The hot gardener took you out of your pants, and then you hissed.

            “Oh.  Fuck.”  You had to look.  Justin’s eyes and mouth were wide open, like he’d never seen two men together before.  And then you realized that, except for maybe porn DVDs, he probably hadn’t.

            “Oh…Just.”  It felt good.  You hadn’t had a man other than Justin in a long time.  This guy knew what he was doing.  You rubbed his shoulders and tried to relax.  You could be caught any minute, remote corner of the world or no.  It was hot, but watching Justin made it hotter.

            “Do you like what he’s doing to you?” Justin squeaked.  His mouth was set on drool, but his eyes were hard.  “Does he do it…better than me?”  You didn’t answer; you just lifted your shirt and played with your nipples.  “Does he, C?”

            “That’s it…suck my…yeah…play with ‘em,” you moaned, not really caring that hot gardener probably couldn’t understand you.  Language wasn’t really necessary; he greedily consumed one and then the other testicle.  You moaned and thrust against him.  “Yes!”

            “MMmmph!”  The hot gardener smiled around your junk as his fingers slid up the back of your legs.  You heard Justin start.

            “Uh,” he grunted, and wiped his mouth.  “Um…I, uh…”

            “Justin,” you groaned, and looked at him sharply, “he’s playing with my a—”

            “That’s it!”  Justin lumbered over and nudged hot gardener suggestively with his knee.  “Um…are…um…”

            “Oh…he’s almost inside,” you groaned.  Justin’s face shriveled into a tight scowl.  You nearly laughed out loud.  You looked down at the hot gardener and growled “Oh…God….Oh….fuck me.”  It was your best acting yet.  “I bet you’re huge.”

            “Enough!” Justin growled and grabbed your arm, jerking you away and your sex out of the hot gardener’s mouth.  “Fucking…think he’s so…asshole,” he mumbled as he pulled you away.  You looked back over your shoulder to see the hot gardener standing up and wiping his mouth.  You shrugged helplessly.  He smiled like this happened to him all the time.

            “Justin, where are you—”

            “Shut up!”  Justin pulled you further into the darkness, back to where the only light came from the stars in the sky.  “You,” he grunted and pushed you against a tree, “are not going anywhere.”

            “Why, J?”  You stroked yourself, missing the wet heat on your cock.  Justin looked down at it hungrily.  “Isn’t that what you wanted?  To see me with another guy?  Huh?  Isn’t that what you wanted?  Don’t you always get what you want, you jealous prick?”  He frowned at you.

            “I didn’t know how it would…fuck, C.  Why’d you have to like it so much?”

            You gulped.  Was he really that jealous?  Did he finally get it?

            “Justin…we’re alone now.”

            “Don’t do that again,” Justin demanded as he lunged at you, kissing you roughly, already scrambling at your pants to get them all the way off.


            There, underneath the stars, with the sounds of world music and laughter flowing in the air, Justin slid to his knees and took you in his mouth.  You came with a howl, and then you kissed him for what seemed like hours.

            You barely had time to catch your breath before he had you on your back, begging to enter you.  You two rolled around in the soft earth before you pinned him under you.

            “We’ve never…outside before,” you whispered as you pressed yourself down onto him.  “Oh…we may never get…this chance…ohhh…again.”

            “Shh.  Don’t say that, don’t say that.”  Justin leaned up to meet you and held you firmly to him.  “This isn’t the last anything.”  You were glad it was too dark for him to see your eyes, because you didn’t believe him for a second.

            You could barely walk back to the boat, but that didn’t stop Justin from taking you again, back at the estate, in the sand next to the water.  It hurt, and you never wanted it to end.


            You woke up the next morning in the softest bed, your head lying on the softest pillows, wrapped up in the softest silk sheets, with the softest lips you’d ever felt wrapped around your soft penis.

            “Just,” you whispered, unsure if you were dreaming or not.

            “Couldn’t wait for you to wake up,” he whispered back. 

            Once he’d made you hard, he crawled up your body and stammered, “May I…um…can we…I want to…um…bu-bukkake?”

            “Ok.”  Luckily he warned you to shut your eyes before he ejaculated all over your face.  It wasn’t a completely distasteful feeling—having his stickiness on your cheeks—you told him when he asked, stammering, “Oh…JC…you ok?  Is it…too gross?”  He rushed for a cloth and apologized profusely as he kissed and wiped you clean.  You giggled and turned him on his stomach, telling him you’d take his ass as reparation.


            “I feel like biting you all over,” Justin said as he pulled himself up from the floor, where you two had landed mid-coitus.  You laid out for him, in the cool silk sheets, and let him nibble the skin on your neck.

            “I’m hungry.  For food,” you giggled before he could give a smart-alecky reply.

            “Mmm.  Ok, don’t move.”  He started to leave the room naked, but your tongue clucking got him to at least put on a small robe.  You rested, happy that you two were having such a great time, refusing to count down the days until this…this…was all over.

            Justin returned with the rotund middle-aged housekeeper—the only female you’d seen in the house so far—both of them carrying trays of food.  As she set the trays on the nearby table, Justin climbed atop you and returned to his nibbling.

            “Umf!”  She walked back to the door, shaking her head at you two disapprovingly.  “You never leave bed.  Those things going fall off!”

            “That’ll be all, ma’am!” Justin laughed as he waved her away.  “Our things will be fine!”

            “Scandalous!” she grunted, in perfect English, and slammed the door as she marched away loudly.  Justin laughed into your stomach, and for a second it was like 3 years ago, stolen kisses, hotel rooms, and the promise of more to come.

            “What time is it?” you asked as you ran your hands over his head and back.  “I mean…we have been in here quite a long time.  Shouldn’t we, like, get up?  Go for a walk outside?  Get some fresh air?”

            “I got some strawberries.  I want to eat them off your body.”

            “Did you hear me, J?”

            “And mango.  I love mango.  Don’t you love mango, C?”

            “Justin, stop changing the subject.”

            “I wanna cover you in fruit and eat it off you.”  He looked up at you.  “Maybe I can put some in you, too.”

            “Oh God.”


            After, as you lazed in a bathtub and let Justin wash fruit juice from between your legs, he finally relented.

            “Let’s go look at the pretty outside, JC.  We have more between us than just sex.”

            “Sure,” you said gratefully.


            You walked around the island, watching the birds and the trees and the water.  You talked about all kinds of things, or nothing at all.  Justin held your hand the whole time.  It felt like the best date of your life.


            After another meal, this time eaten off plates, you took a nap in one of the rooms you two had yet to christen.  When you woke you followed the sound of Justin’s voice outside to the guesthouse.  You walked in on him whispering into the phone.

            “I miss you, too, honey,” he said softly as he rubbed his hand through his hair.  You didn’t know whether to run away or scream.  Instead you took a deep breath and moved slowly.  Justin mmm-hmmed and ah-hahed a few times.  He jumped a bit when you wrapped your arms around him.

            “Oh, no, it was just…a, uh…spider.  You know how I am about spiders,” he said, and then turned around to frown at you.  When you wouldn’t let go, his frown softened into a smile.  You kissed his cheek reassuringly.  When he realized you weren’t going to make a sound and fuck him over, he kissed your cheek, too.

            “I missed you,” you mouthed against his ear.  He nodded and rubbed your back.

            You sat him down on the arm of a leather couch and pressed his face to your chest.  He inhaled deeply and kept talking to his girlfriend like nothing was going on, like you weren’t rubbing his crotch with your knee.

            “Yeah, I’ve got a few meetings lined up when I get back.  I figure I can get in one more film this year,” he said nonchalantly as he rubbed your ass.  You wanted to interrupt, ask him about his supposed upcoming album.  Instead you sat on his lap and slid your hands inside his shirt.  Justin’s movie career was none of your business, you’d been telling yourself for a year.

            “I’m having a great time.”  Justin smiled at you, but when you tried to kiss him he turned away.  “You know how much I love snowboarding, baby.”  Heat rose in your face.  You couldn’t help it.

            “Hang up,” you mouthed.  When he ignored you, you nudged him and whispered, “Hang up.”

            “Nah, it’s just the TV in the background,” Justin grunted into the phone, and covered the mouthpiece with his hand.  “Stop,” he whispered to you.  You kissed him hard.  He repeated it against your mouth, but you could feel him giving in.  He wrapped his other hand around your waist, let it slide down the back of your pants.

            “Hang up, Justin,” you cooed as you rubbed yourself against his crotch.

            “What was that?  I’m sorry, I didn’t hear what you said.”  Justin gave you a stern look, but his fingers didn’t stop their descent.  He toyed with your ass, just a little, and laughed at/with his girlfriend at the same time.  You were impressed.  And pissed.

            You cleared your throat loudly, ignoring his frown, and slid down to your knees.  Justin placed his free hand over his zipper, like that would stop you.  You merely suckled those fingers until they trembled and made way for you, undoing the fly and zipper one-handed.

            “Uh huh.  Yeah, girl, I’d be down with thaaaaaasssss.  Ugh.  Hold on!”  Justin groaned as you pulled his cock free and slipped it into your mouth in one fell swoop.  He hit the mute button, set the phone down, and pressed himself against you, further into your mouth.  “Fuck, JC!  Fuck.  Aw, fuck!”

            “Don’t come in my mouth yet,” you said confidently as you jerked him off.

            “Don’t stop yet!”

            “Hang up, Justin.  Hang up.  Do it.  Do it.  Do it.”  You kept repeating the words in between quick flicks of your tongue along the tip of his erection.  Justin whimpered like a child having a tantrum.

            “I have to…oh…shit, C.  No one can…uh.”  You took him all the way down your throat, slowly, your eyes on him the whole time.  His whole body was frozen, save the quivering bottom lip and the throbbing heat surging in his genitals.  Finally he swallowed and admitted, “No one can do what you do to me.  To my…my…ohmig…JC.  Look what you’ve done to me, baby.”  You hummed as you sucked him hard, up and down the shaft so slowly that you nearly forgot the whistling girl on the other end of the receiver.  Justin gasped and scrambled for the phone.  Maybe he forgot, too.

            “Baby…I, uh, I gotta go.  Yes.  I…yes.  I will.  Yes.  Yes.”  Justin muted again, but he held the phone to his ear and nodded instead.  You’d have laughed if your mouth wasn’t full of leaking flesh.  “Ok, baby.  Yes, I—you, too.  Bye.”  You pulled away and stared at the floor.  Not that.  Not here.

            “Don’t stop,” Justin groaned as he flung the phone down.  “C’mere, baby.  That felt so good.”  When he couldn’t goad your lips apart with his fingers, he tried with his penis.  When that didn’t work, he tilted your head up and said, “C.  Please.  Look what you do to me.  I need you.  Kiss me.  Kiss me here.  Taste me, C.  C’mon.”  He leaned forward, just a bit, just enough so his cock pressed against your wet lips.  “You made me hang up on my girlfr—you can make me do anything, you know that,” he whispered as you let him in.  “I’m yours, JC.  Yours.  Taste me.  Oh!”  You blew him with a vengeance, like you wanted his groans and cries to drown out the sound of their laughter and pet names and his you, too.

            “Shit, JC.  Look at me.  Look…look.”  Justin slipped his penis, covered in your saliva and his precum, from your mouth.  He held it firmly and brandished it at you.  “Look at how hard you made me, JC,” he panted.  You gazed at it proudly; he’d never stopped you mid-suck to commend you on your talent before.  “You’re amazing, JC.  Do you know that?  Do you know how good you are?”  He teased your lips with the tip, just enough to make your hungrier.  “Shit, JC.  Don’t you know I’d do whatever you want?  My cock is at your command, baby.”  You snickered, but he didn’t crack a smile.  He licked his lips and shivered.  “JC.  When I’m with you…I forget who it belongs to.  I wanna do anything for you, baby.  Don’t you see that?”  You didn’t want him to see how touched you were, so you licked the proffered erection, all the way from the base to the tip.  Justin moaned, “Don’t you see how much it wants you?  It wants you more than anything in the world.”

            You threw yourself at him and ripped at both your clothes, desperate for his skin against yours.  You were embarrassing yourself and you didn’t care.  He loved it.

            “Josh.”  Justin hadn’t called you that in years.  You thanked him with your tongue, your body, your hands as you grinded him down into the couch cushions.

            “So hot,” you whispered as you writhed on top of him.  “I’m so fucking into you.”  It slipped out.  You turned away from his eyes, but he pulled your face back. 

            “Jace.”  He pushed you up so you were hovering over him, so he could get a good look at your face, your heaving chest, your cock jutting out of your pants and sharp against his.  “Damn.  Look at you, baby.  You…you really want me, don’t you?  You really want me.”

            He sounded surprised.  How in the world could he be that surprised?

            “I’m gonna come for you,” he whispered as he started to shake all over.  “Because you want me to.  Because you want me.”

            “Of course I do!”

            “I love…knowing how much you want me.  I need to know it, C.”  He kissed you hard.  “I need to know it…always…always..l…alwayyyys.”  He repeated it as he came underneath you, violently rubbing his belly and his cock against yours until you joined him.


            After that, Justin stuck to you all day, following you around the grounds, touching you when you passed in the halls, grabbing you and kissing you when the servants were watching.  It was all you could do to keep from telling him how much you needed him.

            Loved him.


            You two were lounging by the water on your last day in paradise when Justin suddenly bolted out of his chair, saying he had something to take care of, looking at his watch.  You watched him walk away.  He was going to call Cameron.  Maybe tell her when he’d be arriving.  Maybe tell her how much he missed her and loved her.  You let your imagination run wild, and then like a jealous preteen, you stomped into the guesthouse to confront him.  The bungalow was empty, so you looked out the window.  That’s when you saw him, in the main house, in the master bedroom, packing, a telephone in the crook of his neck.

            “He can’t wait to get away from me,” you whispered.  You wanted to pout and complain, but it was no use if Justin wanted to waste the few precious hours you had left together.  So you sighed, plopped down defeated in a chair, and picked up the phone.


            Eva had been talking at you for nearly half an hour when you heard the door open.

            “Uh…yeah, babe.  Yeah, you should definitely do that.  It’ll be great exposure for you.”  You didn’t look up as you spoke.  You wanted him to hear.  “Maybe I’ll tag along with you.”  You waited for Justin to say something, but nothing came.  “When can we get together again, baby?”

            “I dunno, lover,” Eva trilled in your ear.  “I’ll be back in the States at the end of next week?  Can I pencil you in?”

            “Of course!”  You winced at the phoniness in your voice, but hoped it sounded convincing.

            “Great.  Gotta go, lover!  I’ll talk to you soon!  Kisses!  Ciao!”  And then she was gone.

            “Ok…baby.  See you soon.  Um…ummm…”  You wanted to say something that would make Justin jealous, but you couldn’t exactly lie, couldn’t say I love you into the dial tone when it wasn’t exactly true.  So you whispered, “Me too, baby,” and clicked off the phone.


            “Oh, hey, man!”  You feigned surprise as turned to face him.  “Didn’t see ya there.”

            “Yeah, uh, I just wanted to…didn’t mean to interrupt you.”  Justin cleared his throat nervously.  “Anyway, dinner’s ready.  Come.”  He held his hand out to you.  You hoped what you saw in his eyes was sadness for your last evening, and not yearning for his girlfriend.


            As excited as you were to eat and drink exotic food, the mood in the formal dining room was somewhat drab.  Justin wouldn’t meet your eye.  He kept playing with his food.  Finally, you put your fork down.

            “Justin, what’s wrong?”

            “How was she?  Eva, I mean.  Is she doing well?”

            “Yeah.  I guess.  I mean, yes.”

            “Hm.”  Justin took a bite of something that tasted wonderful but looked disgusting.  “You’re going to see each other when you get back?”

            “Yeah, of course.”  Justin shot you a stern look, and then looked back down at his plate.

            “So…how’s the sex?”


            “Do you have a good time with her?  Does she give you everything you want?”

            “Justin?  Why the hell are you asking me this?” you snapped, a bit lowly, so no one could overhear.

            “Just making conversation.”  Justin stabbed his food.

            “What’s going on?” you asked softly.  “Are you…jealous?”

            “No,” he grunted.  You both continued eating, and then Justin uttered, eyes cast downward, “Are you…in love with her?”

            “I can’t believe you’re asking me that.”  You tried to eat again, but the lump in your throat wouldn’t let you.  “Justin, what the fuck?”

            “Forget it!  Forget it.”  Justin threw his fork down, sighed deeply, and then stood up.  “I’m sorry I asked.  Forgive me.”  Justin turned and rushed upstairs.  It took a few seconds for your brain to catch up, and then you quickly followed him.


            “Justin, we need to talk about—oh.”  The lights were out in the master suite, illuminated only with tall candles.  Local flowers covered the floor, the furniture, and the bed.  The windows were open, allowing a cool breeze to softly disturb the curtains.  Justin stood in the middle of the floor, looking nervous.  “What’s this, J?”

            “I wanted to surprise you, but now…I didn’t mean to…whatever.”  You went to him slowly.

            “Justin.  Baby.”

            “I just wanted this to be perfect because…the time is so short, and because…because…you know.”

            You didn’t want to say because you’re leaving me after this.  You just said, “I know.”  You didn’t want to think about the ring on his finger, and the phone calls, and the fact that he sold his house in Orlando without telling you.  You didn’t want to think about the fact that you were losing him.  That this was going to be the end of you.

            “Josh.”  He looked nervous.  Perhaps sad.  It was too much.  You had to put it out of your mind.

            You walked to the bed.  “Come to me.”  He did.


            The foreplay lasted longer than ever, Justin kissing you insistently, pulling you up into a kiss after your mouth strayed to his chest, to his feet, to his cock, to his ass.

            “Don’t stop kissing me,” he whispered desperately as he rolled on top of you.

            You scrambled for any of the various containers of lube scattered everywhere around the bedrooms, the house.  “I won’t, Justin.  I won’t.”


            “Oh.  Oh, God.”

            “J?  Are you ok, baby?”

            “Don’t stop.”  Justin clutched onto you as he rode you, his face set in a slight grimace.  The candlelight bouncing off his tanned skin gave the room an orange glow.  You looked around as you slowly pressed your hips up, driving yourself into his tightness.  You didn’t want to forget anything.

            “Look at us,” Justin whispered, his eyes half open and set on the large mirror next to the bed.  “Look at us, darling.”  He held you close and rocked you as he breathed loudly into your hair.  “This is so good.”

            “Yes.  Yes.”  You thrust into him harder, smiling when he roared.

            “Ohmygooooo.  Ohhhh.  C.  Baby, you’re making me crazy, I can’t stand it.”  He kissed you and wiggled, forcing you to turn your body a bit to the left.

            “Justin, what—”

            “I wanna see, I wanna see,” he mumbled into your mouth.  He arched his back, and then looked over his shoulder at the mirror again.  “Look.”  From this, new angle, you could see more of your bodies intertwining, more skin.  Justin rose up over you, and then slid back down onto your sex, whimpering as he enveloped you.

            “Oh.  Josh.  Look at us.”  You held his hips firmly, guiding him so you could see what was happening, so you could see your penis disappearing into his body.  It made you shiver.

            “Justin…oh, baby.”

            “Oh, C, I love it,” he moaned against your cheek.  He looked back again, moaned wantonly, and then turned back to speak into your open, wet mouth.  “I love to watch you going in and out of me, Josh.  Mmmm…I love it.”

            “Oh.  Fuck.”  He felt too good, his weight and his heat on top of you.  You had to lie back, and let him do the work for a bit, or you’d come right away.  He smiled down at you as he rode your sex, moving up and down on you so slowly that you both fisted the sheets.

            “Damn it,” he grunted when he leaned too far forward and you slipped out.  “Hate it when you leave me,” you barely heard him say.  You wanted to grab him and hug him, but then he squatted over you.  You held your breath as he held your sex tight and guided it inside him, watching with awed fascination as he opened up to receive you.  His face squinched up and he gasped, but he didn’t stop, only groaned, “yes…yes…my baby…fuck me…love it…love this.”  When he sank back down, his bottom on your lap, you opened your mouth, too turned on and too far gone to hold back any more.

            “Justin…oh…I lov—”

            “Mmmm….oh…right there, right there…”  He barely moved, holding himself up on your legs as his hips moved back and forward just a bit.  You swallowed your admission.  This was too hot not to watch, Justin guiding your cock against his prostate.  If you told him now, surely it would spoil everything you two have spent the last 3 years building.  So you watched him, and held him, and fucked him, and loved him silently, like you’d been doing since forever.

            “It’s so fucking good.  Oh…I can barely stand it…so good,” he moaned.  He thrust back, hard, and wailed.


            “I want it to hurt,” he admitted reluctantly.  “Want it to…so I’ll remember this feeling.  So I’ll remember you inside me, like this, C.”

            You rubbed his ass anyway.  “Baby.  I don’t wanna hurt you.”

            “Josh.  It’s ok.  It’s perfect.  You’re the best.  I can’t…I can’t hold back anymore.  Come here.”  You sat up, and he gathered you into his arms and shivered as he spoke against your mouth.  “I’m gonna come for you, baby.  Right now.  For you, darlin’.  In this beautiful place, our paradise.  You made me feel this,” he groaned as he thrust your hand on his cock, sighing when you began to quickly stroke him.  “Yes…Josh…I’m so in…fuck me.  Oh.  Fuck!”  Justin screamed when he came, loud and bold and high pitched, even though he barely had anything to show for his orgasm.  With all the sex you’d had, you wondered how he had anything left.  It was enough, and you greedily consumed what you found on your fingers.  Justin shivered as he watched you drink him, and then he kissed you breathlessly.

            “Baby.  Mmm.”  He didn’t even slow down to catch his breath, even though he looked like he needed to.  He kept on kissing you, kept on fucking you.  He was even more aggressive, if possible.

            “Jus, baby, slow down,” you groaned as he chewed on your neck.

            “Can’t.  We have so little time left…so much I wanted to do with you.”


            “Oh…yeah.”  Justin held your arms over your head and leaned down to look at you up close.  “So much we still haven’t done, C.  I wanted to…tie you up.  Spank you.  I wanted to…to...”  Justin’s voice dropped, but his eyes stayed focused on you.  “I wanted to dress up for you,” he whispered.

            “You’d do that?” you whispered as you envisioned Justin in high heels and a leather skirt.

            “Anything, C.  Anything.  I want you so freaking bad.”

            Your chest swelled up like your sex, still deep inside Justin’s body.  “Baby, I want you, too, Justin.”

            “Then take me,” he groaned as he pressed down faster.  “Fuck me.  Don’t fucking stop.”

            Justin was like an animal.  He took your breath away.  You wondered if that was what he was trying to do, literally, with his overbearing kisses.  He wouldn’t let you turn away, kissing you harder and deeper every passing second.

            “Fuck me!” he demanded.  He pulled away, staring at your red, overworked sex as he crawled onto all fours on the bed.  He looked behind you and whispered, “Please.”  You scrambled to your knees and grabbed his hips, hard.  You took him, hard.  He squealed when you plunged inside him, “Oh, fu…so good…my…baby…can’t take it.  Yes.  Don’t stop, love.”

            “Justin.  I’m so…oooohhhh.”  You weren’t going to last much longer.

            “Ohhhhh…fuck.”  He leaned down, his chest and his cheek to the bed, his hands stretched out behind him to try to grab you, like you could get any deeper inside.  “JC…JC…JC…don’t stop…”  His voice lowered to a whisper, and that worried you for a second.  But when you slowed, stroked his back, started to ask if he was ok, Justin tensed up and roared, “Josh!  Don’t stop.  Honey…please…inside me…come…please.”

            “Justin!”  You pushed forward, lifting Justin quickly and pressing him against the wall.  He squealed delightedly as you fucked him faster against the hard surface.

            “C’mon…C…love me.” 

            “Let me!” you cried out as you came, your hands tight on his hips.

            “Oh.  Oh.  JC.  Don’t stop.”  He clung to you, with his arms and with his ass, but he couldn’t stop you from slipping out, slipping away.  You fell in an exhausted heap on your back.  “JC…come on,” he demanded, gasping for breath.  “It’s so good.  Don’t stop now.”

            “Fuck.  I can’t.  There’s nothing left.”  He made a dissatisfied groan, and turned around to straddle you.  He grasped your softening cock and stroked it even though it threatened to shrivel in his hands.  “I don’t wanna stop yet, JC.”  It was slick with lube and semen.  He looked at the slickness on his palm.  “You left this in me.”

            “Justin…you’re making me insane.”

            “Good.  Now you know how it feels.”  He stroked you, talking dirty.  “I want you hard, now, JC.  Get hard for me.  C’mon, JC.”  He stroked you with his right hand, himself with his left.  The sight of it made you whimper.  It was already so late.

            “Justin, I’m exhausted.  So are you.”

            “I don’t care.  I need…this.  You.”  He flung himself on top of you, kissing you hard while his hands still worked your flesh.


            “I want you hard,” he barked into your mouth.  “Want you inside me once more.”

            “You’re…oh…Justin!”  You tried to stop his assault on your tender phallus, but he wouldn’t let up.  “Fuck, can’t you wait?”

            “Ugh!”  He sat up straight, staring down at you with angry eyes.  “All I ever do is wait!”

            “Justin…baby…just a little bit, and we can do it again!”

            “You don’t get it, do you?  There’s not enough time to—it’s not enough.”

            “Justin.”  He was shaking a little bit.  You couldn’t tell if he was angry or sad or both.  “Justin, I want to, but I’m too…sore.  It hurts,” you admitted reluctantly.

            Justin lifted his eyes to you slowly.  They were blue and red.  “Hurt me.”


            “Hi…hit me.”  He took your palm and tried to make you slap him.  “C’mon, C.”  He sniffed and tried it again, but you held back.  “I know you want to.  For all those time I’ve pissed you off—”

            “This isn’t funny, Justin!”

            “C’mon, JC,” he teased, though his words caught in his throat.  He took your limp-wristed arm and kept swinging playfully at his chest, smiling when you made contact a few times.  “You know how many people would give their eyeteeth for the chance to punch out a former boybander?”

            “What the fuck is wrong with you?” you screamed.

            “I just want us to…to…”

            “What, Justin?  You want us to beat each other up?”  Justin dropped your hand and looked down sheepishly.

            “I want us to…do something different.  Something you’ll…remember.”


            “Yes.”  His eyes softened a little.  “I want to make you so crazy that you won’t want to go back to—I want to finish you, JC.  I want you so full and empty at the same time that you won’t want to touch another person again.  I want to drive you mad.”  You gulped, because he was starting to scare you.  And what scared you more was that you were starting to like it.

            “Jus.  I…I want that, too.  To make you feel.  So much.”  You closed your eyes as he kissed you and stroked your neck.  When he leaned back to look down at you, his hands were still on your neck.  “Jus?”

            He didn’t say anything for a long time.  Finally, he whispered, “Wanna try?” as his hands gripped, just the slightest bit, your neck.  Your entire body tensed up at once, your breath caught in your lungs.  You grabbed his arms.

            “No, Justin.  Not that.”

            “Why not?”  He tried to grin, and then sniffed instead.  “It’s supposed to be a great rush, man.”  You couldn’t believe it; you were frozen.  He rubbed your neck, and then pressed, just a little more, on your windpipe.  It didn’t hurt…physically.  But your eyes welled up nonetheless.

            “Please, Justin.  Don’t do this.  Don’t…hurt me,” you whispered.

            “I would never.  You know that.”

            “Then why are you—”

            “Please, let’s just try it.  Just once…just this once…just this once…I’ll make you feel so good,” he whispered as he rocked on you, your lap, your cock.  “I want to make you feel good.”  You were so confused and scared and turned on and scared that you were turned on that you didn’t know what to do.  You gripped his forearms tighter, but he must have misinterpreted your insistence.  His grip intensified, and you finally started to feel a bit lightheaded.  You bucked your hips to get him off, and he slipped forward, his hands tightening suddenly.  You knocked him away and scrambled to your knees as you caught your breath.

            “Jesus!” you gasped as you rubbed your red neck.

            “I’m sorry!  I slipped!  I didn’t mean to do it that hard.”

            “Are you trying to kill me?”

            “What?” he gasped.  His eyes grew wide and he shook his head incredulously.  “Josh, I’d never…I wasn’t trying to hurt you.  I was…I’m trying to make you—”

            “Get away from me!”  You slapped his hands away and rushed into the adjoining bathroom.  You managed to inspect your neck in the mirror without looking yourself in the face.  You didn’t want to see your eyes.


            The bedroom was empty when you came out of the bathroom a while later.  You looked around and out the window, but you swore you wouldn’t go looking for him.  So you pulled your luggage out and started packing.  You didn’t speak when the servants addressed you; you knew you’d burst into tears.


            You were just about to fall asleep when Justin tiptoed into the room.  He moved slowly in the dark, quietly removing his shoes and brushing his teeth.  You could hear his shallow breathing the whole time.

            “Josh…um, C?”

            “I’m awake.”

            Justin cleared his throat.  “Can I sleep in here with you?”

            “Of course.”  As he slipped under the covers, you wondered if he’d embrace you, if you’d make love one very, very last time.  The arms you expected to feel around you didn’t come.  Instead Justin curled up on his side of the bed and sighed loudly.

            “I’m sorry, Jace.  About earlier…all that.”

            “But why did you—”

            “I just—I got carried away.  Our last night.  I wanted you to remember it.  Me.”

            You turned over and stared at what you could see of him in the dark.  He looked so thin and limp.  You wondered if his girlfriend was feeding him at all.  “Justin.  I always remember our times together.  Don’t you?”

            “I remember everything, JC.”

            “Are you saying that I don’t?”

            “No, I…nevermind, C.  I don’t want to fight with you now.  I’m too tired…and I never win, anyway.”

            “Justin.”  You waited a few minutes, and then you slid over to him and spooned him.  “It’s me that never wins, J.”  You fell into an uneasy sleep, and dreamed that Cameron Diaz stabbed you in the back with a red flagged sword.


            You and Justin left together, but when you arrived at the mainland you realized you were on different flights, headed for different destinations.

            “It has to be this way,” Justin murmured as your security guards descended upon you.  “It’d look suspicious…if we…so, um, yeah.”

            “It was nice.  Not having to worry about that stuff,” you offered.  He nodded and hoisted his carryon on his shoulder.

            “I better get going.”  He stared at you.  Even with his dark sunglasses on, you could still just make out his eyes.  They made your mouth go dry.


            “Gimme a hug, man.”  He embraced you quickly, and whimpered when you gave him an impulsive kiss on his neck.  “See ya, JC.”  He started to walk away, but you grabbed his hand.  “Jace…my flight.”

            “I just wanted to say.  Um.  Thanks.  For…all this.  For getting it for us.  It was a great…”  You couldn’t say “last time” to him, but when you caressed the ring on his engagement finger, you knew he understood.  He nodded and pulled his hand out of yours.

            “No problem.  Have a safe trip.”  He took another look at you, the tiny airport around you, and then rushed away rubbing something on his cheek.

            You couldn’t sleep one bit on the long journey home.  Once there, you slept for days.














Copyright 2005-2006 by KTA