Ai No Corrida

By Zaen



            You enjoyed spending time with your brother and friends on your twenty-ninth birthday, but the days following it you sequestered yourself in the studio.  The album was all but finished, but you had no idea when Jive wanted to release it.  You had nothing to do but fiddle with it.  And brood.  And try to ignore the aching in your heart.




            After a long day spent at the studio, you returned to your house, bypassing the angrily flashing answering machine to make a beeline for the bathtub.

            A nice, relaxing bubble bath was followed by a short nap.  Then you listened to some music, and even managed to dance a little by yourself for a few minutes.  It was when you went downstairs and out the front door to retrieve the mail that you noticed the car in your driveway.  Your heart started thumping the second you recognized the plate.

            “Um, hello?” you called out as you closed your front door.

            “Dining room.”  You slowly walked from the foyer, taking the long way through the living room instead of the shorter way through the kitchen.  There was a small cake on the dining room table.  Justin was sitting in the corner, legs and arms crossed, looking at his watch.  “I’ve been here a while,” he said without looking up.  “I lit that thing like 5 times, every time I heard you moving up there, but…I guess you took a nap or something.”

            “Why didn’t you come up?  Or call first?” you asked, staring at the cake.  There were three lit candles on it, and the wax was millimeters away from hitting the icing.

            Justin shrugged.  “I don’t know.  Guess I wanted to surprise you or something.”  He looked up finally.  His eyes were red.  He looked nervous.  “Surprise.”

            “Yeah, uh, thanks.”  Justin stood up and straightened the wrinkles out in his pants.  It would have made you laugh, if you weren’t afraid Justin would bolt if you did.  “So…what are you doing here, J?”

            “I brought you a cake,” he answered, pointing to the table.  “I know it was a while ago, but I missed your birthday and…so…um…I thought.  You know.  I don’t know.”

            “Oh.”  It was all you could think to say.

            “I’m not interrupting something, am I?” Justin added quickly.  “I mean, is she…is Eva here?”

            Where the fuck have you been, you thought, frowning.  You cleared your throat and walked over to look down at the little cake.  It looked homemade, but you didn’t want to ask and have your hopes dashed, again.  “No.  I’m here all alone.”

            “I know it’s none of my business, but…are you two still together?” Justin asked meekly.

            You wanted to say, you’re right, it’s none of your damn business, but instead you replied, “Why do you ask, Justin?”

            Justin looked down at his feet tapping nervously on the floor.  “I just heard that, well, they say that your new record is crammed with anti-Eva songs…that it’s all about her hurting you and stuff.”  He walked over to the wall and fiddled with the light dimmer.  “Copycat.”

            “Oh, shut up, Justin!”

            “I was only kidding,” he mumbled.  “I’m sorry.”


            “No, I meant that I’m sorry…that she broke your heart, man.  I’m really sorry,” he whispered.  You wanted to laugh, but Justin sounded so sincere that you couldn’t.

            “You…you’re sorry that she…because she broke my heart.  Because she chose someone else over me.”  How Justin missed the irony, you’d never know.  “That’s what you’re saying?”

            “Yeah.  I mean, shit, she’s obviously not in her right mind.”  Again, the irony threatened to overtake you with angry laughter, but you held it in.  You wanted to hear this.  “That other guy has nothing on you, man.”  Justin took a step toward you and rubbed his hands idly on the top of a chair, like he was really nervous.  “I don’t know everything that went on between you two, but…I don’t know.  Maybe it’s for the best.  I mean, um, not that she hurt you…just that…maybe it means something?”  He cleared his throat and glanced at you quickly, then looked back at the table.  “I hate to see you so down.”  Compared to the time right after your outburst in Memphis, this was a picnic, but you kept that to yourself.  “I have this, like, unhealthy anger towards her now, you know?  I told her I’d hurt her if she hurt you.” 

            “When…oh.”  You’d almost forgotten that night last year, when Justin taunted her beneath his breath after you’d screwed him on someone’s bathroom floor.  Suddenly you missed him more than ever.  “Well, I guess you’re too late.”

            Justin scratched his head.  “Hey, um, maybe something bad will happen to her on the set of her show.  Like she’ll eat something bad at craft services, or get stuck in her trailer with a swarm of bees, or get hit on the head with a boom or something!”

            “Don’t say that, J.”

            “I know.  I’m just kidding.”  He smiled wickedly.  “You never know, though.”

            “Whatever, Justin.  What are you really doing here?”

            “I wanted to wish you a happy belated birthday,” he answered softly.  He moved next to you and placed a hand on your back, but kept his eyes lowered.  “And to ask you something.”  Your heart raced; you made yourself breathe deeply to slow it down.  “I, uh…”  Justin’s eyes met yours slowly.  “Do you remember what I asked you in Memphis?”

            You fell into the closest chair.  Justin followed quickly, sliding to the floor on his knees in front of you.

            “Do you, C?” Justin whispered, his hands shaking on your knees.  “When you told me I shouldn’t marry her…what did I ask you?”

            You tried to look away, but Justin held your face steady with trembling fingers.  “You asked—you said.”  You sighed and tried to force away a sob in your voice.  Reliving the moment you knew you’d lost Justin was something you’d been trying not to do.  “Give me one reason.”

            “That’s right, C.”  Justin leaned closer.  He looked as scared as you did.  “What did you say then?”

            “I said that I’m in love with you,” you whispered.  What would be the point in denying it?

            “JC, man.”  Justin bit his bottom lip.  “I never had a chance to tell you.  That was a really, really good reason.”

            When Justin’s words finally hit, you felt dizzy with fear, confusion, and overwhelming hope.  It was an altogether unfamiliar feeling, and it made your throat tighten up.  You worried momentarily that you were dying, and this was your first glimpse of heaven.  So you held your breath, in case it was to be your last.  You stared at your shaking hands in your lap, waiting for words to come.  “But…you weren’t even getting married,” you said nervously.  “I mean…are you getting married?  Now?”

            Justin’s hopeful smile withered.  “That’s why you told me, isn’t it?”


            “I knew it,” Justin mumbled, his hands dropping from your body.  “I knew that’s why you said it.”  When he saw your confusion, Justin lowered his eyes, sighed, and said, “I didn’t come to you after…I didn’t want to believe it, but…it’s true.  You said you loved me, but you only said it because you were afraid I was getting married.  You only said it because you were afraid of losing me.”

            You let that sink in.  It took a while.  “Justin.  That is not true.”

            “Well, what am I supposed to think?  Ten years, JC.  Ten years, and you never said you were in love with me until you thought I was getting married!”

            “Ten years?  Justin, we only started fuc—after you and Britney broke up.  Three and a half years!”

            Justin sneered, “Three and a half years of giving my body to you.”  He sat back to rest his bottom on the backs of his calves.  He looked like he might topple over.  “I started giving you more than that years before.  But you just didn’t notice.  Or didn’t care.”

            You trembled with anger, frustration, and confusion.  “Oh my God, that’s not true.  I love you.  I’ve loved you for years, Justin.”  The relief you felt from your admission was short-lived.  Justin shook his head dismissively and stood up.

            “No, you thought you loved me because you thought I was marrying someone else.”

            “How can you say that to me?” you shrieked, grabbing at his hands.  “I had to endure Britney, Jenna, Alyssa fucking Milano, a host of who knows how many flings, and now…”  You pushed him away from you, tucked into yourself, and hid your face in your hands.  “I have to endure this woman that you love more than anything, even more than you loved Britney.  I’ve had to live with this for years, Justin.”  Your nose started to run, but it was too late to stop the tightness in your throat.  You’d never wanted to cry, but somehow you knew that you would when you and Justin finally ended.  “I never told you how much it hurt, because I know that wasn’t what our—relationship or whatever—was about.  But it hurt so much.”  You didn’t care if Justin considered the hand you clutched over your throat melodramatic—you needed it there to stop the sobs from coming.  “I just want you to be…happy.  I really do, but.”  You could barely hear yourself.  “I love you, Jus.  Not because I was afraid of losing you, but…because I love you.  I’ve always loved you, even when you were too young for me, even when you were with Britney, even when I was with…even then.  I’ve been in love with you forever.”

            “JC.”  You finally raised your head and peeked through your fingers.  Justin was staring at you, jaw embarrassingly open, eyes welled and on the verge of overflowing.  “But, what about Eva?”

            “What about her?”

            “I thought…I thought.  Oh, God, JC, I thought you were in love with her.”

            “Is that why you gave up on me?” you yelped, no longer caring how pathetic you looked and sounded.  You pointed to the ring he wore on his engagement finger.  The one you first saw on your island getaway.  “Is that why you’re engaged to Cameron?”

            “I’m not engaged!” Justin spat.  “You believe everything you read in tabloids?”

            “You might as well be, Justin.  You’ve been with her for over 2 years.  It’s only a matter of time.”  You crossed your legs and arms and stared daggers at his clenched left hand.  “You…you love her.”

            “And whose fault is that?”

            You waited breathlessly, until you realized that it wasn’t a rhetorical question, and it was aimed right at you.  “Excuse me?”

            “JC…yeah, I love her.”

            “Ok.”  You faked clearing your throat.  It was the only thing you could do to keep from breaking down.

            “I love her, JC.”  Justin leaned against your legs, clutching your pants.  “I made myself love her, because I thought that if I did…it would help me stop loving you.”

            “Jus…oh God.”  You turned your head so he wouldn’t see you sob.  When you could catch your breath, you turned back to look at him, his mouth.  You couldn’t manage his eyes yet.  “Did…did it work?”

            “Oh, C.  No, baby.  It didn’t work at all.”  You finally looked at his eyes, and saw his sincerity.  He smiled at you and wiped his eyes.  “I love you,” he murmured.

            “You do?”

            C’mere!”  Justin pulled you off the chair and into his arms.  You laugh-cried as you fell on top of him.  You held each other in a clumsy twist of arms and legs, until Justin gently rolled you on the floor on your back.  He wiped your eyes as he gazed down at you, touching you gently, like he wasn’t sure if he had the right.  “Hi,” he whispered.

            “Hello, Justin.”

            “Can I…can I kiss you, man?”

            “Please.”  When you felt Justin’s soft, insecure kiss, you nearly sobbed into his mouth.  He felt your trembles, and clutched you to him to hold you steady.  You’d kissed him so many times, but this was different.  His lips and his gently prodding tongue imparted so much more than raw sexual need.  His arms around you imparted more than just possession.  This was how you’d been wanting Justin to kiss you since you two began sleeping together.  And before.

            “Sweetheart.”  Justin’s hand brushed your cheek.  Your eyes flew to the ring.  He noticed right away, and held it up.  “This…is a pseudo-quasi-almost-pre-pre-pre promise ring, C.  I gave one to Britney once.  And the first girl I slept with when I was 15.  It’s not an engagement ring.”


            “No.  We gave these to each other because…well…I didn’t know how you felt, C.”  Justin kissed you softly.  “All this time, I didn’t know you loved me.  I wanted you to, you have no idea how much I wanted you to love me.  But I thought you didn’t.  I guess I wanted to be safe.  Cam—she’s been good to me, and I wanted to show her my appreciation.”

            “I see.”

            Jace.  Don’t be jealous.  I love you.  I’ve loved you for so long.”

            You kissed him gratefully.  “Why didn’t you ever tell me?”

            “Baby.”  He kissed your fingers in between sniffles.  “I did tell you.”


            “Every time we made love, I told you.  With my mouth…with my body.  I told you I loved you that time when…the time you watched me with her.  Do you remember that?”  You’d been trying to forget the sight of Justin making love to his girlfriend ever since you saw it, ever since you heard Justin howl those three words as he erupted inside her.  “I told you that it was you I was making love to, C.”  He lowered his eyes.  “And then you left without saying anything.  And then you never said anything—you never wanted to talk about it.  I felt like you didn’t care that I said it.”

            “Justin, baby, I didn’t know.  It was so awful watching you with her.  I thought I could handle it, but I couldn’t.  I thought you were saying it to her…not to me.  Baby, I didn’t know.”

            Justin eyed you accusingly.  “You never asked, Jace.”

            “What was there to ask?  You never told me you wanted anything but sex from me.”

            Justin’s sad face turned angry.  “You can’t honestly think this was just about sex for me.  All these years.  But I guess it was for y—”

            “It was never just about sex for me, Justin!”  You forced him to look you in the eyes.  “It was never just sex,” you whispered against his lips.  “I always wanted you…all of you…always…always.”

            “Why didn’t you tell me?” he whispered, smiling a little at the turning of the tables.

            “I didn’t want to risk losing you.”  You whispered between kisses, “We never said this was anything but casual.  I know I should have told you, but…I wanted you any way I could get you, baby.  And then you fell in love.”

            “I was already in love, JC.”

            “I meant with her,” you whispered.

            I meant with you.”

            “Oh, J.  I’m…”  You tried to hold back your emotions, but it was hopeless.  “Please…don’t marry her, J.  Please.  You’ll break my heart.”

            “C,” Justin groaned before kissing you hard.  Before you could catch your breath, he was jumping to his feet and pulling you up into his arms.  “C…C…C…if I was gonna marry anyone…baby, it would so be you.”

            “Justin,” you gasped, no longer caring that your voice was cracking and tears were streaming down your face.  “Oh my God.”  Justin kissed you hungrily as he slowly led you out of the dining room, stopping briefly to let you blow out your candles before taking you upstairs.




            “But…I have questions.”

            “So do I, but they can wait.”  Justin sat you down on your bed and fell to his knees on the floor.  He took your foot in his lap and slowly unbuckled your sandal.  There were still tears in your eyes, but Justin’s hands on your bare feet and calves already started getting you hot.

            “I missed you so much, J.”

            Justin smiled and kissed your instep.  You had no reason to worry if your feet stank—Justin kissed them and nuzzled them like they were Academy Awards.  “I missed you, C.  You have no idea how much.”

            “Then why…why did you wait so long to come to me?”  Justin’s face fell a little, but he didn’t let you go.  He merely set both your legs down and slid his hands up inside your pants to massage the backs of your knees.

            “JC, when you told me…in Memphis.  I kinda freaked, man.  My whole world was, like, crashing in, you know?”  He kissed your thighs.  “You totally floored me, man.  And even though it was exactly what I wanted to hear, it was kind of the worst time to hear it.”

            “I never did have good timing,” you tried to say with a laugh, but then Justin started kissing your inner thighs, and it quickly got unfunny.  You rubbed his short curls, urging him on even as you wanted him to keep explaining.  “Lance told me that you had to do heavy damage control, man.  Ohhhh.”  Shaking hands worked on your zipper.  “I’m sorry about that.  I guess it was a lot, huhhhhhhoohh.”  It had been too long since Justin had unzipped you and pulled your cock free for long, tender strokes.  “Justin….oh…I’ll pay you back for—”

            “You’ll do no such thing.”  Justin let go of your penis and went for your shirt, easing it up your body with a serious look on his face.  “I don’t care about the money, C.  You told me…in front of strangers.”  He tossed your shirt aside and gazed at you.  “You outed yourself in front of underpaid basic cable interns, C.  I could have never loved you more than I did at that moment.”

            You gasped and thanked him with a kiss.  Then you pulled him onto the bed.  When you scrambled to get the skin tight T-shirt off him, you realized that it looked familiar to you.  “Justin, baby, is this my Led Zeppelin t-shirt?”  Justin blushed a little, sat up and slowly pulled the shirt all the way off.  “You had this the first time we—”

            “Made love, yeah.”  You smiled—you weren’t sure if he’d considered it making love like you did.  It was so long ago.  “I didn’t know if you remembered.”

            “Of course I remember.  I remember everything about our first time, Justin.  I remember how you felt underneath me.  How you smelled.”  You wet your lips in anticipation.  “I remember how hot your mouth was.”

            Justin shuddered as the memory flooded back to him, too.  “I remember the taste of you, C.”  He stroked your open mouth with one hand, his own crotch with the other.  “I remember how your voice sounded when you came inside me.”

            Oooh.”  You sucked on his fingers.  “I remember how much I adored you.”

            Justin straddled you and leaned in close.  “I remember how much I was in love with you.”  He leaned down to give you the quick kiss that your eye-swallowing smile begged for, and then pulled back to fully unclothe you.  “I remember that it was my first time…um, going all the way.  With a guy.”

            “I remember,” you moaned as he undressed himself, revealing his eager body to you.  “Mine, too.”

            “Your—C?”  Justin smiled brightly as he watched the redness cover your face.  “It was…it was me?”

            You smiled, remembering all the hot men who’d offered themselves completely to you.  Back then you never wanted to admit to yourself that you were hoping—waiting—for Justin.  “You knew there were guys before you.  And since.  But, um, yeah, J.  You took it, man.”  Justin nodded, biting his lip proudly. “You took my manginity.”  Any other time you’d both be giggling at the word, but you were both too emotional at that moment.  His smile told you that, yes, you’d laugh about it, later.  “It was you, Justin.  Of course it was.”

            “Wow.  Why didn’t you tell me then?”

            “You didn’t ask.”

            “JC.”  He looked smug, but only for a second, and then he smiled bashfully again.  “I’m so glad I know that.”  He stroked your chest reverently.  “I’m so glad I know.”

            You quickly changed the subject before you melted into a puddle of mush.  “So, yeah, I remember our first time together, baby.  But what I don’t remember is why you had this,” you whispered as your rubbed the fraying Zeppelin shirt over Justin’s chest.

            Justin blushed a little more but rubbed his stomach wantonly at the same time.  “You let me borrow it one day, back in the 90’s, I think.  I never gave it back.”  He leaned over you, rubbing his nakedness against yours, looking down at you adoringly.  “It was the first thing I had of you, Jace.  I slept in it until it was almost bursting at the seams.  I’ll never let it go.”

            You nodded and reached for him, the need to taste him nearly overwhelming.  “I didn’t know, J.  I didn’t know.”

            “You do now.”


            Justin investigated your body, your skin, your freshly cut hair like he hadn’t touched you in years, bending you this way and that so he could look at you from new angles, up close.

            “I want to see you, C.  I want to know everything,” he whispered as he cradled you and kissed the inside of your elbow.  “Every new thing.  Every new experience.  Every minutiae of your life that I've missed these 3 years.”  You smiled as he asked questions into your neck, about your album and what new clothes you’ve bought and what sluts you’d hooked up with.  And he let you answer.

            “I haven’t dated anyone else since I broke up with…”

            “Eva.  You can say it,” Justin murmured as he stretched out on top of you.  “You’ll tell me all about the time you had together…later.”  Justin’s tongue swept through your mouth.  “Did I ever tell you how much I hated her for being your girlfriend?”

            “You don’t say.”

            Justin nodded and slid a hand down between your legs.  “You think I could take her in a fight?”

            “I don’t know,” you murmured.  And then you hissed.  “She’s pretty quick, man.”

            “She may have gotten to me a few times, but…”  Justin tilted his hips, catching your escaped breath in his open mouth.  “You’re mine, Jace.  I’ll stab her right through the heart to have you, baby.” 

            Justin rolled you over, smothering the Olé! that was building in your throat.


            Justin shivered when you spread his legs.  Shivered like a virgin.

            “Don’t you want me to?” you asked, to tease him, and because the way he was staring at your weeping cock left a smidgeon of doubt in your mind.

            “I just…this is like our first…now that we both know…oh, baby, come here,” he said, and pulled you down on top of him while lifting his legs at the same time.


            “Oh.  Shit.”  He shivered and squirmed like he’d never felt your lubed fingers slipping in his ass before.

            “Justin, sweetie, mmmph.”  He wouldn’t let you talk, would only let you suck on his tongue while he played with your ears.

            “God, JC.  Your ears are precious.”  He kissed them tenderly, nuzzled them and licked into the canals.  You thanked him by sliding down between his wide legs and giving his cock equal treatment.  Justin stroked your short hair as he watched his cock disappear into your mouth.  “Oh.  Baby.  Yes.  Make love to me now.”  You nodded emphatically, but you kept sucking him, harder, until he was begging you to stop, until he’d left enough drops of pearly fluid on your lips that you knew you’d never forget how he tasted.  Not for the rest of your life.


            He held his breath when you pressed your cock between his legs.  He didn’t blink, only stared at you wide eyed and open mouthed as you penetrated him.  When you were all the way inside him, when your rigid sex was finally filling him again after months of tortured neglect, when you’d both whispered I love you—him first—Justin started to cry.

            “Jus.  Don’t, baby.”

            “It’s just.”  He rocked against you, taking you in with his eyes and his mouth and his hands and his fundament.  “It’s just that…baby.  JC.”  He kissed you hard.  He even bit at your lower lip a little, and it reminded you of your last time together, before everything fell apart.  His eyes changed, and you knew he was thinking the same thing.

            “You scared me that night,” you whispered, but you kissed his palm when you said it.

            “Me, too.  Jace.  Oh, God.  You don’t know how…oh.  Every time we’ve fucked.  Every single time…I loved you.  I needed you, but I couldn’t tell you.”  He tried to kiss you, but you were nodding, thrusting into him too desperately for him to catch your lips.  So he held you tight and whispered against your mouth, your cheek, your neck.  “I’ve made love to you so many times.  And each time I was trying to…trying to take a little bit of you with me.  So that…oh…eventually…I’d have enough of you to last…to satisfy me.  So I wouldn’t want you anymore.  But, baby…oh, baby…the thing is, every time I had you, I only wanted you more.”

            “Just…oh.  Me, too, baby.”

            “The more I drank of you.  Ugh, fuck me.  The thirstier I got.”

            Mmmm.  You feel so good.  Always.  Hated sharing you, sweetie”

            “The more I ate of you, the hungrier you made me.”  Justin wiped the last of his tears.  “And I hated sharing you.”

            You dug in deep, deeper than before, making his eyes well up all over again.  Then you stopped, holding yourself up over him, so you could look down at him, at the two of you.  “You won’t have to anymore, Justin.”  You stroked his raw lips with the back of your hand, waiting for something you knew would never come.

            And then he said, “Neither will you, JC,” with a determination and earnestness you hadn’t seen since the day he first kissed you.  You couldn’t help it; you broke down.  Just for a minute, while Justin held you and kissed you and promised you the world.

            “Josh,” he whispered against your lips, “it’s ok.  We’re gonna be ok.  Look at me.  Love me.”


            You made love to him slowly after that, like you were starting over, like you weren’t already deep inside him.  And Justin seemed to appreciate it.  He kissed you and held you and fucked you and told you he loved you without words.  He watched you when you came, and smiled proudly as you shook on top of him.  He let you recover, and then he kissed you deeply and rocked against you until he filled your tight fist with warm semen.  He collapsed and watched you lick your hand clean.

            “Oh my God, JC.  I’ve always been in love with you.  Oh my God.”

            You closed your eyes as he gently rocked you to sleep.




            You thought you were dreaming at first, but Justin kissing and nuzzling your face was real.  You suddenly realized you wanted to wake up this way every morning.  Every morning.

            “Morning, C.  You want some break—”

            “Are you going to stay?”  It was a question you’d been wanting to ask him for years.  You let your semiconsciousness be your excuse.  “I mean…Justin…what does this mean?”

            Justin sighed exhaustedly, but he smiled.  “Ask me what you really want to ask, Jace.”

            “Ok.”  You rolled on top of him.  He wasn’t getting away, if you had anything to do with it.  “Are you going to marry her—Cameron?  Are you staying with her?”

            “Um.”  Justin grinned and rolled you over, stretching out on top of you and pulling your legs up around his waist.  He was always doing this; distracting you with his body and the promise of sex.  You shook your head, and he sighed again.

            “I’m serious, J.  Are you?” you whispered with a shaking voice.

            “Do you want me to break up with her?”

            “Justin, you know that has to be your decision.”

            “Well, after what happened in Memphis—sweetie, I love you so much, don’t be embarrassed about it—I don’t know if breaking with her so soon would be—”

            “I understand—”

            “No, Jace, it’s just that—it’ll take some time, baby.  I don’t want to hurt her, man.  And frankly, if she found out right now, she might tell someone who’d out me.  Us.”


            “No, us, C.”  Justin shook his finger at you and nuzzled your nose at the same time.  You’d be mad if he didn’t look so adorable doing it.  “You’re not ready for that any more than I am, right?”

            You rolled your eyes, but you knew he was telling the truth.  Despite your de facto pansexuality, you still intended to live your public life as a straight man.  At least for the foreseeable future.  “Right.  I guess.”

            “Hey.”  Justin kissed your Adam’s apple, then gently took your precious Leo pendant between his lips.  The gesture made your heart beat faster; he managed to warm it without getting it wet.  He replaced it in the suprasternal notch with his mouth and then kissed his way up to your ear.  “Don’t worry, C.  We’re going to be together.  Soon.  I promise.”

            “Just…you and me?” you asked softly, worried that you wouldn’t hear what you wanted.

            “That depends,” he whispered, and turned your face to meet his eyes.  “Are there gonna be more…Evas?”

            “No more Evas.  I think I dated her because I knew it wouldn’t work out from the beginning.  She wasn’t ready for anything heavy, and I couldn’t fall for her because of…”

            “Me.”  Justin held back a cocky grin as best he could.  Then he got serious again and stated, “Yes, JC.  Just you and me.  That’s what I want, baby.  It’s just, with her, I’m in so deep, and I really do care about her.  I don’t know how I’m gonna…you know?  I don’t know exactly when—”

            “It has to be on your time, J,” you whispered as he gently kissed your cheek.  Then his words sank in.  “So, what you’re saying is, you can keep seeing Cameron, but I can’t see anyone else?  Is that what you’re saying?”

            Justin smirked and tried to kiss you.  Mmm…baby…let’s make love again.”

            “Justin…mmph…stop that!  That isn’t fair to me!”

            Jace,” he purred into your neck, “I know it’s not fair…ugh…to ask you to wait.”  His hand slipped under your back, to pull you closer.  “I can’t ask you—mmm, your skin is so soft here—to not date anyone else.  Or—fuck—to not sleep with anyone else.  Just don’t…”  Justin held your face close.  “Just don’t fall for anyone else, ok?  And don’t get infatuated.  And don’t make anyone promises you never intend to keep.”  Shame covered his face.  “Don’t make the same mistake I did.”

            “I know you love her, J.”  It hurt to say it.  Justin could see the hurt on your face, and he tried his best to kiss it away.

            “Yeah.  I do.  I did.  The way I loved Britney, and whatshername when I was 17, and whatchamacallit when I was 15.  And I probably even loved the girl who gave me my first French kiss when I was 11.”  He smiled, but his words still made you stiffen a little underneath him.  Justin shook his head and your shoulders to get your attention.  “I loved them as best I could, as much as I could, but it wasn’t the same, C.  It wasn’t the real thing.  It was never…never like us.  You and me, Josh, we’re a completely different animal, man.  It’s so much more than love—we need a new word for what we are, baby.”

            “Justin.”  You tried to cover your smile, but it spread farther than the width of your hand.

            “Sweetie?”  Justin took the hand from your mouth, kissed it, and shoved it down between his legs.  “Ok?  Do you understand now?”

            “Yes.  I have to wait.”

            Justin made you squeeze his cock until he hissed in your ear, “We do.”  He was doing it again, forcing you to lose your concentration.  “You can wait with me.  I’ve been waiting for you since I was 11 years old.”

            “You—oh, baby.”  You stroked his face and saw for a moment the teenage boy who idolized you.  You grinned again, proud and grateful and overwhelmed to know that it was true love you were seeing in that face, even back then.  “So, I guess you could say it’s sorta my fault, huh?  If I’d told you how I felt at the beginning—”

            “By now we’d be picking out china patterns, C.”  You nodded and tried not to squee.  “If we’d both been honest…well, things would have been different.  Right?”  He pressed you down into the bed and kissed your neck, shivering at your legs wrapping high around his waist.  “So different.  There never would have been anyone else.  Right, baby?  No Cam…no Eva.”

            “No Bobbie, baby.”

            “Damn right,” Justin grumbled, biting gently at your lip.  “No fucking Bobbie…mmm…no Jenna…no Brit—”

            You gasped; it couldn’t be helped.  “I fucking love you, man.”

            Justin kissed you, hard.  “Love you, too.  So much.  So much, honey.”

            “Maybe….mmmm,” you mumbled through deep kissing, “maybe we needed to be with…those others…so we’d know for sure that we’re…that we belong together.  Maybe that’s why we had other loves…huh, sweetheart?”

            Justin stopped kissing you and gazed at you apologetically.  “Maybe you’re right, but I’m still sorry that I let anyone come between us.”  You nodded gratefully.  “Tell me what you want me to do, and I’ll do it, C.”

            “It has to be up to you,” you said, even though Justin was already shaking his head.  “I can’t make you—”

            “Yeah, you can, JC.”  Justin took you, all of you, in his arms and stared at you resolutely.  “Yes, you can make me do anything.  You’re my…you’re my man, C.  I’d do anything you ask.”

            “Even…break your girlfriend’s heart?  Right now?” you whispered, your mouth quivering.

            “Even that.”

            “I understand.”  You gazed up into Justin’s eyes as you thought about what could happen if Justin broke his girlfriend’s heart the way you thought he’d broken yours.  You’d never felt sorry for until that moment.

            “I appreciate the offer, but I know that it has to be up to you.  It’s the right thing to do.  I trust you, Justin.  I believe in you and…in the end…I know we’ll be together.”  Your chest burned, because for the first time, you actually believed it.  “So, I’ll wait,” you said, and then forced him to look you in the eye when you growled, “for now.”

            Justin growled back and kissed you deeply.  And then he reached for the phone.














Copyright 2005-2006 by KTA