Shadow Medallion Walkthrough

Items/Weapons: Fire Arrows, Lens of Truth, Hover Boots, Shadow Medallion
Heart Pieces: 6 // 30/36
Golden Skulltulas: 17 // 82/100
Songs: Nocturne of Shadow, Scarecrow’s Song

After talking with Shiek, you should see a little plaque on this island. It says something about shooting for the morning sun when water fills the land. Well, after beating Morpha, more water is added to Lake Hylia. When the sun comes up, shoot for it with an arrow. Swim across to the island and collect the *Fire Arrows* Cool! These use magic power, but aren't used too often. Head back to the warp point and at night, hookshot to the branch of the tree and get the *Golden Skulltula* sitting on top. Call Epona and hide her out into Hyrule Field. In the fenced-in area just before Lake Hylia, bomb the centre area and enter the hole. Deflect the Deku Nut back at the Deku Scrub and he’ll give you a *Heart Piece* for 10 rupees. What a bargain! Make your way to Kakariko Village. D'oh! What did you do? Oh, sorry. The village is on fire! Shiek appears, but is knocked away by an evil spirit, then you are attacked, too. After you're revived, Shiek teaches you the Nocturne of Shadow to warp to the Shadow Temple. Before we continue, you have some things to get with your new Longshot. While in Kakariko Village, head to the graveyard and re-enter Dampé’s grave on the left side. Race him again and beat him (finish in 1:00 or less) for a *Heart Piece* (see Games for help). Warp to the Lost Woods and re-enter the Forest Temple. There are two Golden Skulltulas you can now reach with the Longshot. In the main room, shoot the yellow eyeball switch and enter the door under it to one of the outdoor areas. On the wall by a ledge where Navi flies up and turns green, hookshot the *Golden Skulltula*. Head back to the main room and take the door where the Door of Time block was (Navi turns green at the door). Outside, hookshot the *Golden Skulltula* on the wall adjacent to the ivy wall with Skullwaltulas. All done here! You must go back in time to being a kid to get a special item and some extra things. Play the Prelude of Light, drop the Master Sword into the Pedestal of Time and warp back seven years. Now, warp to Lake Hylia. For some fun times, enter the Fishing Pond on the opposite side of the lake. Pay 20 rupees to fish and when you land a 10-pound (or greater) fish, you win a *Heart Piece*. See my Games section for more details. It’s even more fun as n adult. At night, head to the spot where you got the Fire Arrows, and nab the *Golden Skulltula* on the left pillar. On the back of the lab at night is another *Golden Skulltula*. Use your boomerang to catch it. A soft soil spot sits waiting for you by the lab. Plant a bean there and use a bottled bug on the soil for a *Golden Skulltula*. To learn a helpful new song, head to the scarecrows by the Fishing Pond. Talk to the one named Pierre and show him the Ocarina, then play any 8-note combination. Be sure to write it down or keep it simple to remember it. It does not get recorded on your subscreen with the other Ocarina songs. Return to Kakariko Village. Go to the windmill guy (the door leading there is by the graveyard entrance under the windmill.) Play the Song of Storms that he taught you in the future and the windmill goes cucco (not the bird.) Screwing up the windmill drains the water from the well, revealing a dungeon. Enter the dungeon at the bottom of the well. This place is quite confusing, so bear with me. Okay, let's begin. Crawl through the small tunnel in front of you. Climb down the ladder and walk right through the wall (no, I'm not kidding, it's invisible!) Go around the room and find a Triforce symbol on the ground. Play Zelda's Lullaby to drain the water. Go back to where you first entered this room. Enter the big hole. Go through the tunnel and get rid of the Giant Skulltula. Climb the vines behind it and enter the door at the top. You have to fight this enemy called Dead Hand. He's pretty easy. First, let one of the 4 hands there grab you. A guy appears. Quickily, press the A button a few times to escape the hand before the guy bites you. When you're freed, whack the guy with the sword. Repeat this process a few times until he's gone. Open the chest and receive the *Lens of Truth*! For *three Golden Skulltulas* in this dungeon, please see my mini-walkthrough on my Golden Skulltulas page. It’s easier to follow from there. Once finished, play the Prelude of Light to warp to the Temple of Time. Don’t change back to adult, but exit to the Market. At night, enter the lit building for the Treasure Chest game. Pay 10 rupees to play and use the Lens of Truth to uncover the key in the right chest. Continue this to get a *Heart Piece*. Now go forward in time to an adult. Warp back to Lake Hylia and revisit the scarecrows. Pierre is gone, but talk to Nabooru and play the Scarecrow’s Song as you invented it in the past and Pierre will now be at your service whenever Navi flies to a distant unreachable spot. At the lab, ride the plant to the roof and climb the ladder to get a *Heart Piece* (alternatively, you can use Pierre to reach the roof). Head to the Fishing Pond and fish to your heart’s content (see Games for info). If you catch a fish more than 10 pounds, you’ll win the *Golden Scale* which allows you to dive up to 8 metres. Head back to the lab and inside, dive in the water tank to touch the bottom. Talk to the guy there to win a *Heart Piece*. Now, there are a few dungeon Golden Skulltulas that can be revealed by using Pierre. Head to Dodongo’s Cavern. Inside, go through the cave to the room with the Baby Dodongos. At the spot where Navi flies up, play the Scarecrow’s Song to summon Pierre, then hookshot to him and nab the hidden *Golden Skulltula*. Warp to Death Mountain Crater and enter the Fire Temple. Navigate to the top of the maze room and at the beginning of the area, play the Scarecrow’s Song where Navi flies up and hookshot to Pierre. Hookshot to the target on the other side to ride up to a secret area. Take the door and climb the grating to find a *Golden Skulltula* on another stretch of grating. After that, continue to climb up and take the door. You’re now on the higher part of the room where you got the Megaton Hammer. Hookshot the *Golden Skulltula* on the wall. All done! and play the Nocturne of Shadow to warp to the Shadow Temple! Okay, I admit it. You're not quite in the Shadow Temple yet. Actually, you're on the high part of Kakariko Village graveyard. Enter the cave behind you and stand on the centre platform. Use Din's Fire to light all the torches. Enter the door that opens. Now you're officially inside the Shadow Temple. Walk around the corner and use the longshot on the target. Use the Lens of Truth and walk through the wall. Use the Lens of Truth again to see the skull that's real. Push the bird so it's facing the true skull. When it's pointing in the right direction, the door across that huge gap opens, but it's too big of a gap to cross, so use the Lens of Truth again to see a hole through the wall on the right (not the one you came through before!) Enter that room. Use the Lens of Truth and look on the right wall for a hole. Enter the door. Get rid of all the enemies to make a chest appear. Open it for the map. Exit the door and keep looking right with Lens of Truth on. Head further in the room via a doorway and look right to take a door. Here's Dead Hand. Remember him from the Bottom of the Well? Same thing. When he's done, open the chest to receive the almighty *Hover Boots*! Backtrack to the last room with the bird. Put on the new Hover Boots and walk right across the gap (make sure you're walking straight at it or you won't make it.) Enter the cave. Continue to a Beamos in a small room. Go right and through the wall. Enter the door. Get rid of the Gibdos, then open the chest for the compass. Exit to the Beamos room, then go straight through to another door. A blade room (familiar?) Collect all the silver rupees. Use the longshot if necessary. When you get them all, enter the newly unlocked door and collect the key from the chest (you now have 1 key.) Backtrack to the Beamos room. Bomb the wall on your left side. Enter the locked door using the key (you now have 0 keys.) Watch the Giant Skulltulas and make your way down the path. Watch out for the dropping blades and the Ceiling Masters. Continue forward until you stop to fight a Stalfos. When he's gone, go left and use the Lens of Truth to see a door. Take it and use the Lens of Truth again to see a rotating blade (like in the Ice Cavern). Beat the enemies (three Keese and a Like Like) to open a cove. Get the *Golden Skulltula* there. Exit back to the room with the Stalfos and, wearing the Hover Boots, go right onto a platform moving up and down. Jump over to the next area with a Beamos and spiky things moving in circles. Get all of the silver rupees. One of them is underneath the Beamos, so bomb it. Enter the newly unlocked door. Use the Lens of Truth to see the big block on your right. Pull it out over the face picture on the floor, then push it to block the spiked things from falling down. Block both spiked things to reach a gated cove with a *Golden Skulltula*. Go around and pull the block right to you. Climb up and jump on top of the spiked things. Use it as a bridge to get to a switch on the right. Step on it to drop a chest on the other side. Use the spiked things as a bridge and open the chest for a key (you now have 1 key.) Exit to the last room with Beamos and rotating spiky things. Cross over to where it looks quite spacious. Use the Lens of Truth to see a path. Follow it to a moving platform, then move to a locked door and open it (you now have 0 keys.) Use the Lens of Truth to see a lot of spikes. Get all the silver rupees using the longshot. Enter the newly unlocked door. Go up the stairs and throw a bomb into the skull to make it explode. Get the key that pops out (you now have 1 key) and the *Golden Skulltula* revealed. Get rid of all the Keese to re-open that door, then exit. Back in this room, use the Lens of Truth to see the hookshot target on the ceiling. Longshot to it and enter the locked door at the top (you now have 0 keys.) Equip the Iron Boots to stop the fans from blowing you away. Continue until you see a big gap with a fan beside you and in front of you. Wait until the fan in front of you stops moving. Equip the Hover Boots and quickly cross the gap. Now, there are a bunch of fans blowing. Equip the Iron Boots and make your way to the end. A small flame comes out of the eyeball switch. Just use your shield on it. When the last fan on your right starts blowing hard, equip your hover boots and let it blow you to the left, through the invisible wall. Enter the door there. Get rid of the ReDeads to make a chest appears. Inside are some rupees. Okay........bomb the little mound of dirt in the front right corner of the room to reveal another chest with a key inside (you now have 1 key.) Use it on the locked door to enter (you now have 0 keys.) Push the block on your left under the ladder on the right wall. Climb the ladder to a ship. Play the Scarecrow’s Song and use Pierre to reach a *Golden Skulltula*. Then, play Zelda's Lullaby to the Triforce symbol to move the ship. Fight the two Stalfos, then wait until Navi says the ship will sink! Quickly, move to the left side of the room where there's land. Enter the door on the right. Use the Lens of Truth for this room. It's big with a few doors and Floor Masters. Ignore them, they're annoying, but you can walk by them. Two of the rooms have big, rotating skulls. If you bomb them, they'll reveal some items and rupees for you and a *Golden Skulltula* lurks behind them. Also, there's a room with wooden walls closing in, trying to squish you. Use Din's Fire to destroy them. Open the beautiful chest for...what else? The Boss Key! Now, look for a room with a Floor Master (you need the Lens of Truth to see it.) When you get rid of that little critter, a chest appears and inside is a key (you now have 1 key.) Backtrack to the room where you jumped off the ship. See those bomb flowers? Shoot an arrow at them to blow them up and drop that bird statue down to make a bridge. Cross it to the locked door and enter (you now have 0 keys.) Equip the hover boots and Lens of Truth to see the paths leading to the Boss Door. Cross over and open the door. Fall down the hole and face the boss of the Shadow Temple: Bongo Bongo. See the boss section for help on beating him. When he's singing the blues, get the Heart Container and step into the blue light. Impa appears as a Sage and gives you the *Shadow Medallion*. One more Medallion to go!

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