Water Medallion Walkthrough

Items/Weapons: Longshot, Water Medallion
Heart Pieces: 0 // 24/36
Golden Skulltulas: 6 // 65/100
Songs: None

Once in Lake Hylia, cross the bridge to the end. By the way, that gravestone on the bridge can be pulled back to reveal a hole. Inside are 3 Business Scrubs, in case you're low on items. How cute :o) Head inside the laboratory there. Use the Iron Boots and Zora Tunic to sink down in the water tank. Bang into the crate to collect a *Golden Skulltula*. Head outside and in the lake itself, equip the Iron Boots and Zora Tunic. Sink down to the bottom of the lake and walk towards an underwater temple. Use the hookshot to shoot the blue target above the door. It is released and the door opens. Enter the Water Temple! By the way, the hookshot is the only item that can be used while underwater. Alrighty then. Once inside the temple, unequip the Iron Boots and climb to the surface. This room may be referred to as the main room or pillar room. Re-equip the Iron Boots and sink to the bottom of this watery area. Go right to a cave with two un-lit torches in front. Walk inside and there is Princess Ruto. My, she sure has...blossomed. Once she's done embarrassing you, take off the Iron Boots and float to the top. She said to follow her, but you don't see her again until you beat the final boss of the temple! Anyway, once at the top, climb up to the surface and play Zelda's Lullaby while standing in front of the Triforce symbol on the wall. The water is all drained! Wow, what power! Enter the door here and defeat all the spiked things called Spike (duh!?!?!) Just hit it with the sword to curl it into a ball, then hit it again to defeat it. When you're underwater, you can use the hookshot on it as well. When they're all gone, get the map from the chest. Exit the room and drop down the hole in the floor. Big fall, but no damage. In the room where you saw Ruto, use Din's Fire or arrows through the already lit torch to light the other torches. Enter the door that opens. Use the sword or hookshot on the Shell Blades (they look like clams to me!) When they're all gone, get the key from the chest (you now have 1 key.) Backtrack to the main room. Facing the room where you met Ruto, head right through a passageway to a dead end and bomb the cracked floor. Sink down in the water and surface inside to a switch. Step on it to slightly raise the water level. Defeat the Tektites, then hookshot to the dragon head. Use a spin attack to hit the diamond switch to open the gate. Get the *Golden Skulltula* inside. Head back to the main room and find a big block. Climb up and push the block all the way until it drops. Use the Iron Boots to sink down in the water. Surface at the end and hit the diamond switch with your sword, then walk on top of the water spout to get to the other side. Enter the door there. The water in this room rotates quickly! Use the Iron Boots to sink to the bottom. Stand relatively close to the gate and use the hookshot to hit the diamond switch in the stone dragon's mouth. The gate opens, but for a limited time only. Hookshot into the cove, ignore the clams, and float up to the surface. Get the key from the chest (you now have 2 keys) and then hit the diamond switch to open the grate. Sink down and quickly exit this horrifying room! Exit to the main room (use the hookshot target on the wall to get across the big gap and reach the main room). Look for a block against the giant pillar with a locked door. Enter that using one of the keys (you now have 1 key.) Move up a bit and turn around. Look up and hit the hookshot target that you can reach (the other one you can see right from entering is too high to reach.) Play Zelda's Lullaby to raise the water level halfway. Put on the Iron Boots and sink down to where the blocks were before. Go through the tunnel there and enter a big underwater room. Hit the diamond switch with the hookshot to bring down a bunch of Shell Blades and Spikes. Defeat each one. When they're all gone, another grate opens on the ceiling. Float up there (hint: Remove Iron Boots!) While up there, open the chest and receive another key (you now have 2 keys.) Backtrack to the main room (from the room where you played Zelda's Lullaby, there's a door leading right onto the pillar.) Once in the main room, use the Iron Boots to sink down. Return to the room where you saw Ruto (it's got two torches in front.) Float up to the surface once inside and you're at a different level of the room. Bomb the wall there and receive another key from the chest (you now have 3 keys.) Go back to the main room. Look around the main room for a cave with a hookshot target above it (not a door.) Enter the passage. Hookshot to the first target, then another target (the farthest one to you.) There is a chest there covered in water and a diamond switch. Stand close to the chest and shoot the switch with the hookshot. Quickly open the chest and receive the compass. Backtrack to the main room. Find a locked door in the pillar room and enter (you now have 2 keys.) First, walk up to the water spout and get rid of the Blue Tektite when it comes down. Then, stand on the spout and use the hookshot to hit the diamond switch. The spout rises like an elevator taking you to the next floor. Enter the door there. Play Zelda's Lullaby in front of the Triforce picture to raise the water level to its highest point. Go directly across to the opposite side of the room and enter the tunnel there. Sink down and pull the red block until it clicks into place. Return to the main room and enter the locked door at the other side of this room (you now have 1 key.) Jump down to a platform, then another platform moving up and down. Hookshot to the targets on the moving platforms to make your way up to the top of the waterfall. Enter the locked door at the top (you now have 0 keys.) Hit the diamond switch on your right to move the dragon statues. Hookshot on the target on the dragon in front of you. Hit the diamond switch again and hookshot to the target on the right wall. Climb over the dragon and hit the diamond switch again. Hookshot to the dragon head, then hit that diamond again to lower the dragon behind you. Climb on top of the dragon, then, finally, hit the diamond switch to move you higher up. Get rid of the Blue Tektites, then lure the Like Like on the other side of the spikes to the side. Hookshot to the target on the ceiling, then quickly enter the door. It looks like we're outside, but not quite. The door at the other end of this room is barred up. When you go to the centre island, a gray figure that looks like you appears. His name is Dark Link and he's a sort of mini-boss of the Water Temple. See the boss section for details on beating him. When he's gone, the room turns to more like the other rooms in this temple. Enter the newly unlocked door. Open the chest and receive the *Longshot*. This is an updated version of the hookshot, only now it stretches farther. Play the Song of Time to the blue block behind the chest. Fall down the hole to what looks like a watery basement. Swim through the water avoiding the deadly vortexes and get the *Golden Skulltula* on the wall. Follow the pattern on the map to a platform. Climb up and hit the eyeball switch on the right wall with an arrow. The gate opens for a short time only. Use the longshot on the chest to get over there quickly. Open the chest for a key (you now have 1 key.) Fall into the hole on the right. Make your way back to the main room. Use the Iron Boots to sink down to the bottom. Go to the room where we met Ruto (remember the two torches in front?) Float up to the surface. Play Zelda's Lullaby to the Triforce picture to drain the water. Fall back down the hole and return to the main room. Enter the giant tower in the middle of the room and get the *Golden Skulltula* on the wall. Hookshot to the Triforce symbol and play Zelda’s Lullaby to raise the water halfway. Exit through the door and use the water spout elevator. Play Zelda’s Lullaby again at the top to raise the water again. Take the door with a hookshot target above it and get the *Golden Skulltula* on the right wall without using the moving platforms. Exit back and sink down, then enter the room where you met Ruto, surface, then drain the water. Come back to the main room and enter the door on the block against the huge pillar. Turn around and longshot to the Triforce picture. Play Zelda's Lullaby to raise the water midway. Go through the door behind you to return to the main room. Find a passage with a gate in front and an eyeball switch. Shoot the eyeball with an arrow and hookshot to the target. Push the big block as far as it goes and enter the right passage. Get a key from the chest there (you now have 2 keys.) Go left, hookshot up and return to the main room. Sink to the bottom and find the path to a huge dent in the floor. Enter the cove there. Float to the surface and use the longshot to get over the spikes. Enter the locked door there (you now have 1 key.) Clear the path using arrows on the Blue Tektites. Avoid the boulders and cross to the other side. Enter the door at the end. Get rid of the stingers underwater, then drop down. Bomb the left and right corner walls to reveal a tunnel. Push and pull the block from both sides until it's on the switch that wouldn't stay down before. Enter the door that opens (it's on top of a bunch of blocks that look like fans.) Get rid of the Tektites, then step on the switch to raise a few water spouts. Use them as platforms to get to the other side. Enter the door at the end. Use Z- Targeting to look behind the corner. When a boulder passes by you, quickly get the *Golden Skulltula* on the wall above the hole, then walk to the right and, wearing the Iron Boots, sink down it. Go through the passage, float up and enter the locked door (you now have 0 keys.) Open the lovely blue and yellow chest for the Boss Key! Backtrack to the main room by following the boulder in the previous room down. Get the water to its highest point. Look for the cove with a dragon head and a hookshot target. Enter the door there. This puzzle is quick, but kind of tough. Make your way up the slippery path, avoiding the spiked things. This looks easy, but is quite difficult. If you stop or are hit by the spiked thing, you're dropped to the bottom and have to start over. When you make it to the top, enter the boss door using the key to face the boss of the Water Temple: Morpha. See the boss section on beating him (and his nucleus!) Collect the Heart Container when he's finished and step into the blue light. You are once again transported to the Chamber of Sages where Ruto awakens as the Water Sage and you receive the *Water Medallion*! On to the second to last temple!

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