Zelena Narava - Green Nature - Greenpeace odgovarja - Reply


Greenpace odgovarja : Vetrne elektrarne se ne postavlja povsod

Greenpeace reply : Yes for wind power plants , but not in any place

19. September 2003

Zasanjana pokrajina na Golicu - jo bomo znali ohraniti ?

Beautiful landscape on Golic - we'll know to keep ?

Odgovor Greenpeace - Greenpeace reply :

Yes for wind turbines, but not in any place.


Koper, Slovenia 19.9.2003

Dear Greenpeace
This is the second e-mail.
Because is going for a big project of protect of intact nature, please reply to our e-mail:
We will put your answer on our web side zelenanarava:

Internet web side: Green nature is project of preservation of physical environment and of cultural heritage Of Slovenia-of plateau Golic over Kras edge before setting up of wind power plants.

He's going for protection :

- of intact nature, of animal and of plants
- of important vital place 55 % of all lived butterflies in Slovenia, of threatened birds , eagle Snake, golden eagle, of harriers, eagle hornet, of owls, postovk, griffon from Kvarner ,
endemic type of wall ,
- of dry stone Kras meadows, which are rarity in Europe,
- of rare vegetable types - Ucenska bodeca Neza and Cicarijski dimek - unresearch smoke ,
- unresearch remainders of ancient construction - gradisce,
- of water-protection range of river of Rizana, which almost in whole covers Slovene Istria with drinking water
-of visual and of cultural qualities of place and influences on cultural heritage as vedute and of historical value world- known Hrastovlje and Kras edge
-of hydrogeological reserve park of river Of Rizana
When si all this read through, goes for at the moment the biggest project of preservation of physical environment and of cultural heritage, which goes in Slovenia.

Opinion about wind turbines put in intact nature

Please reply to this e-mail.

In Slovenia are thinking to put wind turbines , because of duty of Kyoto protocol.

Yes, we are for wind turbines, but not in areas, where is fauna and flora rich.

Because our investors of wind turbines always mentioned Greenpeace in our newspapers,
that also Greenpeace propagation wind turbines and this energy is green energy,
so why is in world over 600 groups against wind turbines put in the intactness nature.

We have question for Greenpeace :

Are really organization Greenpeace support to put wind turbines everywhere in every place,
in spite of opinon nature guardian ship ?

In Slovenia, we don't have green party in parlament.
Investor think to put wind turbines in areas, which are potential place of europe project Natura2000. This area is Golic.
Golic is important area for drinking water : belongs to Second water protect zone of river Rizane, which almost to whole covers with drinking water entire Slovene Istria and that nowhere on world of wind power plants no set on such ranges because of potential pollution of drinking water with synthetic oil ( every wind turbine has round 370 litres of oil ,370 x 80 Wind turbines = 30.000 litres of oil ). That will of wind power plants of visual from Hrastovlje church - tabor ( The dance of death - freske ) and that on this field already goes European project Natura2000.
However are, as know, naturprotection guideline show, that is range Golic- Lipnik - Kavcic (grassyard - grass ground) adjusts valuableness, although formally as such still is not declared. Concrete location is namely range of kept united grassyard, which are sort gets rich, with populations threatened types, which are on this range in favourable state. Range fulfils criteria internationally important range for plant (IPA), by this is important vital place of threatened types of birds (golden eagle, eagle Kacar, kestrel, harriers, big eagle-owl and of other). Entire range Kras edge is part ecologically important range Kras and is potential range Nature 2000.

Is possible Wind turbines and natural park -nature- life in one area ?

Look in our web side :
Who will tell this people, that nor in Europe did not put wind turbines in areas, where they can' t do.

This area Golic is potential place of Natura2000,

1 - Or in Europe subsist natural park and wind turbines together in one area ?
( please read link in index zelenanarava - odgovor -reply margot walstrom ).

2 - I read in newspaper, that in Austria water protection cone are protect like hidrogeological park - water for Wiena ??? ). Are there wind turbines ? please reply.
3. Historical monumental church Hrastovlje ( look in google ) world known freske from 14. century The Dance of Death, Dance macabre and Kraški rob (natural evulation) will be destroy . Are in Europe put wind turbines near natural and historical monumentals too ? ??
Greenpeace : Please reply to this three questions . Please look foto in our web side.

By, david, narava

International contacts
Greenpeace International, Greenpeace European Unit

e-mail: european.unit@diala.greenpeace.org

Greenpeace Austria

e-mail office@greenpeace.at

Greenpeace Italy

e-mail staff@greenpeace.it

1. Odgovor Greenpeace Austria - Reply Greenpeace Austria

hello david (?),

thanks a lot for your e-mail! did you send a mail before and get no answer?
if so - sorry!

so this is not an easy question that you are asking. we have not an
official "policy" on where to put wind turbines and where not, but
generally we say that they should not be put e.g. in the middle of bird
migration zones, or places with very beautiful landscape. it would be
better to dedicate certain areas for possible development of wind energy,
and areas with protected landscape should not be in these zones. usually
there are enough places where there is enough wind and no special

on the other hand, some problems should not be overestimated. the problems
with birds appear to be much smaller that usually is thought, and wind
turbines are not bird choppers, as some opponents want to make believe.
some birds do die, yes, but also a lot of birds die from electricity power
lines. and talking about that: in austria there are something like over
30.000 electricity masts which are not very beautiful, but people are used
to them.

it is true that every turbine has synthetic oil in it, but in the very rare
occasions that this leaks away, mostly it stays within the turbine house.
however, construction within a groundwater protection zone might be a
reason to take extra measurements to prevent leakage to ground water. so
this should be technically solved.

landscape is another question, that also has to do with personal taste. for
me wind turbines are not beautiful on most places, but I know that many
people have a different opinion. but even for me there are places where it
looks beautiful.

generally we should ask ourselves the question how we want our electricity
to be produced. demand is increasing, climate change is increasing as well,
and wind energy is from an ecological and economical point of view a good
alternative to "conventional" power plants. as long as we do not manage to
save serious amounts of electricity power plants will be built.

I hope this helps you a little bit further!

best wishes from vienna,

jurrien westerhof


2. Odgovor Greenpeace Austria - Reply Greenpeace Austria 19. september 2003

On Fri, 19 Sep 2003 at 11:47:30, Jurrien.Westerhof@greenpeace.at wrote:

Hello David,

I want to make clear that Greenpeace not automatically supports the
construction of wind turbines in any place, as I wrote in my last mail. I
do not want to go into the discussion if they fit in a specific landscape
or not.

The problem of synthetic oil leaking away into groundwater in Austria so
far has been more a hypothetical than a real problem. There are no
regulations forbidding the construction of wind turbines in ground water
protection zones.
If someone wants to build a wind turbine there, then it could be a
condition, that measurements have to be taken to prevent ground water
pollution in the case of oil leakage. The oil should not have the chance to
leak out of the turbine house. This is technically solvable.

In Austria so far there have been no cases of construction of wind turbines
in Natura 2000 areas. It is not forbidden though.
In a case where the question is asked, the answer would be, that a Nature
Impact Assessment has to be carried out, where the question has to be
answered if the construction of wind turbines has a negative impact on the
species that should be protected in this specific area. If the Natura 2000
area is there for protecting certain plants, then it is not very likely
that they will suffer from wind turbines and this should be no problem. But
if it is a reservation for special birds then it might be different, but
this has to be solved in the Nature Impact Assessment.This is according to
EU law.

I hope this helps you.

Jurrien Westerhof
Greenpeace, Austria

Greenpeace Austria odgovarja, da ne podpira postavitve vetrnih elektrarn povsod.

Greenpeace Austria reply that not automatically supports the
construction of wind turbines in any place.

19.september 2003

Dear Jurrien,
We respect your organization Greenpeace for years

If you see our pictures of Golic , then you know what we want to protect .
We are for wind turbines near the highway or somewhere where is natura not intact , but this edge-crest Golic is like the edge-crest in the sea, where is life of fauna and flora most rich.

Thanks for your reply, but there are last two questions :

1 - I read in newspaper, that in Austria water protection cone are protect like hidrogeological park - water for Wiena - 100 or 150 km far of Wiena ? ). Are there wind turbines ?
2. Historical monumental church Hrastovlje ( look in : www.google - type Hrastovlje ) world known freske from 14. century The Dance of Death, Dance macabre and Kraški rob (natural evulation) will be destroy . Are in Europe put wind turbines near natural and historical monumentals too ? ??
In Slovenia in Karst we have exstremly potential wind named Burja,
Maybe you hear for wind ( bora ) in Trieste ( Italy ), speed surpas in gust over 250 km/h.
( unearth roof of houses, tumble tracks )
Wind turbines are made max for speed 250 km/h. Wind turbines are made for constant wind,
not for our Burja, which blow in gust.

By david, narava

Dont' forget that this area Golic is in Karst - very senzibility area for water.


Conclusion :

Greenpeace don't reply so :

Greenpeace don't supports construction of wind turbines in any place:

- not in places imortant for birds ( habitat ),

- not in places in Natura2000,


- not in hidrogeological parks ??????

- not near historic monument and state evalution ??????

Energija vetra ni zelena in ne poceni
Energija vetra - ni alternativa
Namesto : Atomska Energija - Ne Hvala, je danes : Energija Vetra - Ne Hvala

Wind energy is : Not Green and Not Cheap

Wind energy is not Alternative

Instead of : Atomic Energie - No Thanks it's now, : Wind Energy - No Thanks

Kakorkoli, so podrocja na katerih je treba prepovedati postavljati vetrne elektrarne :

- Naravni rezervati
- Nacionalni parki
- Podrocja v blizini naravnih znamenitosti
- Podrocja v odprtih prostorskih in pokrajinskih nacrtih s izjemnimi posebnimi naravoslovnimi pomembnostmi
- Na posebno zavarovanih Podrocjih v pokrajini, kjer bo zavarovanje ogrozeno z umestitvijo vetrnih elektrarn
- Zgodovinsko kulturnih pokrajinah
In na predelih pokrajin , ki so izkljucno namenjeni rekreaciji.

Landscapes which must be excluded from wind power plants :

- nature reserves
- national parks
- areas surrounding natural wonders
- areas in open-space plans and landscape plans designated with special scientific significance
- parts of landscape protection zones where protection objectives would be essentially compromised by wind turbine installations
- historic cultural landscapes
- and landscape zones used exclusively for recreation.

Projekt : Ohranitev Golica pred postavitvijo vetrnih elektrarn je verjetno najvecji projekt ohranitve naravnega okolja in

kulturne dedinšcine, ki poteka v letu 2003 v Sloveniji in Evropi - projekt smo prijavili na razpis Nagrade druzbe FORD za leto 2003.

Project : Protection Plateu Golic before setting wind power plants is for at the moment the biggest project of preservation of physical environment and of cultural heritage, which goes in Slovenia in 2003 and in Europe - Project registration to Ford Conservation and Environmental Grants 2003.

Upamo, da se ministrstvo zaveda, da planota Golic spada v Drugi vodovarstveni pas reke Rizane, ki skoraj v celoti pokriva

s preskrbo pitne vode vso Slovensko Istro in da nikjer na svetu Vetrnih elektrarn ne postavljajo na taka obmocja zaradi potencialnega onesnazenja pitne vode s sinteticnim oljem ( vsaka vetrna turbina ima okoli 370 litrov olja, 370 x 80 vetrnih elektrn = 30.000 litov olja ). Da bodo vetrne elektrarne vidne iz Hrastoveljskega tabora in da na tem podrocju ze poteka Evropski projekt Natura2000.

Hope, that ministry realizes, that plateau of Golice belongs to Second water protect zone of river Rizane, which almost to whole covers with drinking water entire Slovene Istria and that nowhere on world of wind power plants no set on such ranges because of potential pollution of drinking water with synthetic oil ( every wind turbine has round 370 litres of oil ,370 x 80 Wind turbines = 30.000 litres of oil ). That will of wind power plants of visual from Hrastovlje church - tabor ( The dance of death - freske ) and that on this field already goes European project Natura2000.


Evropski komisarji odgovarjajo na naše e-maile, le naš Slovenski minister g. Janez Kopac pa ne ???

European commissioners are reply on our e-mails, only our Slovenian minister Mr. Janez Kopac did not ???


Let of Golice stays goal and let him however Mr. minister Janez Kopac at once put in to spatial plan between most highly Natural treasure R. Of Slovenia.

Naj Golic ostane gol in naj ga vendar g. minister Janez Kopac ze enkrat umesti v prostorski plan

med najvišje Naravne vrednote R. Slovenije.


Nazaj na stran Zelena narava- klikni