Make a Website for Your Church

(This page is under construction. We will be adding more information as time allows.)

After you have decided to set up a home on the web, the very next issue is where your home page will be located. Many web servers offer free space for home pages. You can contact your server for the details. There are also several companies on the web that offer free web sites. In the last few months there has been a real "war" going on between free providers over the amount of space they offer. The result is that more and more places offer large amounts of space, five meg. or more. (A comparative note: At the present time, all of the files at 2revs together take up a little less than two megs of memory. That will give you an idea of what 5, 10 or more meg. will hold. Graphics and photos are "memory intensive," text is less so.) The best place to find a comparative evaluation of free websites is here:

Free Web Page Review

One of the things that we look for is whether or not there is an on-line editor or whether you need to do everything off-line and then upload the files by FTP.

Most free providers include adds on their pages. Most of them currently use a drop down-Java script box that can be clicked to close. Some of them have choices about add content.

Some of the sites that we've checked out (with current memory allowance) are:

Geocities (11 megs.) Offers some choice (drop down box or on page) about where adds will be placed. This site has one of the best on-line editors we've found. Maybe you've noticed, 2revs is hosted by geocities.

XOOM (11 megs.) Expect them to go to 12 megs since geocities just went to 11.

Angelfire (5 megs.) Smaller, but the advantage is that you can choose to be add-free. The on-line editor is OK, but you'll need a browser that can upload files or a separate program if your browser doesn't do that.

Tripod (11 megs.) Decent on-line editor.

Crosswinds Unlimited space. No adds. No on-line editor.

FreeServers (12 megs.) One of the interesting things about this server is that they allow a choice of domain names.

Help with HTML:

NCSA's A Beginners Guide to HTML

HTML Design Guide

html_help's Home Page

Help with some specific topics:

Background Colors (hexidecimal): ZSPC Super Color Chart


Forms: MacBoy's Super Simple Form Tutorial

Frames: The Netscape Frames Tutorial

Register with Search Engines:

Once you get your page set up, you'll need to register it with major search engines so that people can find you. You can do that right here at 2revs:

Your name:
Page Title:

Hope this helps you get started! 2revs

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