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Tree lupins

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Tree Lupin Flower

The biological name for the tree lupin is  Lupinus arboreus. This plant is a secondary coloniser and tends to grow in poor quality soils. These plants help to stabalise the soil and provide shelter for the growth of other species. They have a mutualsitic relationship with a species of rhizobium bacteria and are therefore able to "fix" nitrogen. After death of the plant these minerals will be available for the use of other plants in the community.
Taxonomy Lists the biological classification of the plant
Background A description of adaptations which help the plants survival
Structure Drawings and photos of the plant
SEM photographs Highly magnified pictures showing leaf and seed structure
Experiments Some of the experiments my classes have carried out
Results Summary graphs of some of their experimental results
Conditions of use Etiquette regarding the use of this site
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Other references:

Lupin Develpoment Guide, Dracup and Kirby, University of Western Australia Press, 
ISBN 1-875560-66-1




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Tree lupins

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