
Below is a list of documents that may be useful to players of the Holofleet.

* Some Frequently Asked Questions and signup information
* Beginners Frequently Answered Questions
* The HWF Manual with all information you need to play
* Commonly used abbreviations and important email addresses
* HoloWorld Charter: membership representation
* How to participate in administration and policy discussions
* Cocoon Academy Instructor Duties
* HWF Game Master FAQ
* SF Villain and free character FAQ
* RPG Etiquette
* Starfleet Marine Corps Information and HWF Marine Equipment
* Starfleet Security Information and Officer's manual
* Holoworld Fleet Awards
* Starfleet Ranks and Insignia
* Warp speed table
* Timezone information to compose your correct stardate
* Planet classifications, in brief
* Important documents from Cocoon Academy
* Cocoon Fleet Log of Major Events