RixLinx September 26, 1999

These are web sites that I've bookmarked for myself. I also put a comprehensive list of genealogy links on the Genealogy Reference page.

Power Pages

These web sites are unbelievable. They each contain dozens of well organized links to other sites.

America's Homepage

CEO Express

Hot Sheet

Political Junkie

refdesk.com (this one is perfect for kids doing homework)

Urban Legends and Folklore


Search Tools

555.1212.Com Looking for someone?

Anywho.com Find E-mail addresses, phone numbers, home pages, and much more.

Ask Jeeves Got a question? Any question? Ask Jeeves!

C4.com - a smart new search engine that uses parallel search technology. It really works.

Cyber Librarian. What a great place to start searching for people! Several search engines in one place.

Dictionary.Com If the word you need isn't here, then you don't really need it.

DirectHit.com - Unlike most other search engine spiders, DirectHit scores a page based largely on how often visitors select a site, and how long they appear to stay on the site.

Dogpile This is another of those search engines that uses other search engines to find what you're looking for.

Google.com One of the newest and best search engines.

GoTo.Com Good search engine.

Go2Net|Metacrawler. This search engine searches other search engines for you. The site also has a page where you can see what other people are searching for while you're on line...click on 'MetaSpy' when you get there. There's a "filtered" section for general audiences, or you can choose the unfiltered section to see everything.

InfoSpace. This service is located in Redmond, Washington. It's easy to use and is packed with locating information derived from public sources and questionnaires.

Lycos and Hotbot. Two of my favorite search engines and fun sites in their own right.

NorthWest BuildNet. Another good search engine.

Reverse Telephone Look-Up

Switchboard Phone books for the entire USA.

W3Com - This engine searches up to 20 other sites for you. An amazing "people search" capability.

Who's at WhoWhere? You can find personal homepages (including mine and those of so-called famous people), or you can find people by e-mail address, phone number, company - just about anything you can think of.

ZIP Code Look-up and Address Information You know the zip code, but...


AJR Newslink. Newspapers, newspapers, newspapers.

AltaVista Translations. This site helps you translate from your language to many others. The translations are not that good, but they're better than nothing!

The Drudge Report is a great source of news and commentary from some of the best pundits and editorialists in the country. Matt Drudge himself often publishes scoops and news items here that you can't find in any other newspaper.

Epicurious.com - Everyone in the world except me probably knew what a great site this is for recipes.

Excite.com lets you customize a start-up page to replace the one that appears from your Internet Service Provider. It's easy to do, and you'll wonder why you didn't do this a long time ago. Click on the 'My Channel' icon when you get there.

Please RSVP.com Need people to RSVP to a party? Use this web site.

Sites That Do Stuff. This is a funny site. Plan on losing at least 30 minutes of playtime when you visit.

Want to know the truth about urban legends? This is a really fun web site.

U.S. Naval Observatory. Get the right-to-the-second correct time.

Wicked Good Guide to Boston Restrooms. You'll thank me one day...if you ever go to Boston.


Bankrate.com. The best rates on any kind of loan or credit card, information and financial guidance, checking your credit rating - an overall terrific financial site.

Creditland. What a great site to compare features, benefits, and rates for credit cards and every kind of loan. You can even apply on-line.

eFax.com - A free service that lets people send faxes to eFax for turnaround to you via e-mail.

Financial Calculators Use these calculators to figure out just about anything.

Greeting Cards. This is a very impressive (free) electronic greeting card service. Many of the cards are animated, interactive, and play music. You can even send 'awards' to kids. Real nice.

Insurance Quotes. Great way to shop for insurance.

MyFamily.Com Would you like to have a free web site for yourself and your family? One that is already done for you? This is an outstanding service...calendar, chat room, and much, much more.

On-Line Polls. You can have a lot of fun with your friends and family at this site. Easy to use.

Your 401K's value in the future?


Amazon.com is "Earth's Largest Bookstore." I have used this service five or six times and am very impressed with their selection, the on-line information and reviews about the books, the discounted prices, and the incredibly responsive service.

Famous Smoke Shop, Inc. I have bought cigars from this service for years. Their prices are unbeatable, and now they have an outstanding web site.


ESPNet SportsZone.

Stock Investing

Clearstation is my new favorite...the services they provide for free are incredible. Build your portfolio, enter stock recommendations for others to see, take advantage of great charts, and do your analysis. Clearstation even notifies you via e-mail each day when end-of-day data on your portfolio is ready.

BigCharts is a free service that you normally would expect to pay a lot of money to get. I bet you bookmark this one!

Daily Stocks contains charts, insider trading statistics, company information, and links galore.

Investorama. If you're going to bookmark only one financial site, this one would be a great candidate. It is rich in content itself and contains links to hundreds of other sites.

Stocks and Commodities. The best traders' magazine on the market.

Wall Street Research Net. Great site for prices, charts, earnings, and histories.

Things Italian

Calabrese Site

ExpoItaly is a good starting point for exploring Italy.

Italian Genealogy Home Page

Mollicas are from Sicily, so what better place to start adventuring than Messina Sicily's Web Site?

PIE Homepage



Caribbean Travel Roundup Newsletter. What a great collection of travelogues covering several years of people's vacations to the Caribbean (including my own St. Martin travelogues from 1995-2001).

Great site for cheap airfares. I have used this site several times and have saved hundreds of $$ each time.

Internet Travel Network. This is absolutely the best place I've found to make airline reservations. You see the same information that travel agents do. You can even select your seats by viewing the same interactive seating diagram aboard the aircraft that travel agents see when they talk to you on the phone. Outstanding resource.

Mapquest. Here you can get step-by-step driving directions that will take you to a new address across town or across the country.

OnLine City Guide Planner. This is an outstanding resource to check out cities before you visit them, and to make reservations for planes, hotels, cars - I like it a lot.

Pop3Now provides free access to your home e-mail account from any computer. I include this link under the travel section because Pop3Now is the perfect way to check your e-mail when you travel outside the range of your Internet Service Provider. No registration necessary - just login.

Slanguage. This site is a lot of fun because it provides "translations" for regional speech patterns and words. Want to speak like a New Englandah? Go here.

TourScan Caribbean Travel Service. Find a vacation here that fits your budget...I've used this service and was very pleased with it.

Put the power of Babel Fish into your browser from the Babel Fish Tool page - a free translation service for English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish.

Travelocity. A great collection of travel information, services, and links to other travel resources.

The Weather Channel. Look here before you head out on travel or vacation.

Web Software

Icons, Textures, and Art Stuff. Excellent collection of icons and unusual backgrounds.

Over the Rainbow. One of the very best one or two sites I've seen for banners, artsy backgrounds, clip art...just about anything you need to jazz up a web site.

Another Great Web Reference Site.

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