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Norway flag   Terry's Lefse Links
As any "good" Norwegian-American will tell you... lefse (lef-suh) is to us... as the tortilla is to the Mexican.  It was something that we all looked forward to at Grandma's house for the holidays.  Some of us even have tried to make our own to keep the traditions alive for our children !

"In Norway women would travel from house to house spending three or four days making up to a year's supply of lefse for the household.  They would often work over an open fire and by lantern light into the evening. The finished rounds were stacked in barrels.  Rounds were also stored in kistes (sea chests) or steamer trunks for fishermen packing provisions for long sea voyages. Often, the shed where this baking took place was also the place where beer was made."
...The Last Word on Lefse by Gary Legwold (1992)

Lefse MORE lefse


Order "Norwegian Brain Food" (a.k.a. Lefse) from these sites

Freddy's Lefse

A fellow lefse-lover passed along this website to me, saying he's found Freddy's to be "one of the best!" And since it's a North Dakota firm, I suspect he's correct (I'm a North Dakotan).

Lefse Time

Lefse Time offers traditional hand rolled lefse and lefse making products. You will also find instructions for making your own lefse with recipes and stories. 

Lena's Lefse

A fellow "Lefse Lover" recommend Lena's to me. I got a kick out of their "Lefse Emergency Hotline"! 

"I've never tasted better lefse (except my grandmother's of course) - its got to be the water in Ulen and the potatoes from the Red River Valley."
             Jan H. (lefse lover since '66)

Tiegen's Oslo Store (Hayfield, MN)
Tiegen's Oslo Store

A new link - brought to my attention by my (Norwegian) father.  

According to their site: lutefisk, herring & lefse are only shipped October through April to be sure it gets to you fresh.  However, they're available in the store year around.

Mike's Lutefisk

Lutefisk, lefse and herring shipped from one of
the largest Lutefisk processing companies in the United States.

Marina Market
Poulsbo, WA

...located in Historic Downtown Poulsbo, Washington has an extensive selection of specialty foods with an emphasis on Scandinavian delicacies. Owner Andrea Rowe tells me:
"I sell 4 kinds of Lefse! Mrs. Olsen's, Scandia Bakery (the best! from Stanwood WA.), Vestlands and Ragna's lefse mix."

The House of Jacobs

Willmar, MN company has lefse ("The World's Best"), grills, mix and more!

Mrs. Olson's Lefse

Norwegian-style potato lefse and more, from Gonvick MN

The Wooden Spoon

this Plano TX shop is the place to buy those special Scandinavian items and it's also a cultural center!


Countryside Lefse Company

Kings Norsk Products

Wheatland, Colorado lefse

Granrud's Lefse Shack

Opheim, Montana home-made style potato lefse

Norseland Lefse

various Scandinavian Products

Do you need a recipe for lefse?

Lefse Time Aunt Charlotte's Lefse recipe (a Lefse Time favorite)

Chad's Lefse Recipe
requires Adobe Reader

a South Dakota recipe submitted by Chad Bremmon, whose great-great grandfather is from Norway. 
How to Make Lefse
a recipe (and more) from LeAnn R. Ralph's book "Christmas in Dairyland"

Check out this lefse recipe!

A visitor passed along this recipe from the book Flatbreads and Flavors: A Baker's Atlas by Jeffrey Alford and Naomi Duguid. 

Get the recipe

Order the book from Amazon.com

"I'm not a Norske but a Norwegian friend says the above-mentioned recipe that I have made, makes the best lefse she's ever had!" 
--- Karen, northern Idaho

"Tender Wonderful Lefse"

Submitted by Joyce from Norske Country (near La Crosse & Westby, WI).  
"Bet if you try it - it's the only one you'll make from now on!" --- Joyce

Today, I made the Westby lefse recipe. Oh my lord, was it wonderful! I think that you should mention that it makes WAY more lefse then quoted. Perhaps I take the "roll lefse as thin as possible" to an extreme, thanks for sharing the recipe. My father in law is from Westby, I'm dying to say what he thinks.! Have a wonderful day!
---Melissa B.
3/4 Norwegian (Sept 2005)

Rob's Yummy Lefse

(Adobe Acrobat PDF file)

Lefse Lover Rob Marx sent me this recipe. He's got 20 yrs of experience and the recipe includes some great tips!
Webmaster note: This one's a winner.  My daughter and her fiancé did a couple of batches of this one and it was super-tasty.  Two lefse sticks up!

Rob's Yummy Lefse

Same recipe, but as a "standard" web page

7-Up Lefse

Uncle David Holter sent this one to me. It looks so simple (no potatoes to peel or cook). Gotta try it soon! 
Webmaster warning We tried this one in January '02, and didn't care for it that much.  It uses vegetable oil instead of butter or margarine, and that maybe the difference. It is certainly easy, however.  And, is there really such a thing as "bad" lefse?

Jeg Elsker Lefse!

"I Love Lefse" (recipes) from Dave's Lefse Page

Lefse-making supplies and equipment

Order a "How to Make (Real) Good Lefse" video

For Scandinavians, and those who wish they were!  

This site features the nearly famous home-video package, "How To Make Real Good Lefse!"...and other dandy stuff too!

Order your copy now!

Lefse Hall of Fame

Honor your favorite lefse-maker or lefse-eater with a membership in this elite society.  Scott Hoven says that the Lutefisk Hall of Fame is just around the corner, too....can you smell it?

BONUS: Scott's got some dandy links to lefse-making videos on YouTube!

Nordic Alaska

Order Scandinavian items on-line! (including cookware and food)

Bethany Housewares

Scandinavian/Norwegian cookware

Kitchen Karousel

Scandinavian-style baking tools & supplies

Chef's Kitchen

Search for "Bethany" to find lefse grills, krumkake irons & more....or "lefse" to find other tools!

Other Scandinavian sites

ScanSelect, Inc
"Bringing you the finest in Scandinavian Foods and Gifts"
World Cuisines' Norwegian Links World Cuisines (www.world-cuisines.com
- a great collection of links to recipes & cuisines from all over the world.
Check out their Norwegian food links!

Misc Articles and Information about Lefse

"Making Lefse"
requires Adobe Reader
or "The Presentation of Fried Potato Flour Mash", a short story submitted by Chad Bremmon (his recipe is found above)

Happiness is Being Norwegian

links & a lefse recipe

Norwegian Humor

Ole & Lena

PG-rated jokes

Ole & Lena

R-rated jokes (please don't go here if you're offended by mildly off-color humor)

Norwegian Links

Olsen's Scandinavian Foods

Quality products such as fishcakes, meatballs, pickled herring, sausage and much more foods famous for great taste and superior quality. In addition to all the homemade foods, there is also a large selection of imported canned goods, gifts, and more.


Warning:  This website is in Norwegian, but it is full of new and traditional recipes from Norway. 

Ancestors from

finding your Norwegian roots


Fredrik Nygaard... your guide to Norway (he's a REAL Norwegian!)


noteworthy sites... nice links to a wide variety of Norway-related web site

The Norway Post

a taste of Norway in English (daily news and more)

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Modified 11/08/2008
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