by Bubba  

Vote Republican -- Outsource YOUR
job to communist China

Asians Pouring into Dixie

Hindu Runs for Governor of Louisiana!

It ain�t just the Mexicans who are swarming into America and the South. Asians are pouring in by the thousands too. They are coming in droves from India, China, Korea, Pakistan, Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines and many other countries.

Starting in the 1960s, thousands of Hindus from India began coming to the United States. In the early 1960s, there were already enough living in Atlanta to stage one of their Hindu religious festivals. At first, there were only a handful of Indians and a few curious Atlantans. By the 1980s, they began coming to Atlanta by the thousands. In the early 1990s, there were at least two Hindu owned employment agencies in Atlanta devoted entirely to bringing Indians to this country to work as 'temporary' help for American companies - for much cheaper wages than normally paid for those jobs. The American companies didn't have to worry about vacation pay, health and retirement benefits.

This practice is now called 'outsourcing'. For the greedy American fatcats, it means they don't have to hire Americans anymore: they can hire foreigners for a heck of a lot less and make even bigger profits. Trouble with that crappy theory is that sooner or later, there won't be any Americans who can afford their products or services.

Sometime in the 1970s or so, one Indian came to America and began buying up old motels along the Gulf Coast from Florida to Texas. In 1989, this Hindu had bought at least seven such motels in Dothan, Alabama for instance. As soon as he bought a motel, he would send to India for a family of Hindus to come to America and operate the motel for him. They live in and maintain the motels. Who would have ever imagined a colony of Hindus in Dothan - the middle of the "Heart of Dixie" and the midst of the Christian Bible Belt.

I stayed in one of those Hindu motels briefly. The second day there, the man in the room above mine woke me up while raising cain with the Hindus. He was standing on the balcony cussing them like mad because they wouldn't clean up his room. He was obviously drunk and began ranting at them, calling them "nothing but dirty 'sandniggers'." I had heard that term before but thought it was just for Arabs.

I soon learned what his complaint was all about. The Hindus cleaned the rooms only once a week and they would put only one clean sheet on the beds a week, swapping the dirty sheet on top for the one on the bottom. Maybe that is OK in India where they wash their dishes and clothes in filthy creek water but it damn sho ain't OK in modern America!

Since then, the Hindus have branched out into many other businesses. In towns and cities all over the South, Hindus are buying up gas stations and convenience stores. In some areas, they have gained a virtual monopoly in these businesses. They undercut the prices of their nearest competitors by bringing in Hindus from India to work cheap. Once they have run the American competitors out of business, they can then jack their prices back up to "normal". They are also opening up numerous Indian resturants, pawn shops, laundrymats and other businesses.

Son of Hindu Aliens Runs for Governor of Louisiana

As if having the son of a Nazi run for governor of California weren't crazy enough, now we learn that the son of Hindus from India is running as the Republican candidate for governor of Louisiana. Ole Huey Long must be rolling over in his grave at this damnable twist of fate!

Louisiana is a state in the heart of the Christian Bible Belt so how could they possibly consider voting for someone from such an alien culture as India?? That is a nation which builds huge temples to rats (supposed to be gods), to more different gods than you can possibly count - thousands of 'em; a nation where they don't eat steaks or hamburgers because the cows are supposed to be their ancestors come back in a new life.

The problem is that the average folk in Louisiana don't have the faintest idea of what a Hindu is. They have become brainwashed enough now by the fatcats that they are willing to vote for anybody who says they are Republican, even a damn Hindu from India!

The power of Republican brainwashing is pretty darn evident in crazy California, where they went wild over Schwarzenegger, the son of a Nazi -- who is still a citizen of Austria and a guy who, according to a biography, still loves to do the Nazi 'seig heil' Hitler salute.

But this character in Louisiana ain't no movie star. So what in hell are the fatcat Republcans up to? Do they think we have reached the point where we will take anything or anybody they try to push over on us? Must be. After all, they have been pushing off damnyankee carpetbaggers on us for several years now. Good example is that lying, cheating, whorehopping damnyankee Newt Gingrich ('Newt the grinch'), the very same jackass who came up with the Big Lie that the Republican party was the party of 'family values'. Then there is Barr, another damnyankee elected by suburban damnyankees from Georgia; and the two Bush boys, one elected in Texas and the other in Florida. Heck, Florida you can understand because it has more damnyankees than Rhode Island, not to mention close to 3 million Cubans -- all Republicans.

But Louisiana? This character has no darn business trying to be governor of ANY American state, much less Louisiana. He has no ties whatsoever to our Southern culture, our American heritage nor our religious history. When our ancestors were settling in the wilderness of Louisiana and hacking out farmland from the virgin forests 200 years ago, this guy's ancestors were building temples to rats and elephants. While folk in Louisiana were being raised on Sunday School lessons, this guy's ancestors were praying to Krishna or one of their other pagan gods. What gives him and the Republican party the idea that such foreigners have the 'best interests' of the folks of Louisiana or any other American state!!

Fatcats Sending American Jobs to India

CNN has done a series of reports on the 'outsourcing' of American jobs to India and other Asian countries. Until now, thousands of Hindus have been pouring into America to work in every type of job you can think of. American fatcats have been hiring Indians with college degrees to work in high tech fields, especially anything to do with computers. They can hire these Hindus for a third of what an American would be paid. They can get a Hindu with a business major for one fifth of what an American with a master's is normally paid.

Now, the latest word is that several fatcat corporate bosses have decided to close down American business operations and set up shop in India itself. They use Hindus there with college degrees as 'temporary' workers so they don't have to pay them any benefits. They are hiring thousands of such Hindus to operate telephone marketing for selling stocks and bonds, insurance, mortgages and everything else you can sell by phone.

You can always tell one of those foreigners by their accents. Most can't speak our language as well as that doctor Gupta on TV. I just hang up on them.

One American corporation is now building several universities in India just to train the Hindus to work for them, to sell products to Americans! For the life of me, I can't think of a single American corporation that has ever built a university in America. Ain't that odd?

or lose your own damn job!

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