Beasley Family
Wills and Estate Records

Beasley, Beazley, Beesley, Beezley

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North Carolina

South Carolina

John Beasley Sr.

See image of estate record at bottom of this page.

Will of Jacob Beasley (ca 1728-ca 1773)
(Craven [Fairfield] County South Carolina 1791). Jacob was a son of Abraham Beasley; mother Unk. Jacob married Margaret Pickins (b ca 1728-- d 1796).

Will of Jacob Beasley

In the Name of God Amen.

I, Jacob Beasley of Craven County, being thru the abundent mercy and goodness of God, tho weak in body yet of sound memory do constitute this my last will and testiment. I therefore do commit my soul into the hands of almighty God its creator beseeching for mercy. I therefore do deliver my body to be decently buried without pomp or state, at the discretion of my wife. I therefore do own this to be my last will and testiment.

As to my worldly estate I do require that all my lawful debts to be paid. I give to my dear and loving wife the plantation that now I live on while she lives or keeps a widow, and at the day of her death or mariage, the plantation that I now live on to be equally divided betwixt George and Jacob and for the young children to be raised upon the plantation, the new work horses, the plow and all the plantation tools for to work the plantation. Five cows and two and the sheep and hogs and steers. The loom and tackling for the use of my wife and children, the household furniture for to be left on the plantation till the day of my wife's death or mariage. Then the cows and horses and all the above mentioned to be divided equally amongst the children.

I leave my son Petter the plantation of 150 acres down the crick with the one gray horse, a cow and bull. To my daughter Catherine a yearling heifer.
To my daughter Mary a yearling heifer.
To my daughter Modleanch a heifer called Lucky.
To my daughter Elizabeth I leave one heifer calf.

To my son Adam, I leave a heifer calf if the debt can be paid of the plantation, then the mares and colts is not to be sold and if the debt is not paid, then the mares and colts to be sold to help pay my debt.
To my son Jacob I leave a heifer called Tidey.
To my son George I leave a heifer called Dasey.
I leave George and Jacob a smooth bore gun apiece.

To my son Jacob I leave the cooper tools, the chisels, hand saw, gouges, and adz and two broad axes to be equally divided among the boys.

My wearing clothes I leave between George and Jacob.

There is one set of plow irons sold at nine pound fifteen for to come for to help for to pay my debt.

Margaret Beasley my wife and William W. Kinney (McKenney?) I do constitute executers of my will and testiment. In witness hereof I set my hand and seal this ninteenth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy three.

County of Fairfield. May 9th, 1791.

Margaret Beasley wife & executrix of the within named Jacob Beasley being duly sworn made oath that the within paper now produced read and sworn to her is a true copy of her husband's will having heard the original read before it was lost that this copy was taken by Besy McMullahon who is since dead. She also gives up and disclaims her birthright of administrating in open court.

L. Evans, CFC
Proved May 9, 1791
D. Evans, C. C.
Recorded in Will Book 1, page 105 Apt. 1-19
19th May 1791
L. Evans C. C.

The following document was filed with Jacob's will:

To George Beasley

Whereas Jacob Beasley late of the said county died within the same having first made his will, which was lost during the war, a copy of which has been found proved and is hereunto annexed, and whereas Peter Beasley son and heir of the said Jacob, is also since dead without issue, whereby the power of granting letters of administration, with a copy of his will annexed, of all and singular the goods chattel and credits of the said Jacob Beasley, as also of the said Peter Beasley within this state and elsewhere and who accepting the accounts and reckonings of the said administration and ??? of the same to US colony, Margaret Beasley surviving executrix in the same will named having first given up all her rights to administer on her said husbands effects. Now in order that the said goods and chattel rights and credits of the said Jacob and Peter may well and truely be administered, we do hereby grant unto you the said George Beasley upon special trust and confidence, full power and authority by virtue of these parents to administer on all and singular the goods chattel rights and credits of the said deceased respectfully within this county and state of authority which to them in their lifetime did belong to ask sum for salary and received the same and to pay ??? of the said Jacob agreeable to the ??? where the same that has been already done by the said Margaret and the oath of the said Peter and ?? forth did their respective goods and chattel will having been first duly sworn on the holy evangelists of almighty God to make a true & perfect inventory thereof and to ??? the same into the office of the clerk of our said court in us ??? record before the second Monday in September next. And we do ordain constitute and designate the said George Beasley administrator of all and singular the goods and chattel rights.

In testimony this 7th day of May 1791.

Peter Leger the elder

Charles Town, cooper; Wife: Mary, my house where I now live in Bedon's Alley, residue of estate for life, then to dau. Son: Peter, N part house or tenement of E side Church St. now occupied by Dr. Robert Wilson. Dau: Elizabeth. Mentions 2 to John Ward of Charles Town, merchant, during life of his wife Love Ward, S part house or tenement on E side Church St.; John Peter Ward, under 21 years, son of John Ward; William Ward, second son of said Ward; Thomas Vardell of Charles Town, cooper; Ann Beazley, niece of my wife. Exors: wife; John Savage of Charles Town, Esq. Wit: Chas. Hutchings, Joshua Ward, Joel Holmes.


Orange County

Bennett Beasley

will, 7 Jan., 1758
Heirs, son Jeremiah; also mentioned Mathew & Mary Petross. Executors: wife, Ann and Capt. W. Bell. Recorded 28 Sep., 1758

John Beasley
inventory of estate (no will)
Inventory of estate recorded 24 Oct., 1782

James Beasley Sr.

will, 12 Dec 1798
Wife, Ann. Children: James, Sarah, Ann (Jones), Theodoshea (Mullins), Elizabeth (Watts), Mildred (Neal), John, Edmond, William, Catey [Katie] (Paul). Wife Ann and son James [Jr.] were executors were administrators. Recorded 24 Oct 1803

William Beasley

estate administration, 22 Feb 1802
William died without leaving a will. His estate was administered by James Beasley and Robert Bramham who filed an account with the court 22 Feb 1802.

James Beasley

will, 13 Apr 1821
Wife, Mary. Children: James [Jr.], Durrett, John, son Robert's two sons, John and Robert [Jr.], Elizabeth (Whitlaw), Mary (Huckstep). Estate records also show legatees as Tandy Collins, Nicholas Whitlaw, Willis Huckstep; and James P. Sims as Guardian of heirs of Robert Beasley [Sr.], deceased, Sanford Beasley and James Beasley. Recorded 27 Aug 1821. Account records, 27 Feb 1827.

Bennett Beasley

will 31 May 1823
Wife Mary. Mentions brother James; nephew Stephen Miller. William Kite and Henry Hansbarger were appointed administrators but both refused. Mary Beasley named administratrix. Recorded 23 Feb 1824.

Robert Beasley

estate records 26 Nov 1825
A memorandum of the estate of Robert Beasley for all the estate that came into the hands of John Head, delivered by Sanford Beasley, late Administrator, given 26 Nov., 1825. Recorded 28 Nov 1825.

Mary Beasley

will 12 Dec 1831
Mary Beasley, Widow of Bennett Beasley, named sister Sarah Long as her heir. George Deane named administrator but refused. James Long, Armistead Long and Reuben Dean named administrators. Recorded 26 Dec 1831.

John Beasley Senior

Darlington County, South Carolina Estate Records

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