Brooks Family Club

Brooks Family History and news

Welcome to the Home site of the Brooks Family Club, a national family club for all Brooks families. This webpage is about FAMILY and family history. If you are a Brooks or descendant of a Brooks, this is your home page. We hope this can become a "national clearing house" for information on all the different Brooks families. Read more about the Family Club at the bottom of this page. Most of the Brooks are descendants of pioneers who settled in the American colonies before they gained independence.

Family History

Please don't write and ask if you are "related"--as we say, this family club includes all Brooks families. If you are a descendant of a Brooks, then it does include you. Our main goal is to gather and preserve family history of all Brooks families. Our Brooks Family National Library will include copies of every kind of public record and personal family records. Read more about the Library below and click on "HISTORY" in the index below to go to the family history section.

Family Queries

If you are looking for a "lost", or unknown ancestor, or missing living relatives, our site also includes a section where you can post a query/message for others who might be able to help you with information and records on those elusive ancestors. Click on "QUERIES" below.

Family Newsletter

The site includes an online family newsletter, with current news about all the Brooks families. The newsletters will have current news, obituaries, wedding notices, engagements, anniversaries, births, military news, articles on our family heritage and more.

For your family newsletter effort to be successful, WE NEED YOUR HELP. When you hear about a death, marriage, birth, anniversary or other news in the family, please let us know so we can write an article about it in the family newsletter and add the information to our Family Library. If you see an article in your local newspaper about a Brooks relative, please clip it out, along with the name and date of the paper from the page top and mail it to us. The family newsletter can succeed only with YOUR help. Click on "NEWS" below.

Coming soon...a new section on "FAMOUS BROOKS" with sections on Brooks kin who have become famous or notable in politics and government service, sports, education, entertainment (movies, TV and music), the arts, science and other fields.

Brooks Family National Library

Our main purpose is to gather and preserve our family heritage. We are gathering copies of every type of public document and private records, including copies of marriage records, deeds, old letters, wills, US and state census records, obituaries, newspaper articles, family Bible records , estate and court records, birth and death certificates, military records, wedding and engagement notices, school records, old tax and voter's lists, cemetery tombstone inscriptions and more.

PLEASE, make xerox copies of the family information in your Bible, obituaries of Brooks relatives, wedding notices, military discharge papers, birth and death certificates and other types of family records you have and send these to us to preserve in the Family Library. Take time to record all the birth dates, marriages and deaths in your immediate family. Record the memories of the oldest relatives you know so these can be preserved for future generations.

Our Family Library will be donated to the Georgia State Archives upon the death of our historian. This is the largest and most modern state archives in the South and centrally located for the majority of our family.

Join and support your Brooks Family Club

Help support the Family Internet site, your Family Library, research on our family and other projects

The Brooks Family Club is a national family club for descendants of ALL Brooks families. If you are a Brooks or descendants of a Brooks, you are urged to join and support your family club. It is a fact that not all Brooks are blood related. However, we are united in a common desire to preserve our families' heritage. This is the foundation of our club and is our main goal.

Our Purpose and goals

  • Gather and preserve our family heritage Our foremost purpose is to gather and preserve information and records on ALL the Brooks families, regardless of kinship. For more on our family history, click on "HISTORY" below.
  • Sponsor the Brooks Family National Library We hope to create a significant Library which will contain records and copies of public documents of every type, including marriage records, birth and death certificates, wills, deeds, land grants, military records from all wars, obituaries, cemetery records, newspaper articles, church and school records, old letters, family bible records, etc.
  • Sponsor the Brooks Family News The family club has an online version of our family newsletter. We hope eventually to have a strong enough family club to be able to have a printed version, so all the relatives who are not online can also learn more about their family. The family newsletter will have current news, obits, marriages, births, etc. about your family. Click on "NEWS" below.
  • Sponsor a Brooks Family Reunion we hope eventually to sponsor an annual "national" reunion for all descendants of Brooks families.

Your membership dues help fund your family webpage, along with the online family newsletter, postage, notebooks, more family research, office supplies and hopefully, a future printed version of the family newsletter for all our kinfolk who are not on the Internet.

Your membership in the family club is very important to make it a success. Without your support, a lot of family projects such as our Family Library and this family website won't be possible.
Send your membership dues to the address below. Join us and help make this dream possible.

Annual membership dues: $15

write us:

Brooks Family Club
3120 6th Ave.
Columbus, Ga. 31904


Click on the boxes below to go to those sections.

Brooks Family

LOOKING FOR AN ANCESTOR? Post a message here

Brooks Family

Our family history section


Your online family newsletter with current news about our family

Our Editor is R. E. Woodham,
descendant of Delilah Brooks of Duplin Co., NC and Dale County, Ala.
Family history has been his hobby since age 12