Sanders - Saunders
Family Memorials

Sponsored by the Sanders Family Association

This section of our website is devoted to memorials in honor of lost Sanders - Saunders family loved ones. Members of the Family Club may post a memorial to their parents, spouse, grandparents, ancestors or other loved one here. The memorial may include a photo, poem, personal memories, information about the person (when and where born, died, etc.)

If you would like to honor the memory of a deceased Sanders family relative, all you have to do is send us info on the relative and we will be glad to honor them with a memorial on this site.

To include a photo, you can scan it and send it as an attachment to your email. If you do not have access to a scanner, you can send the photo and info through regular mail and our editor will scan them for you. If you do not have an extra copy that we can keep in the Family Library, we will return the original to you; please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

There is no cost for Association members to post a memorial to a relative on this site.

Write or email us:

Sanders Family Association
3120 6th Ave.
Columbus, Georgia 31904

In Memory of:

Vera Olive Sanders

In memory of VERA OLIVE SANDERS b. 13 July 1899 in Iuka, Livingston County, Ky., d. 19 June 1943 in Toledo, Lucas Co., Ohio. She was the daughter of GUSTAVO GRANT SANDERS (1864-1933 in Livingston County, KY.) and Mina L. Robertson (1870-1911 in KY.). Vera grew up in Livingston Co. and after her marriage to WILLIAM TAYLOR WILSON, they moved to Toledo. Vera is shown in the above photo with her husband William and their first two sons, William C. and James Grant Wilson.

Posted by her descendant, Sandra Lee Wilson.

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24 Aug 2000