Sasser Family Memorials

Sponsored by the Sasser Family Association

This section of our website is devoted to memorials in honor of lost Sasser family loved ones. Members of the Family club may post a memorial to their parents, spouse, grandparents, ancestors or other loved one here. The memorial may include a photo, poem, personal memories, information about the person (when and where born, died, etc.).

If you would like to honor the memory of a deceased Sasser relative, you may place a memorial to them on this Family Memorial site.

To include a photo, you can scan it and send it as an attachment to your email. If you do not have access to a scanner, you can send the photo and info through regular mail and our editor will scan them for you. If you do not have an extra copy that we can keep in the Family Library, we will return the original to you; please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

There is no cost for family club members to post a memorial to a relative on this site.

Email us:

Sasser Family Association

Write us:

Sasser Family Association
3120 6th Ave.
Columbus, Georgia 31904

In Memory of:

Amos Howell Sasser
Georgia Copeland Hall

In Memory of: Amos Howell Sasser, b 14 Aug 1856 in Grady Co., Ga. - d 14 Aug 1941 in Grady Co.; and his 2nd wife, Georgia Copeland Hall, b 6 Jun 1861 and d 16 Sep 1933 in Grady Co.

Amos was a son of Littleton Sasser and Zilpha McCroan and a grandson of Thomas Sasser Sr. and his wife Clarissa. Amos married 1st Willie Chester who d in 1877. He and Georgia had 13 known ch: Claudia Howell, Pearl, Mattie Pauline, James Maston (Maston), Albert Leon, Thomas Leno, Georgia Pauline (Pauline), Genie Ila, Arthur, Laura Blalock, Willie Amos, Eva and Henry Crawford Sasser.

Amos was a farmer in Grady Co. all his life. He and his two wives are buried in the Godwin Cemetery in Grady Co.

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