MacCorkill's Scottish - Tribute to Braveheart

Sconemac's - Tribute, Mel Gibson and to the Movie, "Braveheart"

Sconemac's Scottish and Celtic Internet Book

Scone's Scottish and Celtic Internet Book"

Scottish History and Culture

A Tribute to Braveheart the Movie
Mel Gibson
and to Brave Scots at Home

by Nancy MacCorkill

"another page in my book"

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A Tribute, to the Movie, "Braveheart",
and to the man who made it, - Mel Gibson, A Scottish American!


The actor, the director, the dream...........
.....he was born in the USA of Scottish parents; lived there as a child; moved to Australia, grew up and married there; moved back to the United States where he pursued his movie career. Mel was likeable, handsome and witty and became a popular actor.....then..... he put up his own money, (along with Alan Ladd, Jr.'s), and they produced a wonderful epic movie, "Braveheart". The director was Mel Gibson; the actor was Mel Gibson; one of the producers was Mel Gibson; seems as if the (now) excellent actor (of Clan Bucanan-Scottish American) came home to produce a movie that has made Scotland a "known place" to the world -- to those who didn't know of, and love, our country.........Scotland.






















.....this is my tribute to "Braveheart" the movie, a movie that so many times expressed the most important moments without speaking, using only expressions and music to set the moment forever in our minds and hearts, thus I felt the pictures needed no words..... Sconemac

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