
Monday, July 21......... I don't know if you really care what we did Monday but, if you're following along you may like to know since we're still in Rochester! At 10:00 AM the clock rang. It was the first night we got total sleep (but we still were on edge). We got dressed, got out stuff together, made sure everything was out of the room, and checked out of the hotel. We stumbled with all our suitcases and Transformers figures to the restaurant downstairs. We sat in the lounge part this time (which was cheaper) and had a little lunch. I had a Reuben and it was wonderful. About time something (aside from the Breakfast buffet) impressed me at this hotel. Tee hee. The problem is......the Greyhound bus wasn't coming until 2:50PM. So.....we had a long wait. We left the hotel at about 1:15PM and had a shuttle take us to the Greyhound station. Why so early? Because that's the only time he could do it!

So......there in the Greyhound terminal we waited. And waited. And waited. Until the bus pulled in at about 2:40. We boarded and prepared for our 4 hour trip home. It went pretty quick surprisingly and we found ourselves in no time pulling into the Erie Greyhound terminal. We unloaded, got picked up, and went straight home.

To tell you the truth......when I got home I felt a bit of sadness. It was nice to be home but I also missed going to the convention. I missed the fact that you could grab any person at the show and talk to them. They didn't care who you were. All they knew was that you were into the same thing that they were: Transformers. You could gab for hours on a rare one you found or one you're looking for. Here in Erie....I believe I'm the only other person to collect Transformers. Most everyone else has them shoved in their closet from 10 years ago. It's kind of a lonely hobby around here. However, what I found out was that the Internet makes the Transformers seem like a universe. There are hundreds of web pages, a couple newsgroups, and a HUGE following! That's why I love collecting Transformers so much. Because I can share the experience with others. And....that's why I will always remember my Botcon '97 experience. Not only was it a time to rejoice over the best toy line/series/cartoon/movie/comic ever made.......but it was a time to share the memories!! Thanks to everyone who put the convention on and who help keep TF's alive. We're Not Worthy!!!!!

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