St. James Lutheran Church
St. James Lutheran Church
1380 North Waukegan Road (847)234-4859
Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 (847)234-6742 fax
"My house shall be a house of prayer for all people"

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Musical Mosaic Sunday
"Make a joyful noise unto the Lord."

Each year, one Sunday (usually in October) is dedicated to enjoying the music of all musical groups at St. James. Each group prepares an anthem and plays at both services so that the entire family of St. James may experience the vast richness of our musical program. It is always something to behold!

Tell me more about...

Adult choir
Contemporary bands
Handbell choirs
Brass ensemble
Youth choirs
Special music
Musical Mosaic Sunday
Music at St. James

Tim Haskett, Director of Music
Ann Gerdom, Organist

If you would like to volunteer to participate in any capacity please contact the church office at (847)234-4859.  We are very grateful for the gift of your time.

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