St. James Lutheran Church
St. James Lutheran Church
1380 North Waukegan Road (847)234-4859
Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 (847)234-6742 fax
"My house shall be a house of prayer for all people"

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Directions from the South
"Go therefore to the thoroughfares, and invite to the marriage feast as many as you find."
To get to St. James from the south, take (the Edens Expressway north until it turns into) Highway 41 north. After you pass the stoplight for Westleigh Road, the highway will make an "S" curve to the left. At the end of the "S" is the stoplight for IL 60; turn left. The next stoplight is IL 43 (Waukegan Road); turn right. After you pass the stoplight for Deerpath Road, St. James is about a mile on the left. It is difficult to see the church coming up, so as soon as you see the yellow sign saying Church Entrance, slow down.

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Map to St. James

From the south
From the southwest
From the north
From the west

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