Will of Charles Harrington
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Will of Charles  Harrington 24 May 1796
State of North Carolina, Anson County

In the name of God, amen, I Charles Arrington of the county of Anson
and State of North Carolina being of sound and perfect mind and
memory, blessed be God do this twenty fourth day May and in the year
of our Lord one thousand seven and ninety six, make and publish this
my last Will and Testament in manner following.  That is to say first,
I give and bequeath to my beloved wife, Bena Arrenton, one mare and
saddle and saddle (struck through) one bed and furniture.  I also, I
lend to her during her life time (time struck through) or widowhood,
all the stock of cattle, hogs, and sheep, wagon, one saddle horse and
colt, I also lend her all my plantation tools and household furniture,
I also lend to my wife, one Negro boy George till my son William comes
of age or marries and then I give George to my son William Arrington,
I also lend to my wife, one Negro girl Jude her life time or widowhood
after that Jude and her increase to be divided between my daughters,
but if she should have more children than one apiece then to be
divided among my sons and daughters. 

I also give to my daughter Nanse Croswell twenty-five pounds current
money of North Carolina. 

I also give to my daughter, Nelly Hudson, twenty-five pounds, North
Carolina currency.

I also give to my daughter, Mary Stegall, twenty-five pounds current
money of N.C. and twenty-five pound of feathers and one cow, and one
mare and saddle one sow and pigs, one dish and three plates.   (This
part of the will is very hard to read, as it appears that some of it
was written over the other.)

I also give to my daughter, Sukey, twenty five pounds current money of
North Carolina and twenty three weight of feathers, one mare, and
saddle, one cow, one sow and pigs, one dish and three plates. 

I also give to my son, John Arrington, one Negro man named Jack and
twenty-five pounds North Carolina currency and one horse and saddle,
one cow and one sow and pigs, and twenty-three weight of feathers and
six plates and a dish.

I also give to my son Whitmill, one Negro man, Abram, one horse and
saddle and twenty-five pounds North Carolina currency and twenty three
weight of feathers, one cow, one sow and pigs, six plates, and one

I also give to my son William Arrington, one horse and saddle and
twenty three weight of feathers and twenty five pounds of North
Carolina currency, one cow, one sow and pigs, six plates and one dish
and I hereby make and ordain my worthy friends, Richmond Croswell and
Solomon Stegall, Executors of this my last Will and Testament.

In witness whereof, I the said Charles Arrington, have to this my last
will and testament set my hand and seal, the day and year above
                                        Charles Harrington    (Seal)

My land and plantation whereon I now live, I desire at my wife's death
or removal of the plantation to be sold and the money to be divided
between my sons.  

Signed, sealed, published, declared by the said Charles Harrington the
testors as his last will and testament in the presents (sic) of us who
were present at the time of signing and sealing the same. 

Bryant Lee
Richmond Croswell 
Anson Court, July 1796)))
I do hereby certify the fore going to be a true copy of the last will
and testament of Charles Harrington dec'd as the same filed in the
clerks office of this county. 
Test. W M Train D.C. ( This signature hard to make out.)

NOTE: This will was transcribed by Barbara Parsons.


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