The Wall of Shame
Woe to those who dare enter

Welcome to the wall of shame, this is ths sight of many brutal defeats of the innocent, and somtimes not so innocent, this is not for the faint of heart, with each passing moment, the chills of death will strike you. This is what the RDG has done, the cruelty and destruction...

Please click one of the below you visit the site of your choice, but beware, disgrace the wall of this place and you will meet your maker, for messing with the RDG is a fate worse than death.. its Eternal DEATH

Click to visit the Holy of Holies, the sight of many horrible deaths of people who have died in the hands of the RDG

Clink to visit the Arena, the place of defeat for many of the guilds foolisg enough to stand in the way of the RDG

Click to visit the Hitlist, those who are marked to be killed or destroyed

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