Lord Vortex's NPC's of the Week

as submitted to the Palladium Mailing List

These are the NPC's of the week as created by Lord Vortex. They are placed on this page with his permission. They all have very detailed stats and 3 HLS style adventures to accompany them.

The powerful sorcerer, Favian.

The Triad Assassian, Pao Yan. He finds his strange new surroundings in the world of Rifts interesting to say the least.

The Nightbane Gunslinger and hero, "The Rattlesnake".

Mr. Bean. I believe this one explains itself.

Telfer Larrimore, Macross Engineer plauged with shell-shock.

The following three characters are inter-linked in story and system. they compliment each other perfectly!

The possessed Demon Wrestler from Mystic China known as the Infernal.

Bai Dong, the Infernal from Mystic China.

The Enlightened, a Mystic China Reformed Demon.

The Swordswoman, a Nightbane character and the first female NPC of the Week. (Wow, aren't we politically correct?!) This particular character has a great fanfiction piece to go with it. Check it out.

The General, an ex-CS officer gone a little off his rocker. Great for player mind games.

The Red Right Hand, a Nightbane character based entirely on a song... another first for the NPC's of the Week

More next week... same Galahad time, same Galahad channel!

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