<bgsound src="stairway_to_heaven.mid" loop=infinite>

My Dedication To Friends Page

I am dedicating this page
to All my way KEWL friends

I have met some really nice people and even though I may not have ever met you in person, I still consider you my close friends. Ironically enough, I actually feel closer to some of you than some of my friends I "sea" all the time.Because we have shared alot and have really been able to bond, Our friendship is just as strong. Thank You for being here for me when I needed a good friend! And know that I am always here for you! Here are just a handful of some of my friends. Some of them are even my "real world" friends. I have lots more pix but if you are not here it is because you did not give me your permission to put you here. I would be happy to add you or your site link, so just icq or email me.This page is constantly updated on a regular basis so come again!(wink)


Click on name to view

My Friends Personal Sites!
Check 'Em Out!
Tell Them Sea sent You!

Lil's Page of Wonders

Joe's and Lil's Page

Sprattoo's Home

Rainstorm's UmbrellaPeteral's Site of Witchy Things

Bob and Jules Welcome Page

A Special Greeting Card for all my Friends!

(Thank you Mshueil for sharing this with me!)



This Page was created by SEA
on Sept.26,1998 and last updated on March 31, 00


My Beautiful Mother

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