The following are excerpts from Sen. Joseph McCarthy's FBI file, in the future if I have access to a scanner I may scan in whole pages. For now there is only stuff I typed in.

 Office Memorandum United States Government 
TO:	A. H. Belmont					DATE:  July 18,1950 
	The purpose of this memorandum is to report some information
     conveved to Special Agent W.C. Sullivan by [ BLACKED OUT

	[ BLACKED OUT] advised that during the past few weeks she has been
     associating with the wives of the cabinet officers.  One of the main
     subjects of conversation among these wives pertains to the charges made
     by Senator McCarthy against the State Department. [BLACKED OUT] says that
     without exception all the wives of the cabinet officers are loud and
     bitter in their condemnation of Senator McCarthy and ardent in their
     support fof Secretary of State Acheson.  She said that [BLACKED OUT]
     is particularly vehement in her condemnation of Senator McCarthy and
     quotes her husband in support of her attitude.  It is [BLACKED OUT]
     opinion that all the wives reflect the thinking of their husbands.

	This memorandum is for your information. 

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