Harry Caray Tribute Page

He was larger than life, but apparently his tenure here on Earth was over. He told the story of the game he loved, and although he was an unabashed aficianado of his Chicago Cubs, he pulled no punches. I read just recentley, that if an infielder let a ground ball go through his legs, most other announcers would make a comment about the slick infield or that it was a crazy bouncing ball. Harry would say "They pay him 3 million dollars for that? Holy Cow!". I loved Harry as a surrogate grandfather and I'm sure that 90% of America felt that same way. I met him once in Chicago for the Cub Convention in 1997. Now I am from San Diego, so this was truly a once in a lifetime treat. At Opening ceremonies, Harry was the honorary M.C. and as the ceremonies came to a close, he led the several hundred thick crowd, most of whom revered him, in the singing of "Take Me Out To The Ballgame". This was a very emotional time for me. I got tears in my eyes as I sang it with him, and I guess now, whenever I sing it without him, the same thing will happen.

Here is a cool quote I found on a page for Harry. If this is you let me know so I can recognize you. " In the movie "Bull Durham," Annie Savoy equated baseball with religion. If that's true, then Wrigley Field is surely one of baseball' churches and Harry Caray was one of the game's priests. "

This reminds me of a quote I once saw on an ad for a baseball game. It showed the scoreboard operator at Wrigley and said "If heaven is anything like Wrigley Field on a Sunday afternoon, then death might not be that bad". That really reminded me of Harry when I saw it again this week. God Bless you Harry.

I haven't updated this in a really long time, but I felt that the sentiments here were enough to convey my point. I finally did something today when I added a picture of Harry and I. I felt this was a nice touch.

This candle will burn for as long as I have a webpage for Harry. All I can say is that I hope there is a seventh inning stretch in heaven. Godspeed My friend, Godspeed.

Here are my 2 favorite Cubs in the whole world

Approved by Harry himself

This is in memory of Harry, feel free to sing along.
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