<BGSOUND SRC="/Heartland/plains/7077/mid/bowcon.mid" loop=5>
"Rainbow Connection"

Rainbow Creating Stories Part 1 !

I love making rainbows,
I think they are so wonderful and beautiful
that I painted one room in my house with rainbows all over.
It is quite a room of great inspiration!

--H.V.--Southeast USA--

I guess, there are several rainbow stories that I could tell, and is is hard to choose just one.
I realize now how much I have been truly blessed.
But there is one woman who has truly touched my life.

When I was 15, I went through a period in my life where every day I wanted to die.
I hated myself, I tried killing myself 3 times.
My family knew not the pain that I was going through, but this young lady did.
She embraced me, and showed me love in a hurting world.
She showed me that there is more to this life that is worth living for.

Most of all she showed me God.
The one who made all things possible in this life.

When the chips were down, she never left me,
she always shows me love, and embraces me.
Needless to say, I am obviously still here, because of her intervention!
She helped me get the help that I needed,
and she brought a bit of sunshine, into my dark and shaded world.
I miss her, and love her dearly.
I am greatful to her, and to all she has done for me!

I live, because she never once gave up on me when others did.
This R A I N B O W is for my dearest friend, Rheana.

Nicki's Heavenly Haven!

One day my teacher told us that we had to do a report.
I picked to do rainbows.
As soon as I got home, I asked my mom to take me to the library right away
because I was so interested to learn about rainbows.

The first book I looked in had an experiment that I could do to make a rainbow.
So quickly I got the supplies and....I made a rainbow!!!!
It was beautiful!!!
I took many, many pictures.

I will never forget the day I made and saw a rainbow.

--F.W. 12 Year-Old Female from Illinois--

Once, long, long ago, the world was entirely in black and white. No other colors could be seen anywhere. God could see colors though and wanted His people to see them too.

So He sent a little angel named Molly out with a paintbrush
and cans of all the different colored paints to color the world.

Molly started painting but she got tired quickly and laid down to take a nap. When God saw that she was sleeping, He was very angry and created a huge thunderclap. Molly awoke with a start and accidentally knocked over her paint cans. The paint spilled in streaks of red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet, making a rainbow in the air.

Even though God was mad, He thought the rainbow was pretty,
so He tucked it away in the clouds for safe keeping.

Now, whenever it rains and becomes gloomy looking in the skies,
God pulls out His rainbow to cheer Himself up.

--S.A. 17 Year-Old Female from Indiana--
The Brock Family Page!

As I find the world around me becoming more and more complex
with too many worries and responsibilities, I feel overwelmed.

But just as I feel really stressed, I take some time to.....

sit next to a cool creek,
watch the birds fly by or
stare up into the clouds for a rainbow.

Nothing seems to worry me anymore.

--B.M. from Northern California--

A while ago my boyfriend and myself were walking around a beach near our home and there had been a sun shower and a beautiful rainbow over the beach. I was looking at it when my boyfriend had a seizure and fell to the ground. I screamd and panicked. I looked back up at the rainbow for what seemed like hours but was only seconds.

I then felt as though something had changed. I became calm and remembered the training myself and anyone else close to Eric (my boyfriend) had taken.

I feel if it weren't for that rainbow I wouldn't have ever calmed down enough to help him.

Now every time I see a rainbow,

I call Eric and we go for a walk on the beach.

--C.B. 19 Year-Old Female from Canada--
Tito's Jazz Hole!

The other day my son had to have surgery. I was so scared and nervous.
When I got to the hospital, I saw two rainbows.
One on top of the other. It was so beautiful.
It gave me the strength to make it through the day.

Heather's Freebie Links!!

Once upon a time I was so depressed,
I felt like someone had sucked out all the colors of my rainbow.
The world was dark, gloomy, and felt only evil.
I had to find my c o l o r s to feel love again.

So, I sought out the smile of a friend.
I listened for the laughter of children.
I held a newborn baby.
I smelled a bouquet of daisies.

And little by little, as I sought out the goodness in Life,
I found that the COLORS OF MY RAINBOW had never really left;
they were just hidden among storm clouds of hurt and anger and every harmful emotion.

They were set free when I sought love instead.

--RESA--35 year-old female from Florida--

I try to create r a i n b o w s for eveyone I meet everyday.
I don't have any specific story, but I find that simple acts of kindness,
such as opening a door for someone or cheerfully saying good morning
is a wonderful way to brighten people up.

I work in a hotel and I try to answer yes to every request placed on me
and then fulfill my promise.
I find that simply doing my job without argument and without complaint
has made me a happier person
and the light I give helps brighten those around me.

--A RainbowCreator from North Bend, Washington--

My husband and I had just signed papers to purchase our 1st home. The previous owners were building their own home a few miles away. It was after a rain storm. We were at the house, looking out at the beautiful view and there in the sky were 2 R A I N B O W S !
A full one for our house and a partial one, right under it, for the one being built.

It was a sign that this was truly the home for us.

We called our place Rainbow Ridge Ranch.
Later,we started a small vending business called R a i n b o w - V e n d i n G ,
which is doing well.
I am in the process of creating my own web page with links to R a i n b o w s
and hope to link to this one too.
Wish everyone could have a R A I N B O W day everyday:)

--A Couple of RainbowCreators from Washington State--

I love this story, though no rainbow plays a part.
Perhaps there was one shining in the heart of the hero of the story:

A person was walking on a beach one early morning when he saw another person doing what appeared to be a peculiar dance along the shore. Approaching closer, he saw the person was actually throwing starfish, one after another, back into the surf from hundreds of drying and dying starfish which had washed up on the shore during high tide. "Why bother?" said the first person, "There are so many, what difference can you make?" The second person picked up yet another starfish and flung it far into the waves, saving it from the sun's burning rays. "I made a difference to that one", he replied.

Meaning, even the littlest of act that we may do to help another or to promote peace on earth truly makes a difference. Rainbows can shine from within when you let the light energy flow through you and glow upon others.


--A RainbowCreator--

"More RainbowCreating Stories"

"Even More RainbowCreating Stories!"

"Still More RainbowCreating Stories!"

"Still More RainbowCreating Stories!"

"More RainbowCreating Stories!"

"And Yet, More RainbowCreating Stories!"

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