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Rainbow Creating Stories Part 2

I feel that I create a rainbow everyday! :) If I have more than I need of something, I usually will share it. Like everyday, I will give someone a piece of gum if I have more than one piece. I will borrow someone a pen or pencil. And most importantly I give compliments to people that deserve them. I LOVE to see smiles on their faces! I also, say "Hi" to almost everyone I see. And if they don't say hi back, sometimes I feel a little disappointed, but most people do say hi back! That makes me feel even better!

--15 Year-Old Female from Minnesota--

I work in daycares and preschools and do not get paid.
I'm a peer mediator.

--17 Year-Old Female from Ohio--

I have been writing to inmates in prison for about 3 years. I have met some wonderful people who have just made a mistake in their life and are now paying for it. It doesn't take much to send a rainbow to someone who doesn't see them very often. I would appreciate it if you feel like you could send a rainbow to some one in need by snail mail, email me for a name and address. A few words of encouragement is all it takes to bring a rainbow to someones life. Thanks so much.
--R.W. 36 Year-Old Female, Utah--

I love rainbows....for what is a world without color?

Shiver Me Timbers!!

One day during a conversation with a co-worker we were discussing the power of prayer. She had asked me to help her pray for a specific need in her life. I prayed that afternoon for her and on my way home right in front of me in the sky was not one but two beautiful rainbows. I took this as a positive sign!
--A 40 Year-Old Female from Missouri--

I create rainbows every day by being who I am and shareing this with others. I want everyone to know how beautiful they can be, and that they too can create rainbows every day just by looking deep inside yourself and finding out who you really are.

We received word this year that information we have sent to the International Indian Treaty Council has been useful to them in their human rights interventions at the United Nations. For the Childen of Seven Generations From Now.
--A RainbowCreator--
Sacred Child of the Earth!!

I was at a soccer practise and I was distracted by my breath. When I blew out my mouth towards the lights I could see a rainbow in my breath. It was cool.
--A RainbowCreator--
Spunky-boy's Web Site!!

SEEKING RAINBOWCREATIVE COUPLE AVAILABLE TO ADOPT (one person must be 1/8 native american) My grandchildren, Clinton and Laynie spent 80% of their waking life in a bedroom full of soiled blankets, soiled days old diapers, and dirty dishes complete with days old food until February 14th 1996 when I took them to the Cherokee Nation to protect them from their parents mind-boggling neglect. The Cherokee Nation put the children's parents on a 90 day program to learn new parenting skills, get jobs, etc. A year later they haven't completed the program. Cherokee Nation will soon terminate parental rights. They tell me, it is unlikely that I can get the children because I raised their mother.

I am trying to adopt them myself and I am also seeking a couple that would like to adopt two small children. At least one person in the couple must be at least one quarter indian and have a c.d.i.b. card to prove it. I am seeking a couple who would like to be a RainbowCreating story that starts with my grandchildren and ends with a happy family. Is anyone out there? -

It would be great too if you would allow me visitation. It is not necessary, it is only extremely important.

Please visit my site and check out the problem solving formula... I wrote it two years ago and it was apparently a gift from God.... It has been a bridge of strength for me through this very difficult time. Everyone feel free to download it for desktop wallpaper and use it with your own problems if you'd like. It was a gift. I want to share it.

--L.M. 44 Year-Old Female from Oklahoma--
A Fellow RainbowCreator's Peaceful Site!!

I share my meger talent for art with others.
Specifically, I create custom banners for anyone who asks.

--A RainbowCreator--
Free Custom Banners!!

I've been through a lot in my little lifetime... (haven't we all) But when I needed someone to talk to, someone to unload upon, or even cunsult, there was no one. I have tried and I am close to succeeding to being that person. My new challenge is the net. We all need someone to be there for us when we fall, whether we fall from a step or a mountain high ladder. I am trying to be the person that each and every soul, both on the net and in real life, can rely on. Rainbows are a very beautiful thing, So why not create as many as we can?
--J.M. from Missouri, USA--
J.M.'s Web Site!!

I would just like to say thanks for all the prayers for my grandpa and myself. Even though I don't know all of them outside of the web, its nice to know that I still have friends out there.
--C.P. from the Midwest--
C.P.'s Web Site!!

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