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Rainbow Creating Stories Part 4!

I try to create rainbows by keeping His love in mind
and sharing it with others in my life,
without being pushy.
For example, I recently talked someone out of committing suicide
who had posted a message of desperation to a newsgroup.

--A RainbowCreator!--
Antique Sterling Silver!

After a long evening of shopping, I was returning home in the car with my children.
A terrible thunderstorm had just swept through our town and my children and myself were tired, grouchy, and irritable.
The children were arguing and I was losing my patience with them,
when we happened to look out the car window and saw a beautiful rainbow.

We stopped the car to admire the brilliant colors,
when another rainbow appeared above the first rainbow.
Our hearts were filled with wonder and calmness and
we became joyful instead of irritable.
We rushed home to get the camera and took a picture of the 2 rainbows.

Now whenever I start to feel stressful or impatient because of petty everyday annoyances,
I look at that beautiful picture and am reminded of

God's great promises for us and my many blessings.


One day my teacher told us that we had to do a report. I picked to do rainbows.
As soon as I got home, I asked my mom to take me to the library right away because
I was so interested to learn about rainbows.
The first book I looked in had an experiment that I could do to make a rainbow,
so quickly I got the supplies and....I made a rainbow!!!!
It was beautiful!!! I took many, many pictures.
I will never forget the day I made and saw a rainbow.

--F.W. a 12 Year-Old Female from Illinois!--

My car broke done on the interstate on a strech of road in the middle between cities.
A truck driver pulled over after I had started walking.
As soon as I get into his cab, I saw a well thumbed Bible on the Dash.

I knew then that God had sent an angel to me.

He offered to take me to the nearest exit for a phone and then he volunteered
to take me anywhere I would need to find a mechanic or a tow truck.
His name was Curtis. At the first stop we made, I found a phone and received help.
I thanked him and shook his hand.
I said it was mighty nice of him to be willing to do all this.
He said "he always stops at this time and gives thanks for the Lord's blessing,
so it wasn't out of his way".

But it sure was a blessing to me.

--R.M. a 45 Year-Old Male from Ohio!--

Things were going bad on a particular day in my life--nothing really bad,
more frustrations than ill. Anyway, I was feeling low.
I turned on my computer to check my e-mail and found that from out of the blue,
a good friend of mine had sent me a virtual "thinking of you" postcard.
I had not seen nor talked to this friend in a long time,
so her greeting was so much finer.

It made my day!!!

--A RainbowCreator!--

I met a man when my life seemed so bleak.
I was going though a divorce and raising two children.
Then I found I had cancer.
My friend took care of me and my children.
He paid my bills and bought my kids christmas gifts when I had no money.

Four years later I realized how special he had become to me and my whole family.
He has always been there to help any member of my family, parents, sis, brother, etc.
He has become the rainbow in all of our lives.

My youngest daughter and her husband shared the wonderful experience with this man and me of watching our first grandson being born.
Then later they named our second grandson after him and my father.

He is my husband, best friend, rainbow maker!
I would never have made it with out him and God.


My story is about when I had to have breast surgery.
My neighbor being who she is, came to my house,
gave me encouragement and helped with everything.
I was out of order for at least a week but, that didn't stop her.
When I finally found out the results of the biopsy. She was there again.

What a Great friend!!!!!


I try to do acts of kindness everyday if I can.
I like to help my family a great deal.
My grandmother had surgery on her hip last summer.
I stayed with her several days over several weeks to help her out.
I enjoy helping her.

A couple of months ago, she returned the random act of kindness.
I had just come home from college. She knew that I was low on money.
She gave me a $100 check to use for emergencies.
It meant a lot to me that she cared about me enough to give me so much money.
The money was put to good use and it helped me out a lot.

--C.B. from Centralia, Illinois!--

It was three winters ago, a bitterly cold night with a foot of snow on the ground, right before Christmas. I was driving home from work, on the interstate, my four-month-old son asleep in his carseat. I noticed my heater started blowing out cool air. My husband had replaced the thermostat in the car few days earlier, so I immediately thought the new thermostat must have had a defect and continued driving with the heater off. Well, what truly happened was the freeze plug on my engine block popped off (not supposed to happen, but it did!) and I was leaking antifreeze until there was none left!

A lady was following me, blinking her bright beams on and off, on and off, as she watched the smoke billow from underneath my car while my engine overheated. I still was unaware what was going on with my car and thought the driver behind me was just in a hurry and wanted me to pull out of the "fast" lane. As I pulled over into the right lane, that's when I noticed I was starting to lose engine power and realized the person blinking their lights was trying to tell me something was wrong. I pulled over to the shoulder just as my engine died and the woman did the same. She came racing up to my car before I even had a chance to roll down the window . . .

"Smoke has been pouring out from underneath your car for the last two miles!!! I kept trying to blink my lights to get your attention . . . I couldn't just drive past you! I saw you had an infant carseat with you and I wasn't about to leave you stranded with your baby!"

Of course, my car was completely dead. So she offered to drive me home, so I could get my son into the warmth of our house before I started to deal with my car problem. I told her if she could just take me to the next exit to the convenience store, I could make a phone call and have my husband come pick us up. NO WAY! She wouldn't hear of it! She was taking the two of us home. It was much too bitter of a night, she had a two-year- old at home and she knew a mother's concern for her baby! I interrupted to tell her I lived another 15 miles through rush hour traffic (she, on the other hand, was almost home!), but she insisted on taking us all the way home.

She drove us to our front door, helped me get my son's car seat out of her car. I tried to give her some money, at least to pay for the gas she used to go so far out of her way, but she refused. Then she was off . . .

I felt, and still do to this day, like Santa, Jesus and the whole Christmas gang had
delivered my present a little early that year.

I got a guardian angel to make sure
my son was warm and safe with his mommy that winter!

--J.S.T., A 30 Year-Old Female from Kansas City, Missouri!--

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