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Rainbow Creating Stories Part 6!

Everyday, I get letters from people that are in chronic pain.
Although, I too am a patient, I take the time to talk to these people,
knowing the pain and loneliness they are feeling.

I also provide a website with links to help them.

--A RainbowCreator!!--
You Are Not Alone!

This past Christmas, my family were suprised to find a police office at our door.
My wife has recently became disabled and my income was not enough to have a decent Christmas for our son.
Well, the officer told me that he had something in the car for us.
We looked out and it was loaded to the hilt full of Christmas presents!
Someone who knew of our situation must have told the police
and they have a program that helps needy families at Christmas time.
My son, as well as, my wife and myself had a fabulous Christmas
because of someone's caring.


One day I was feeling so down I was thinking of ending my life
and I looked up in the sky and saw a double rainbow.
Then, I heard the Lord say to me...

Lynn, I know your pain...
I know how much you love rainbows...
I wanted to show this to you to let you know...
I love you and I care about your pain.

--L.W. A 43 Year-Old Female from Southern Virginia!!--

I love watching rainbows.

God promised no more floods when He sent the rainbow.


I think rainbows are beautiful!


I do a lot of volunteer work and meet a lot of people.
When one of the people I deal with is feeling down,
I do funny things like tell really embellished stories about my life
that is often about the same thing that is bothering them or
I send them a "guess who" card to take their mind off their troubles.
Also, often there are little chores I can do for them or
I tell them I need their advice so they will feel important.

Often elderly people are just lonely and need to feel needed and I like helping them.


I have just moved away from all of my friends,
because of a job transfer my husband had to take.
I have been really lonely and down.

I have made a real nice friend over the internet,
who helps boost my moods when I am down.
She is always sending me really nice uplifting poems, short stories, and jokes.

You know what she really does?

She puts a smile on my face.

I am so lucky that I have found a good friend
over the internet.


I made one to entertain my little cousins and it worked!

Easter Sunday my husband and son were in Nebraska visiting my dying father in law.
It had rained and as I looked out the window,
there was a huge rainbow.
It was the brightest I have ever seen.
This was at about the same time that my father in law passed away.
I like to think that even though I wasn't with him,
this was his way of saying goodbye to me.


The act of kindness I would like to tell you about, has to do with my husband.
He left a career in the army so he could go to school to be a nurse.
The reason why he wanted to become a nurse was
so that he could insure the futures of our three boys...
So they could go to college and become sombody and make something of them selves.

My husband has taken 4 years to become a registered nurse.
He will be going back to school in the fall to get his bachelor's degree.
We have all worked as a family to make this happen
But my husband has done the kindest thing he could do for our children and my self
by going to school and making a difference for us.

That is the kindest act anyone has every done for us!

We love and thank him for this very much.


When it snows I always think of my grandpa, who passed in December of 1996.
He always told me to "drive slow and you can get anywhere you want in the snow."
It makes me feel closer to him to see the snow.
It is a connection I will always have with him.
His advice was always simple and basic, but wise.


When my son was 2 years old, he was asking his father what the bone on his foot was.
He explained to him that it was called an ankle.
Nothing else was said about it.
Then later on, we were all at the store and my son was sitting in the shopping cart.
He bent over and bumped the bridge of his nose on the cart handle.
As he was crying and rubbing his nose (which had a little knot on it now),
he said, "now I have an ankle on my nose!"
My husband and I couldn't help but to laugh.

Our children are our little rainbows that...
light up our lives daily.

Thanks for letting me share my story.

--T.H. a 25 Year-Old Female from Alaska!--

I was heading home from a concert with some of my friends.
It had been drizzling & we were all in a kind of bad mood.
Then out in front of us, sprang out the lovliest rainbow you have ever seen!


Everyday is a new opportunity to create a rainbow...
For ourselves and others!


One day I decided to learn more about the Holocost.
So I went to the libray and read up on some things.
I then watched a documentory on it.
I found it very upsetting.
Now I feel no dicrimination against people who are different, in any way...
Let it be homosexuality, race, or religlion...

I feel like I am One with the World !


When you see a rainbow, you're reminded of the beauty of nature.
So, in creating a rainbow, you've contributed to nature.


Rainbows give me hope !!

I will always follow a rainbow to find its origins.


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