two cats


Timna & Woosel's HomePage!

Timna & Woosel

Purrs! Weez are so excited! Mommie iz twyin' to make us our own web page. She's not doin so hot, but weez keep urgin' hers on.

Ours names is Timna and Woosel. Weez sisters! Weez got a sorta bad start in life. Our real mommie borned us in a drainage ditch. Itz was very cold and very wet. Shes went away when weez was jus 3 days old. Weez tink she needed food. Anyways, shes got hit by a car an went over some sorta bridge.

Weez was very scared an started mewin'an mewin' loud as weez could! A man finally hearded us and pulled us out one by one. (Der was five of us in all) He's was scareded too, though. Weez was so-o-o small and hes didn't know what to do. So he called da Animal Rescue League (ARL). Dey takes care of sitwuations like ours! Weez went home wif a nice man and lady who fed us out of a bottle, and kep us warm. It was an O.K. life, weez guess.

But den, one day weez got taken in dis boxy ting to a big store dat was full wif kitties an doggies an effurryting! Weez was scared all ofurr again. Den dis lady an man come up to our cage an asked who weez was. Dey helded us, an petted us, an snuggled us. An man, did dat man knows how to scratch! Anyways, weez got "picked" ta go home wiff dem. Weez got adopted!! An dats how our lives gots started!

brown paws line

kitties thinking
rainbow paws

Timna's Mews
Woosel's Mews
Mommie's Garden
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Site Credits
In Memory of Skuzzy
We're Purple Martin Landlords!
Come See Our Playroom!
Reflections of Nature
Da Newest Mews!

paw line

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running white kitty

Two cats can live as cheaply as one, and their owner will have twice the fun!

Kitties haf "hung" out wif us since 2/24/98

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Meowsketeers Timna and Woosel
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    Last updated: 2/10/00