The Newsie Fan Fiction Collection

Owned and Operated by Buttons and Flash

6 / 24 You Want an Update? Here's Your Update. 6 / 35

Sound Du Jour : "Well, damn the man!" --Lucas, Empire Records. Courtesy
of The Movie Sounds Page

You are Newsie Fan # to "grace" this Collection with your
presense since June 3, 1997!! (no, I don't know what's up
with the counter. *g*)

In 1899, the streets of New York City echoed with the
voices of newsies. Peddlin' the newspapers of Joseph
Pulitzer, William Randolph Hearst, and other giants of the newspaper
world. On every corner you saw 'em carryin' the banner, bringin'
you the news for a penny a pape. Poor orphans and
runaways, the newsies were a ragged army, without a leader. Until
one day, all that changed....

This is how our favorite movie, NEWSIES, begins. It's tale we
love, a tale of courage, a tale of hope, a tale
of faith in the little guy who's maybe not so little
when he has a dream. Of course, we love this story
the way it was told, but we all have that little
voice inside goin' "Hey! What would happen if...?" A daring few
of us have listened to it and written some pretty kick
ass stories of our own, based on the fact and fiction

I urge all you NEWSIE fans out there to get your
own brains working, find inspiration in our tales, and write your
own, but if you do write a story, try to make
it realistic and true to the characters. This is your chance!
Center the story around your fave character, be creative! This is
your shot...

But anywayz, here are the stories. Enjoy!

But wait! How do I submit one of my own stories?

**last updated the afternoon of Sun. Apr. 12**

The Stories

Fan Fic Series : 1

Completed Works :

More Completed Works : 1

Works in Progress : 1


The Bulletin Board : Check here for all the latest news concerning
the page and the Newsies community!

Write Your Heart Out : The Collection's first monthly contest! With one
theme featured every two months or so, a contest will be
held for the best story submitted that follows the theme! This

The Academy1896 Awards : A monthly event with all the glitz and
glamour of the real Academy Awards! Okay, so maybe not, but
they're very spiffy. Very black-tie.

Quotable Quotes : Quotes from all your fav actors from newsies (i.e.
Christian, Aaron, Max, etc.). Click away and learn important info such
as who gave Christian his first kiss.

: A tribute to the late Chris
Farley composed by Buttons

For September

Please, sign The Banner
and tell me how you dig the
stories and the overall page. Or, you can just check out
The Banner!

Check the groovy graphic! Compliments of Jason at Snipe's Newsie Page

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