Steven Alan Levin

S/V Mystic Moon, registered Cork, Eire

Summary of Qualifications

  • acted, stage managed, directed and cast
  • improvised extensively
  • written originally and adaptingly for stage and screen
  • filmed and edited
  • collaborated and originated in the creation of music and lyrics
  • consulted, originated, formatted, treatmented, customized, and coached
  • taught
  • planned, evaluated, and helped the 'piloting' of many projects:

Ace Ventura Pet Detective The Nanny
Scent of a Woman Seinfeld
Dangerous Minds Friends
MaverickIn The House
Last Emperor, Unforgiven, Sabrina etc.

Mad About You and Fresh Prince of Belaire
Songs on the Album "Born For Trouble" Murphy Brown Law and Order
Some material for THE GYPSIE KINGS

Copyrighted Material

  • **TOO TOO TOOTSIE** aka UNCLE SAMMY, AUNTIE EVE and several other useable titles -quite possibly also: THE RETURN OF MICHAEL DORSEY, THE MAN!

    Conceived and written for stage and screen. Versions feature each of the sexes.

    Sent to Idit Naaman at Yediot Aharonot and to The Habima Theater in Israel. Translations agreement with Idit. A publication agreement with Chabad New Orlean's Zelig Rivkin. If you mean good business: _____ _____ _____ Day-Time Drama and Radio Rights available for all product's. Some stage play rights available. Handshake deal with D. Hoffman for tv sequel rights. Some participation in media product's possible.


    Big deal cinema caper extravaganza. Contact Barrister Robert Floyd in Cannes, France - he may not admit that Delene Stevenson was entrusted with the story. Sean Connery and Jack Valenti heard a bit about it before it was writ. The great Israeli composer and musician Shmuel Levi apparently caught wind of it too (ref. 88/89 Eilat Jazz fete). Some of his compositions sounded tailor made.


    Not quite as might be expected. About three people intending to marry. Each other. Together. A "middle-class " family teaser. With the help of an Eastern Mediterranean law partnership they cross desert and ocean to get a long delayed legal bill on a tropical island. It's a pita and houmus Middle Eastern -a noodle Eastern -an oceanic delight. It's a quasi- heroic adventure. Something to criticize constructively. MHH - On the edge of expectations. For the screen and possibly the stage.


    A middle-aged, childless couple decides to fake their funerals a few times in different communities to get emotional attachment to potential heirs. Of ethnic proportions. For stage and screen.


    A wife files a lawsuit against herself for insufficient righteous/charitable behavior in her neglectful husband's court. For stage and screen.


    The lives of owners and patrons of a small suburban restaurant are transformed when out-of-this world travellers beam ahead intergallactic culinary delights along with equipment necessary for their survival on earth.

  • XB 1 - XB 2

    The threat of bio-terror along with various suicidal and other ill-conceived attacks precipitates a clever pre-emptive bio-counter-terrorist action authorized by a secretive international committee. But one heroic biologist, kept out of the loop because of moral and ethical objections to the project, discovers a flaw in the plan that means world-wide devastation will result. Unless ...


    Done in answer to a request for low budget action sci-fi on a known theme.

    Hi-Tech design Engineer and special reservist, Frank o'Connor, is called to alien enclave, AREA 51, where top secrets are kept and some evil lurks. His son has a probing curiosity into such matters. In the act of resolving some 'internal political problems,' Frank believes his son has been kidnapped by area forces.

    Hoping for an exchange, he takes an alien and one of its hosting, collaborating government officials as prisoners.

    When he learns that his son was not taken, he knows he must act according to higher principles. But that isn't at all simple under the circumstances.

    Just before he can resolve his problems, his wife and son are abducted by some of those to whom Frank must return his captives. They want an exchange, just as Frank did. However he has discovered too much. He must rescue his wife and son and avoid capture or, even worse, permanent silencing. In the meantime he has prisoners he wants to exchange.

  • **Aaron and Moses**

    It's about kids' ideas for a film specifically about the ten commandments that should "out-compete" the Cecil B. DeMille Hollywood epic Ten Commandmants by actually being about the commandments; their family life; and their stand-up comedian father's attempts to help them.

  • stories and poems

  • essays, promotion, business development plans, marketing and advertising bumpf -especially for TOO TOO TOOTSIE ...etc....

**For copyrighted material please send enquiries to Schwartz and cc Levin.**

Education Credits

University of California at Santa Barbara -special summer program for high school students -studied acting and philosophy

University of California at Los Angeles -summer theater program

Provincetown Playhouse Summer Stock

Stanford University, B. A. degree, Speech and Drama -Acting and Directing -specialty improvisation (Spolin) -graduate courses and substitute instructor for acting -represented undergraduates in department matters and department in university matters -Assistant Director Stanford Repertory Theater -Director of Stage Productions for Department of Speech and Drama and Stanford Repertory Theater -improv. coach -studied with teachers from LAMDA and BBC, The National Greek Theater, Broadway, Habima, Julliard, European Theater and Cinema, London West End, Opera Companies in the United States in addition to others from Stanford.

The Ohio State University, Graduate Fellow, Theater Arts -studied and wrote for theater, film and tv -acted -taught theater classes -directed stage productions

Mesa Community College -studied engineering, physics, calculus while acting at Scottsdale Dinner theater.

World Union of Jewish Students during wait to enter US Navy

University of Guam -department of education

Department of Education,Guam -Gifted and Talented Program drama teacher for the island's high schools

Other Credits

US Navy -seconded to JAG corp

Moon Marine Ltd., Sole Proprietor

US Coast Guard Licensed Merchant Marine Master Operator

Visited 60+ Countries

Other Languages

French spoken and written. Some Hebrew. Some Latin. A little Russian. A little Yiddish. A smattering of others.


Stanford University

Sigourney Weaver re: The Birds, University Follies, A Rose Bowl Interlude, etc.

Video taping at CBS HQ circa '82 Hon. Phd.s Tootsie info'tertial.

Lee Gottsegen/Dusty Hoffman, Punch Productions, NY re: Tootsie

Sydney Pollack/Jeff Stiers, Mirage Enterprises, LA re: Tootsie etc.

Connie Chung -from LA CBS days- re: Scent of a Woman

Puerto Jose Banus, Spain 'engagement party' gathering '87

Rita Moreno, Bill Cosby, Candice Bergen, Jack Valenti, Paul Newman, the six Friends friends, Micheline and Sean Connery

re: Maverick, Murphy Brown, Friends, etc

Michael Reidy
ex Director, Department of Education, Guam and ex Director, Government of Guam
brother of Joe Reidy, Assistant Director TOOTSIE.


Professor Robert Louis Schwartz

University of New Mexico School of Law

Stanford N. E.

Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87131

tel: (505) 277 3119

fax: (505) 277 0068

Steve Levin

P. O. B. 8201


GU, USA, 96928

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