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Be CareFul The Murderer Could Be Anywhere

Where Can He Be Hiding?

The sleepy little town of Woodsboro just woke up screaming. There's a killer in their midst who's seen a few too many scary movies. Suddenly, nobody is safe, as the psychopath stalks victims, taunts them with trivia questions, then rips them to bloody shreds. It could be anybody... Sidney, the quiet high school beauty with an ugly past... Billy, her faithful boyfriend with a frustrated sex life... Tatum, her cute best friend with a answer for everything... Casey, the lovely blonde who knows her thrillers... Geeky Randy, the scary movie fanatic... Stuart, the wild partier... Gale, the overeager TV reporter... even Dewey, the syrupy-sweet police officer. The only hope is to stay one step ahead of this crazed slasher--know your trivia. The clues are there; are you good enought to see them?

My Opinion: When first hearing of the movie I thought that it may be quite corny! But after seeing it, I did nothing but watch it non-stop...I go through withdrawels, if i dont see the movie, something about it...just anything witht the word scream on it. Im going on my 16 time seeing the movie, and it just gets better every time. I think im going insane...but you no what! Who Cares!! !

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Think you know about the movie? Try Some Trivia!! Just click on the picture!

What's Up With The Sequal?!
Thats right you heard it here folks! The sequal will be realeased
December 12, 1997

It will not be called "Scream Again" like most people were saying. Instead it is going to be "Scream- The Sequal. Original eh? If you want to no more about the sequal, like what it is going to be about, go here.....Great STUFF and Scream2 Cast List!!!!

Click here!

Serial Killers In The Movies
You've seen it all. Jason, Michael Myers, Freddy, Copycats, and even Cannibals. These killers protray real life type events, through the action of the screen. Thier trademarks, thier memories. Check out the cool scenario, and killer bio's, in the "killer page!".
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Page created July 27th, 1997! Last updated August 8th, 1997!

people have been Spooked at this sight since July 27, 1997.....

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